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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1414136726' post='2586190'] Once years ago, we were playing at a 21st and I completely forgot the first song, lyrics, what key, even the melody went right out my head. I wanted to die. [/quote] Oh god I'd completely forgotten about the time that I forgot the first words to the first song. And now you've reminded me. Thanks. This was very very early in my gigging career. S.P.
  2. If it weren't for the fact that I just bought one off of Lozz a few weeks back, I'd be all over this. S.P.
  3. I've got a BBG4S2 from the late '90s. Similar in appearance to the BB-350 that twentyhertz posted a photo of up above, but with soapbar pickups, active electronics and 4 knobs (volume, pickup blend, bass cut/boost, treble cut/boost). Very light (3.6kg) and a fairly slender neck too. S.P.
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1413555562' post='2579527'] What about the other bass players?[/quote] You'd have to ask my guitarist. He plays through a bass combo, and supplied that for sharing. I don't share my gear with strangers these days. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1413555562' post='2579527'] Or a general thanks to the band for supplying all this expensive equipment for nothing for all tonights bands to use? [/quote] Again, probably, but it was addressed to one of the other members of the band. I don't recall us being publicly thanked over the PA at any point, if that's what you're asking. S.P.
  5. Wow, here I've been complaining about the lack of decent bass shops in my area, and it turns out that there's one within a 15 minute drive of my house. Hmmm, looks like I might be transferring some money out of my savings soon. S.P.
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1413554279' post='2579493'] Did everyone thank you? The lack of thanks has been instrumental in me never playing another charity gig. [/quote] Me, personally? No. But I'm going to assume that they thanked the frontman as appropriate. S.P.
  7. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1413536253' post='2579181'] Reading through this it seems like another text book case of headline slot fever. [/quote] Not really. The running order was only announced a few days ago. Straight away we all knew that the last slot was the worst. But the band leader should have immediately said "hang on, we're contributing a lot to make this night work, that won't do." In fact, we should have anticipated this sooner - when the promoter asked us to bring the drum kit, when we were already bringing a bass amp, we should have said "okay, but in return we get to choose what time we play. Deal?" And THAT is what I will suggest we do next time. S.P.
  8. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1413534742' post='2579158'] Overall, it seems like the event was a success and the OP should be pleased that he contributed to this... [/quote] Oh yes, don't get me wrong, I'm mostly happy with how the evening went down. It's just very disappointing when the place is packed out mid-evening, and a (relative) graveyard by the time our slot came around. It makes me question what value we brought to the evening? Our equipment was obviously instrumental to making the evening a success, but how did we contribute as musicians? Due to the way that the evening was organised, very few people got to enjoy our awesome set! [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1413534742' post='2579158'] It makes sense to give the best slot to those acts that can pull the most people. If the OP's band were the biggest draw then more people would have stayed for their set. [/quote] Well, that's why I always felt that the old way of doing things was the best - put the main draw on last, so that everyone stays to the end. I'd much rather go on early to a small crowd, than last thing. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1413535506' post='2579170'] If it didn't go down quite as badly as it could have, I would say that the glass is slightly more than half-full, no..? [/quote] Heh, you seem hell-bent on persuading me to abandon my career of pessimism and join you on the light side. It'll never work. But no, you're right that my posts from yesterday do seem a bit negative in the light of what actually went down. They don't tell the whole story though. While I spent most of yesterday preparing for the worst, once I was in the car on the way to the gig, my mood did shift to something more like "this is happening, let's make it the best it can be." I wouldn't want to ever go into a gig with anything less, because that positivity translates into smiles and energy which then becomes a good show for the crowd. I'd never let bad vibes leak onto the stage. S.P.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413534021' post='2579152'] I would be pissed off not getting the best slot if it was because of us that the whole thing worked as well as it did..i,e provide all the gear. I understand it is very hard to predict when that best slot will be on any given bill, but doubley galling that the other bands could not be bothered to support you the way you supported them. This is a common and ugly trait from a lot of muso's, I find. However, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, by the sound of it... but use this as a lesson not to get involved on those terms again. The first thing is to see what the rest of your band thought and then devise some sort of strategy about what YOU get out of it next time.. if you agree to a next time..!!! 1st rule..if you are a KEY part of the gig..then you get a KEY role/choice... [/quote] Yep, you've pretty much taken the words out of my mouth. I think that my bandmates will probably initially focus on the fact that we did play a good set, which is all well and good, but I'm definitely going to raise the issue that our actions caused us to miss out on an opportunity to play to a crowd of 10 times the size. S.P.
