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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. Hi guys Anyone know of a good keys player for a new startup in Eastbourne? Just getting a band together, have drums, bass & guitar confirmed and a good vocalist hopefully lined up. Looking to play fun, funky music (think Stevie, Chaka, BNH, dance, disco, pop etc.) for kicks, not cash. Cheers
  2. Sold! Up for grabs is my very lovely "Stand made" Light Oak Classic Multi 3 x Guitar Stand. Hand made in Shropshire, these stands are built to the highest quality and design, using top quality materials. I bought this a few years ago and it's in great condition, having only two very annoying marks (one on the front one on the back), especially annoying is the one on the back, which I just did moving it for the pics 🙄 Standmades range has greatly expanded since I bought this one, so this exact size isn't available any more, the nearest to it that I can find on their site is the "suitable for 3 x acoustic guitars" one, but as you can see in the pics, 3 basses sit very nicely in it. This was over £200 new, so grab yourself a bargain! Here's a link to the Standmade website Dims are 480mm deep x 640mm wide x 910mm high Collection only from Eastbourne please. Please note, my loverly Sandbergs are for drool and display purposes only and are not included in the sale 😬 Any questions, please DM me. Cheers for looking.
  3. Thanks for that, this one has been on my todo list for a while 👍🏻
  4. Yep. As (potentially) is this one... £84+p&p at the moment! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223847072925
  5. Isn't this a bit like having someone who's shorter than you get into the driving seat of your car and telling you it's undrivable cos they can't quite reach the pedals?
  6. Ahhh I see, that makes sense, thanks 👍🏻
  7. Seems I'm locked out of "other musically related items for sale". Can you fix it for me please? Ta
  8. Can't help think he's inadvertently helped you dodge a bullet there. A truss shouldn't be that fragile should it? Seems it was gonna go at some point.
  9. I reckon if you pitched this to channel 5 you'd be offered a 5 episode run.
  10. Three. Hundred. Pounds. I particularly like that the "Volume and tone contols have been sealed off" but fear not, it "Plays and sounds great"... 😂
  11. Hmmm... The thing about Boy George was he deliberately dressed, wore makeup, wore his hair and sang in a way which presented as very feminine. People (and it wasn't just old farts, everyone was scratching their heads when Culture Club appeared on TV) being confused about his gender was exactly how he wanted people to react. So, getting the reaction he wanted doesn't make them prejudiced, it just proves his efforts at causing confusion worked. Likewise today, if someone's appearance is particularly androgynous and that individual makes no effort to present visual clues to their gender (or conversely, makes a concerted effort to ensure their gender is indistinct), I don't think it's fair to accuse people of being prejudicial and lacking development (especially those over 50s again). The point I was badly making about how things have changed now was that, with Boy George and other androgynous individuals, the confusion is completely understandable, in some cases even desired by the individual. However, with the increase in people just choosing their gender identity dependant on how they feel, the visual clues we all rely on (and that is an evolutionary trait) are completely invalidated. I (a 6ft 2", 16st beardered ex-rugby player) can identify as a female (and gain entry to female spaces) without changing anything about my appearance. That throws everything we thought we knew about gender identity, biology and prejudice right out the window.
  12. These days, one's gender identity is no longer defined by how you look or what your biological sex is. Assuming someone's gender identity is deeply frowned upon in certain circles. And if you dare suggest on social media that gender is linked to biological sex and cannot be changed, you can lose your job and have that decision upheld in court. I'm willing to bet Darwin didn't see this coming.
  13. Utter barstewards!! 😁 I can only use headphones over my left ear, using them over my right ear sets my tinnitus right off.
  14. Fair enough. I've read most of the posts on the thread and haven't really got that impression. To be completely honest, there's not much I can say about it. Some people viewed the show negatively, others positively. Ultimately, this thread has been set up for people to air their (my reading as) critical (your reading as negative) views of the show. I can't help but think, given the title of the thread and all, what did you expect. This is where we're talking at cross purposes, I'm trying to respond to and answer specific points, you're speaking more generally. Given the restrictions of the written word in this particular format (Internet forums), I've found that it's tricky enough to interpret exactly what people are saying even when interacting directly and addressing specific points and comments. Trying to infur meaning and tone from what someone thinks about what others have said, then trying to argue those points, is almost impossible and just leads to confusion and unnecessary disagreement. Life's too short 😁 That settles it. I need a sound bar for my telly!
