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Everything posted by Sonic_Groove

  1. Just Discovered Yolanda had one "back in the day" <Edit> I just remembered I saw Her on TV with it with The Communards it was a loverly Tobacco burst colour! Didn't know who She was at the time!
  2. Just Reformed -- Animal Logic
  3. More Greg Harewood Great Jamerson like Bass Playing
  4. Time Travel >>>> Carnaby Street 1967 !! 🤣
  5. LOL Mine doesn't get out much nowadays. Got other basses for the general grind. Jaydee still records great & is great to play though
  6. Vintage 1986 ❤️
  7. Got in a Rabbit Hole which included this...
  8. Above Made Me Revisit the Original.
  9. There is an outtake on one of the OGWT videos where Edwin from Orange Juice explains how they did “Rip it up” (303 in studio) live & they used very similar effects on the bass as you
  10. Yes a Great bit of Alan Spenner, Youtube of track below (Not live because Roxy didn't usually use the studio bassist on tour (Cost?) I also Like all the John Gustafson Albums
  11. Thanks Doddy 👍🏼. Typical Roxy the Bass makes their songs & they don't normally credit them!!
  12. Thanks lowdown. I found same videos on Youtube. But don't know who it is?
  13. Who is it playing Bass on this tour?
  14. Wow He seems to have a Whammy Bar on it!!! Bet that's light!!!
  15. Wow -- Forgot Brandi Wynne - Ozric Tentacles
  16. Ray & Les Paul!! Well that "Gal" doesn't fly the "got to play light basses" mantra!!! LOL 😂
  17. Not sure it is that simple S'manth, I been on a few Acoustic Guitar schools & weekends & there are not really many females take part (even though some of the tutors are female). So don't know? Also as a short bottom guy with not very big hands I myself have usually played very big heavy basses including 6 strings didn't ever put me off. It's probably also to do with the fact that playing in a band on the local circuit can be a complete PITA & can be as mentioned sometimes seem very "Blokey"
  18. I would offer that a genre with a reasonable amount of great female Bass players is Punk/New Wave (what ever you want to name it) from 1977 onwards. A few notables for 70's into 80's (there are many more): Gaye Advert (The Adverts), Tessa Pollitt (The Slits), Sara Lee (Gang of Four, PIL, Rob Fripp),Julianne Regan (Gene Loves Jezebel, later Vocals All about Eve), Cait O'Riordan (Pogues), Jackie Fox & Joan Jett {Bass '77}(Runaways) Later notables include: D'arcy Wretzky (Smashing Pumpkins), Annie Holland ( Elastica), Tracy Wormworth (Waitresses, B-52's)
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