  10. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1413533705' post='2579147'] Just think of it in terms of having built up a store of psitive karma and you will get your rewards in heaven! [/quote] Pffffffft. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1413533705' post='2579147'] More importantly, did the frontman get laid?? [/quote] Nah, there was one point where I saw the promoter cosying up to some guy in a way that suggested they had a long-term relationship, so I reckon that the frontman never had a chance. Unless he's playing the long game. S.P.
  11. So, here's how it went. Turned up with just my bass + leads in a gig bag, my amp in a bag over my shoulder. Very liberating, to travel so light! Started talking to the sound guy, and he was utterly perplexed at the concept of me not having a cab on stage. I talked to him for a few minutes about just needing the mids and highs in the monitors, because the lows would radiate back from the FOH, but he still didn't seem comfortable so I nipped out to the car to bring in my cab (which I'd stashed in the boot just in case the monitors were weedy). I'm not in the business of making sound guys resent me. Sound check sounded great, we then went to a nearby pub for dinner and a pint, and made it back in time for the first band (starting at 8). By 10 there's a really healthy crowd in there, I'd guess 200-300, and we've all got our fingers crossed that they're still there in an hour's time. The show's running about 10 minutes late, which is much better than I'd been expecting. The band that have just gone on are awesome, they play their full set and it's ace. The penultimate band then come on, and they're pretty bad. You know how there are some bands where they make your ears bleed, but you can tell that they're actually competent musicians and if they just turned the volume down then they'd be pretty good? These lads were just awful. They'd brought a fairly enthusiastic and decent-sized entourage, and the crowd soon divides into their friends who are down the front pushing each other around in the mosh pit, and everyone else in the room who is gradually moving towards the back of the room and out of the door. The organiser cuts their set 10 minutes short, but by then the overall crowd is looking distinctly less healthy. Admittedly it's quarter to eleven by now, so you'd expect people to start going home anyway. Anyway, that band finish, pack up, go home, and take all their friends with them. We go on at our allotted slot of 10:55. As far as I can see, none of the other bands are still there. We give it all we've got, make sure that the 20-30 people who are still there get an great show. I get home at about quarter past midnight but can't get to sleep until half one. So, in conclusion: my prediction of getting our set cut short, or cut entirely, turned out to be false. However, our prediction of having no audience left by 11pm was entirely correct. Not even the other bands, who'd happily used our equipment, could be bothered to stay around that late. Would I do it again? Hard to say. It was a good gig, and we all enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if the reward justifies an entire evening of hanging around. S.P.
  12. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1413456622' post='2578364'] Whats will happen is you will be thanked for the use of your kit, and as these things always run out of time you will be cut, or cut short. You could insist that if time is short one of the others is cut. [/quote] I've already mentioned the likelihood of this to the band, and the band leader's response was of the "que sera, sera" ilk. I was hoping that the drummer or guitarist would pile onto that, saying "hang on, I'm providing my gear for the night, what gives you the right to say (on my behalf) that it doesn't matter whether we play or not" but disappointingly they've been quiet. If they're perfectly content to just sit and watch other bands, then we could have saved a lot of money, time and effort. What a strange band I've found myself in. S.P.
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413451469' post='2578304'] I await the update after the gig.... but the thing that worries me is, none of the bands can supply anything..?? what sort of bands are you going on with... they sound like they'll chase people away ..? [/quote] It's an interesting question. I don't know much about most of the bands, however the bill does have one very big draw on it - the frontmen from two very well known former local groups are doing a one-off collaboration. Don't know whether they've got a full backing band or if they're just doing something acoustic. So they'll certainly pull in a fair number of punters. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413451469' post='2578304'] And in your dealings with the 'promoter'..do you get the feeling he us doing it FOR the charity or is that a smokescreen for 'himself'..?? [/quote] Haven't had any personal contact, but if I had to guess then I think that she's genuinely doing it for the charity, but she's inexperienced. S.P.