  15. 👍🏻 In my view (for reasons laid out in previous posts), the criticism is valid and justified. I personally don't think I've slagged anyone off or have been crass so I'll politely decline to comment if you don't mind.
  16. Mate, you don't know the half of it...
  17. She's a graphic designer and a lot of the software doesn't run with older versions of iOS apparently 🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. I've asked the Mrs who's a Mac guru and, after clarifying it's a 2011 machine several times ("2011??... 2011???.... Are you sure its 2011???? What the hell still runs on it?????") has drawn a blank I'm afraid. She did say she would have used Norton utilities, but doesn't know if its still available for Mac.
  19. You work for the NHS, have you harvested all non-essential organs yet? Come on man, think! Do you really need both your eyes? There's a grand, maybe more of they're a nice colour. How much do kidneys fetch these days? £500? Keep the bass, sell an organ... 😬
  20. That's fine, I've not been making an argument about taste either. 👍🏻 I didn't watch the whole show (I exercised my right to watch something else, in this case, the local fireworks display on the pier), but from what I did see, Melanie, the 3 ladies (sorry, I don't know the name of their group) and La Roux all sounded (to my ear at least) either flat/pitchy or completely out of tune. Others were good, I liked the black lady who sung with Jools' band (who I agree, were excellent), Ruby was great (as always) and the Phonics were very polished. And of course, Rick is a legend and should be on TV every day! The only act who I disliked from a taste perspective was Stormzy, but that's just cos I don't like grime, but none of my criticism has been about him, his music or suitability for the show. I disagree about the mix though, in particular with La Roux, where the bassist and guitarist were inaudible on my TV. I've made a number of comments about where I think the show is falling down and where it could be improved, as have others. Oh, btw, you're making an argument about taste. I've made this point already, this is a thread specifically set up for people on the forum to dicuss the show. In the same way in which a number of commenters are emploring people to not watch it if they don't like it, that freedom is also extended to yourself if you don't like the content of a thread. Please highlight where I'm making an argument about taste. This is point #3 you're making about taste though... I'm aware that many things, when written, don't come across as intended. I'll be honest, this statement is one of those that really doesn't read or reflect well. Oh, it's also your 4th argument based on taste which you weren't going to do...
  21. Well, a good start would be don't book singers who can't sing anymore. After that... It's supposed to be a party show (NYE is the biggest party of the year after all), so maybe, just for one show, don't try to be all cool and edgy and instead get fun, funky party bands. Let the bands play a number of songs on the bounce (like a mini set), give them the opportunity to build up a head of steam and get the crowd really going. The constant switching from genre to genre crashes the flow, even the world's shittest DJ wouldn't plan a set list like that. Plan the night like a DJ set list, bulld the crowd up throughout the night, create a proper party in the studio, it will translate to the viewers at home. Stop the table hopping interviews, it just doesn't work. Maybe have a co-host setup in a corner of the studio, interviewing one guest at a time, prehaps with some prepared, interesting questions. Stop pretending its NYE. Everyone knows its prerecorded. Imho it harms the integrity of the show as well as the atmosphere in the studio. TV is fake enough as it is, adding another layer of blatent falsity does nothing except expect everyone to buy into a lie, which no-one does and, I feel, is a big reason why the show feels so forced.
  22. Aye, tis why I said socially acceptable 😉 Tbh, I've not seen much in the way of disliking the styles of music, but my own complaint was regarding the quality of the acts. In particular, the poor vocal performances from a number of the singers. It depends what people are criticising. The most common points raised seem to be aimed at production values, which isn't a surprise coming from a bunch of musicians who appreciate that sort of detail, and poor performances by specific artists. I can't help feel that's inevitable as musicians are more attuned to hear mistakes or bum notes, just like any specialist will see details most laypeople don't. Eg, a racing driver will spot the wrong racing line, a designer will notice poor alignment or layout etc.
  23. Ahh classic ageism, the last of the socially acceptable isms.
  24. It was a wide range of music, I agree. Everything is a personal point of view 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hope not, I just want to see it improve.
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