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Everything posted by Sonic_Groove

  1. You can actually use them on a regular Acoustic Guitar with regular strings. But it's different and You need to pre-excite the string (bending, vibrato, a slide or whatever) & like bigredx said for Bass it's not as essay or fluid as on an Electric guitar
  2. Have a listen to how John Entwistle, Chris Squire, Colin Hodgkinson etc, did it. Do Your follow the chords bit but sometimes arpeggiate & Sometimes play counterpoint to the lead. Work with Your drummer to make a full sound without Guitar & Vocals. Then they add the "Fairy Dust" !! Edit: Plus what ezbass & doctorJ said -- Full sound & used the space as dynamic
  3. Have You tried Award Session? http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.php
  4. Usually a P-Bass with Rotosound Black Nylons
  5. Roadies aren't bolt-on same construction just without some of the binding. Everyone I've tried sound similar to My Series 2 even one that had the black covered pickups Edit and no laminated neck B
  6. Always Fancied the Saturn inlays -- Nice One
  7. My bad reading LOL 👍🏼 But for Me if I tried E to F it would be 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100 not sure if one company would offer that set
  8. I'm sure it said "Hi Tension" a minute ago! Lol 😀 But Yes quite light
  9. Mark's Original DI'd
  10. Never had that trouble with any of mine. Even the Kingbass sounds deep & growls (I use heavier string than most though). I find The mid boost can get close to the JD growl but My JD has a better woody mid range & growl (Probably as heavy as the S2 6 though!) B
  11. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Good People over the Pond
  12. These two came up one after the other on the iPod (old School!) whilst I was Turbo Training today (even older School!!). I think they are a perfect fit!!!
  13. I've got a S2 6 string Classic Cocobolo over Mahogany with Graphite through neck which is on the heavy side (still around 5 kilo so not to bad for a 6) & a S1 6 Classic Swamp Ash with Graphite bolt on that only weight just under 4 kilo. However the S1 has some neck dive as the neck pulls down the light body. So yeah guess Graphite is probably just as heavy as the hardwoods. Sound great though!!
  14. Oh Yeah agree with that. I will sign Your change.org petition to get JD to make a 6 string Calibas that weighs 3.5 kilos LOL 😄 That would be very nice...
  15. Think You mean the Celeste not the Calibas. But as others have said it's a small workshop not a factory they are fully busy already.
  16. OMG Fantastic "... I went back to the Doctor said Doctor please help Me..." If only GLWS
  17. Aye 👇 it's not crap it's Stuff!!! LOL 🤣
  18. Wow that's fantastic. Didn't know Sandberg did a 24 fret 6er. Enjoy!
  19. That's real tidy compared to some of mine! Draws full ...
  20. Gosh that Charts makes me feel old!
  21. Didn't know it was Graphite! Bugger I really want one now!!! 🤣 Kiwi I don't want to derail this thread but are there any pics of yours in another ?
  22. As it was "The Pirate Bass" from His pirate period 🙄 Probably 30 pieces of silver? !!! Lol 😂
  23. When I first started playing this was on TOP or OGWT to me at the time Greg was the epitome of "a bass player" I wanted the doggy pilot jacket the 8 string Alembic & everything (I think I thought I could sing like Greg then too!!!) Fortunately for me when I could afford the Flying Jacket I got a classic like Keith's -- And I have never seen a real Alembic 8 let alone tried one
  24. Is it Me? or is there some confusion going on here between "Playing a Bass Solo" and "Solo Bass"? Bass Solo -- Make the band/artist sound good the Groove is sacred Solo Bass -- Show Your Stuff
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