  14. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1413410367' post='2578100'] Once you agree to do it you have to commit to doing the best for the charity. I would not be too bothered if we only ended playing ten minutes if the overall event was a success. In this case I would do it with good grace to humour the band leader, but take an absolute minimum of gear and make the point that if you do any similar gigs in the future then at least they must be properly organised… [/quote] Oh, don't get me wrong, when it comes to the gig I'll be a consummate professional. I would never be anything less. I just feel like we're being valued more for the equipment we're providing, than as musicians, and the other band members are willing going along with this. In my mind, you have to value yourself before other people will start taking you seriously. S.P.
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1413375598' post='2577635'] For those familiar with the concept, I get the impression that the OP is more of the 'glass half empty' type..? It may , indeed, be that bad, there's no denying. Could it possibly be even slightly better, with a little optimism..? Maybe not, I don't know; seems a pity, though. Oh well... [/quote] I was an optimist, once upon a time. The real world beat it out of me. These days I believe in causation. If you make bad decisions, then generally bad things will result. S.P.
  16. Okay, update. Band leader has replied to my email (where I suggested that we might end up not playing at all) with a somewhat dismissive "eh, if that happens, then it happens." I was pretty angry at that, initially, because he's the one who just breezes in with an acoustic guitar, and it's the rest of us have to lug huge carloads of gear in. My SO jokingly suggested "maybe you should change instrument" but it's given me an idea. So I was planning on bringing my usual gear kit. Bass, amp head, cab, and my regular toolbox containing straps and leads and effects pedals and spares. But, what if I travelled light? I don't need the cab, I can use my amp head as a DI box, and get bass through the monitors. Pedals, I can live without. The amp head has a built in tuner, so I can leave my Korg Pitchblack at home. I reckon I can get by with just my bass, a strap, one lead, and my TC RH450. I'm not normally a fan of compromise, but in this situation it might be my best move. I feel a bit bad leaving the guitarist and drummer high and dry. They've still got to lug in all their gear, because they've committed to providing them for the other acts. I'll give them 24 hours to voice any objections to the band leader's last email - if they feel the same way as me, then I'll back them right up. But if they share his couldn't-care-less attitude, then I'll activate my new plan. S.P.
  17. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1413371356' post='2577559'] If I were the op, I would say ' sorry , but due to illness we have to pull out of the event etc.' [/quote] Ha ha, oh believe me that would be satisfying, but there's no way the band leader would go for that. Either he's terrified of getting a bad reputation, or he's trying to get into the promoter's knickers. S.P.
  18. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1413368067' post='2577517'] we used to make sure we were right at the front and normally dancing for anyone we supported and would get most of our friends to do the same. [/quote] Oh don't get me wrong, I'll always stay until the last band. Unless they're too loud. If my friends are finding the noise intolerable, then I won't force them to continue to endure it. S.P.
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1413366910' post='2577491'] I thought in originals bands being last was what you wanted? at least that's what we always wanted. [/quote] Once upon a time, when a gig consisted of two bands, you had the headliners (who everyone had come to see) and the support band (who went on first). There was a nice little symbiosis there - the support band added a little bit of extra value to the night, and the headliners were doing them a favour by giving them exposure. The audience stayed until the end, because the headliners were generally who they'd come to see. But with these band nights, the crowd generally consists of friends of the bands. So the people who came to see the first band will stay until the end of the first band, some of them will hang around, but some will leave early. Over the course of the evening, people come and go. It usually peaks around mid-evening. By the time it comes to the last band, the crowd will be people who've come to see the last band specifically, and leftovers from the previous band's friends. S.P.
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1413366430' post='2577479'] I'm waiting for the run-down of how the actual gig turned out, in whch you go down a storm, meet some great folks and get signed for a 5-year record deal with a major, thanks to a passing mogul doing charity work himself. That's what's going to happen, isn't it..? Well, isn't it..? [/quote] Hahahha! Don't worry, I'll keep this thread updated with our trials and tribulations over the coming ages. I'll still be updating this thread when we're headlining the festivals next year. Thanks for believing in us! S.P.
