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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. Very kind!! Lemme look at pricing before I make my mind up, I'm on a saving spree atm ๐Ÿ˜’
  2. No worries fella, I'm sure there's something on YouTube I can listen too. I do like the sound of them though, are you using 100s or 105s?
  3. @Silvia Bluejay aye. Tbh, I don't mind the tension too much, they are medium tension though so may have been different to yours? I really just wanted to see how I felt about the difference from rw's and I quite like them, hense now thinking about them on my Sandberg.
  4. Any chance of a sound demo (in passive) please? I've fitted my first set to a P to try and really like them (they're Fenders though, bit cheaper) so am very tempted to put them on my TT too...
  5. Does it take batteries or is it mains powered? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  6. Ahh yeah, you've just reminded me, ones black, the others white. Pretty sure he did switch when I saw them last, he definitely had both on stage with him.
  7. ^^This^^ plus make sure the shop sets the bass up well for you. Most folks want low action, (action = the height of string from fretboard) and the lower the string, the less pressure is required to fret notes so is easier to play. Plus ^^this^^. If you don't know anybody, put a shout out on here and someone will be more than happy to help.
  8. I've seen Andrew Levy from the Brand New Heavies switch between a 4 string Jazz and a 5 string Warwick, although I imagine that's a tuning change as opposed to tone.
  9. Assuming you've followed the set up videos and still can't get the action as low as you'd like, the only option left is to shim the neck. I've just done this on my P bass and its very easy. Here's what I did, not saying this is gospel, but it worked for me. 1. Took the neck off the bass 2. Took a small piece of thin card (think business card etc) cut a bit shorter than the width of the neck longways and maybe a 2cm wide. Then folded in half. 3. Attached the bit of card to the heal of the neck about 1cm from the edge closest to the body with masking tape. 4. Carefully put the neck back on the body being careful not to overtighten the screws. 5. Restring, retune, check height. Bridge adjustment will probably be needed. 6. If happy, sort intonation and crack on. If not, whip the neck off and add/remove a thickness as required. Hope this helps. If not, you need to get your bass to a tech I'm afraid.
  10. Haha that's just typical isn't it!? I get it, not sure if I'll follow suit though, needs a bit of mulling. Tbh, I don't really rest on the pickups when I play (I've got a little thumb rest in the bridge position), so I probably won't bother, especially as it can affect the tone.
  11. Funnily enough, I've just put a set of Toneriders in my P and have noticed the exact same thing. I do love the tone though, but I am using flats on this one so the softer tone works well.
  12. I've shielded my P (cavity and rear of scratchplate) with the exception of around the jack (which is very snug so was shorting when touching the shielding). Even with that bit missing it's totally silent. Wasn't hard at all, just did it in stages cutting to size as needed. (pic before shielding around Jack removed).
  13. Doh, missed the comedy first time ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  14. "In general, sounds above 85 are harmful, depending on how long and how often you are exposed to them and whether you wear hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs. Harmful Noise Levels - My Health Alberta - Government of Alberta " With extended exposure, noises that reach a decibel level of 85 can cause permanent damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss." Dangerous Decibels ยป Noise Induced Hearing Loss The upper exposure action value is set at a daily or weekly average noise exposure of 85 dB, above which the employer is required to take reasonably practicable measures to reduce noise exposure, such as engineering controls or other technical measures. The use of hearing protection is also mandatory if the noise cannot be controlled by these measures, or while these measures are being planned or carried out. Finally there is an exposure limit value of 87 dB, above which no worker can be exposed (taking hearing protection into account). Noise: Frequently asked questions (FAQs) - HSE
  15. @MoJoKe thanks for the reply. All the comments regarding the volume have made me wonder, not so much about the visitors, but rather about the exibitors/staff who are subject to the noise for the whole weekend. I'm no expert, but as I understand it, anything over 85-90 for prolonged periods (maybe 8 hours) increases the risk of hearing damage. I haven't been to the show for the past 2 years, so have no skin in the game so to speak, but it has piqued my curiosity as to what the if the organisers views are on protecting those who are unable to escape.
  16. Out of interest, what was the average dB over the weekend?
  17. @mcnach did you try it in passive mode too?
  18. Hi all As per the title, I'm looking for recommendations for an adhesive to use to stick a wooden thumb rest directly to the guitar body (in the bridge pup position on a P), which is secure but can be removed without causing any damage or leaving a residue. A bit like a postit note but stronger. Cheers!
  19. Cheers Dunc Its currently in bits waiting for parts, think it's gonna be a beast when done ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป
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