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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. Two cats on a sloping roof. Which one slides off first? The one with the smallest μ. Sorry, thought you said mathematician jokes. S.P.
  2. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1442586244' post='2868021'] He has been doing that on TB frequently. Andy Field, the former chief engineer at Genz, has the parts stash and a shop set up for both warranty and non-warranty repairs. He goes by "Agedhorse" on Talkbass. [/quote] Jeff has mentioned in his AMA that he is planning to be more involved on basschat soon, so fingers crossed that might include performing a similar service over here. S.P.
  3. He says that the new amps are going to have the ICEpower modules. And Thunderpaws, he doesn't have any Focus 210 cabs kicking about the place, sadly. S.P.
  4. The AMA is now live [url="https://www.reddit.com/r/Bass/comments/3lffny/im_jeff_genzler_former_founder_of_genzbenz_and/"]here[/url]. S.P.
  5. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1442506212' post='2867443'] Any plans for a Streamliner with that new 800 watt power module other companies are using? Any chance he has any Focus 210 cabs left? [/quote] I can certainly put these questions to him. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1442506212' post='2867443'] Who's the Numpty at Fender who stuffed everything up? [/quote] [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1442506762' post='2867453'] Off-record question: Now that Fender terminated GB, will Jeff offer any kind of help/assistance with malfunction/broken GB products, by his own free will? [/quote] Haha, not sure that it's even worth asking him these, but if you want to make a reddit account and ask yourselves, then you are more than welcome! S.P.
  6. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1442489508' post='2867288']Will they have the new ICEpoweramp module or something completely new designed by him (like markbass did). [/quote] I have made a note to ask him that. Any more for any more? S.P.
  7. As I mentioned back in July, I've been lining up an AMA with Jeff over at [url="http://reddit.com/r/bass"]/r/bass[/url]. It's now been confirmed for 2pm tomorrow, so if you've got any questions for the man, this is your chance. S.P.
  8. This whole white 4-way thing - it's something that never even occurred to me before. I feel deeply ashamed, on behalf of my white 4-way. S.P.
  9. Did you try this in a shop, yes? A lot of your tonal criticisms sound like they could just be down to old strings. S.P.
  10. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1437744180' post='2828732'] Something tells me you'd need two drummers just so drums could be heard over a Barefaced behemoth. [/quote] Hey, we don't even know what the behemoth is going to be yet. Alex may yet banjax us by making a cabinet the size of a pinball machine, and then ripping the speakers out of pair of earbuds and popping them in it. The cheeky blighter. S.P.
  11. You should quietly write a little drums/bass jam called "Steve is noodling again" (substitute Steve for your guitarist's name). Then, whenever he starts noodling, just start playing the song until he stops. If he starts playing along, then change key. This is not a serious suggestion, by the way. S.P.
  12. [quote name='tinyd' timestamp='1437127912' post='2823775'] In my experience people who play too loud are doing it because at some level they're confusing loudness with dynamics and ability. We all remember those great moments at gigs where a good band raise the level of intensity up. But it's easy to forget that the reason this worked is because they'd been playing much more quietly beforehand. It's the contrast and dynamics that help make the music great, not the absolute volume. [/quote] You're absolutely right that that is how it starts. But once hearing loss starts to kick in, it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. S.P.
  13. I just bought a Samson Airline AP1B from Cliff. Everything was fast and well-packaged and as described, and I would happily have dealings with him again. S.P.
  14. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1437035818' post='2822910'] Obviously if it's outdoors you'll need to mic the drums and send that through the PA too. [/quote] For a pub garden with 200 people, if power is in short supply then I reckon they might be able to get away without micing up the drums on this one. I dunno, it's borderline. S.P.
  15. Your PA doesn't sound like it's going to be up to this job. At the very least, you need four speakers out front to cover the area properly (the two main ones pointing slightly outwards, and then two additional ones at 90°). You'll also want to mic up the guitar cabs. What I would suggest would be that instead of these three bands bringing up their own PAs, you all club together and hire one suitable PA system to share. Maybe the pub would even be willing to put in something towards it. S.P.
  16. This looks like it might fit my needs. Presumably the receiver is designed to go on a pedal board and can take a standard 9v DC supply? S.P.
  17. Keep this hush hush, but I'm a moderator at [url="http://reddit.com/r/bass"]reddit.com/r/bass[/url] and I've had contact from his marketing agency about doing an AMA (ask me anything). So start getting your questions ready. S.P.
  18. Stylon Pilson


    [deleted] S.P.
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1434551503' post='2800702'] We did, for a short period. It was dreadful! It just encouraged huge amounts of mindless comments aimed to make people laugh, and took away from proper discussion. [/quote] +1 S.P.
  20. Had a great gig on Saturday night at Pavlov's Dog in Reading, possibly one of our best yet. The "stage" sound wasn't ideal, but the other bands sounded good out front, so that's the key thing. Our fifth member was on holiday, which meant we had a bit more space to move around in. Had a great time though - it was quite toasty warm in that corner, but we gave it our all, and the crowd reciprocated, those lovely lovely people. We've got two gigs this weekend, and we're also popping back into the recording studio for a day, as the producer lost one of our songs. C'est la vie. S.P.
  21. I keep meaning to head over there sometime, but never get round to it. S.P.
  22. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1430489049' post='2761965'] One less company taking their product without paying for it... [/quote] Ah yes, because now Grooveshark is gone, all the people that were listening to music for free will suddenly repent their sinful ways and start paying for music instead. Meanwhile, record company executives across the globe are thinking "hmmm, it's a bit unfair that I've got multiple houses in various countries, and all these Bentleys and Lamborghinis, while my artists get a pitiful slice of the pie. I'm turning over a new leaf!" Hooray, everything is awesome! S.P.
  23. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1430487673' post='2761950'] A good day for content creators! [/quote] I wouldn't have thought it would have much effect on content creators. S.P.
  24. I don't know if this is still the case, but I recall once upon a time reading that Behringer measures their wattages using PMPO, whereas other manufacturers use RMS. The differences can be huge. S.P.
  25. I used to have a pair of jeans that had a very special property - the zip (zipper to you, blue) had a tendency to magically undo itself. Wore them to an audition once. Didn't get the gig. S.P.
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