  21. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1413365366' post='2577459'] Given that you had already committed to provide most of the equipment, why did it really matter if you got the graveyard slot? You'd have to stay until the end to pack everything up anyway wouldn't you? [/quote] Yes, the problem is that the audience will probably have gone home by then. And, if the bands are running late, then the ones before us (the true headliners, really) will not be asked to cut their set short - we'll just get told "really sorry, but eh". No good deed goes unpunished. I think that my bandmates may have been thinking "if we help them out by volunteering to bring the drum kit, then they'll treat us well in return!" To which I say "ha ha ha ha ha". S.P.
  22. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1413364732' post='2577445'] Since you've had the goal-posts changed on you quite a bit why not add a change of your own. In that IF you end up either not playing or being cut short a rental on your gear will be due from the organisers for the amount of time you don't play? And if you don't play at all also for the whole length of time you're left stood around like ..... erm .....erm........ some kind of gear rental employee? [/quote] You know, that exact same thing had occurred to me already. But then we look like arseholes for taking money that would otherwise (yeah, I know, but bear with me) be going to charity. Another thought occurred to me last night, which I haven't mentioned to the band yet - if the total amount raised for charity is less than the various band members spend on transport, then it would have been better for the charity if everyone had stayed home and just donated directly. S.P.
  23. A few months back our (originals) band got offered a slot at a charity gig. I trotted out my usual spiel (charity gigs are usually bollocks, everyone's getting paid but the bands, they'll overbook the lineup to get more punters through the door, prepare to get shafted) but my woefully naive and inexperienced bandmates said "nah, it'll be cool, it won't be like that" so we agreed. A few weeks back we were contacted asking if we would supply a bass amp for everyone to share. I don't lend my bass amp, but my guitarist plays through a Fender 210 bass combo, and he's happy for anyone to use that, so we agreed. Then they asked if we'd supply the drum kit. At this point I'm running around waving my arms trying to scream sense into the guys, warning them that the more we allow them to take advantage of our generosity, the more they will. My pleas fell on deaf ears. Our drummer says "well, I'd rather not, but if none of the other bands can supply a drum kit then I suppose I can at a push." You don't need me to tell you how the promoter chose to interpret this. So that brings us up to last night's rehearsal. It's 48 hours until the gig. Our band leader now has two more pieces of information for us. Firstly, they've asked how many guitar amps we're bringing. Thankfully, to this one we can honestly say zero. Secondly, they've told us that we've been put on last - we're scheduled to go on at 10:55pm. I threw a fit at this. I convinced the band leader to send a text saying "In the light of the fact that we're bringing most of the backline, we were hoping not to get the graveyard slot after everyone's gone home" or words to that effect. Five minutes after sending this, he felt bad for being assertive, and followed it up with another message that, as far as I can tell, basically apologised for even asking. After the rehearsal a thought occurred to me. I'd completely forgotten about the fact that this night is almost certainly going to run late. I see this panning out one of two ways - either the venue's licence expires at 11:30, and we don't end up playing at all, or it doesn't, and we end up finishing at midnight. I've emailed the rest of the band to say this, basically so that I can say "I told you so" later. Thanks for reading this far. To prevent this thread being filled with a lot of comments that say "your bandmates sound like an exercise in frustration, as long as you stay with them you're going to keep getting shafted over and over again, you should leave" I'd like to request that, if you are considering posting such a comment, you could instead post a photo of something that will make me smile. Like a little fluffy kitten. Or an attractive woman. Much obliged. S.P.
  24. I've got 5. I have a bit of a problem, in that I have no difficulty selling old amps that I no longer need, but for some reason I've never once managed to part with a bass. So I've got, in chronological order: 1. Jim Harley P-bass copy (red with white pickguard, decorated with a sticker of Lara Croft) 2. Yamaha BBG4SII (metallic blue) 3. Aria Sinsonido (fretless) 4. Squier VM Jazz (3-colour sunburst, fretless) 5. Fret-King Perception 4 (ice white) S.P.
  25. Stylon Pilson


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