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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. I went to a jam night once - it was very poorly attended, and I met a guy who sounds just like your "SRV Bob". At first he was extremely pleased to meet me - a little over-eager. I could almost see him visualising the band we were going to be in together, it was that cringworthy. Anyway, we step up and plug in, and he proceeds to just play the most w***y drawn-out guitar solo you can imagine. After a few minutes I just stopped playing, because he was giving me absolutely nothing. He was completely immersed in this little dreamworld where he was showing off all his really high-speed skills. I sat there, my hands motionless, for what felt like hours, waiting for him to finish. As you can imagine, we didn't end up forming a band together. S.P.
  2. Just bought a TC Electronics RH450 from Lozz. Very happy with the amp, and he's a quick mover on the despatch side of things. What more could you ask for? Many thanks, S.P.
  3. Thought I'd pile on with the Obbm love, been my goto for the last 5 years. S.P.
  4. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1386108858' post='2296023'] Most likely once you'd got the basic rhythm tracks down the guitarist and vocalist realised that a rough demo wasnt going to cut it and started adding the necessary 'shiny sh*t' to make it sound a bit more pro. [/quote] I think that this is partly the case. The original estimate was probably based on a barebones recording, but I think their minds started wandering to shiny sh*t fairly soon after. I've paid my share now, and brought up the matter as delicately as I could. We've agreed that the problem was an optimistic estimate, so next time we're going into the studio I'll be able to use this experience to help us get a more accurate estimate. I'm concerned that I may have earned myself a reputation as the "stingy" one in the band as a result of all this. I'll bring beers to the next rehearsal, that should fix it. S.P.
  5. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1386086714' post='2295531'] But....but.....those cardboard boxes could have provided somebody with a temporary storage facility! Outrageous! [/quote] In my opinion, once a cardboard box is assembled, with some brown tape used across the bottom to make it secure, then it's a living thing, with a soul. S.P.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1386002604' post='2294502'] I think it's probably time for a band meeting to find out exactly why the recording has taken so long and see if those responsible for the over-run are prepared to shoulder at least some of the extra financial burden, although you should probably have discussed this in advance.[/quote] I think that it's mostly just down to the optimistic original estimate. I think we're all equally culpable for accepting it without question. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1386002604' post='2294502'] How are the rough mixes sounding? Are you almost there or is there still a lot more work to be done? What has changed from the songs that you rehearsed?[/quote] The rough mixes sound fine, it's not going to go beyond the revised estimate. The guitarist has added lots of extra twiddles, the vocalist lots of harmonies - basically the kinds of things that we can't do in rehearsal owing to limited numbers of hands / vocal cords. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1386002604' post='2294502'] And finally what is the recording going to be used for? [/quote] It's going to go online for public consumption, and is also going to be used as a demo for getting gigs. We might sell a few CDs at gigs, but it will be for a nominal fee. It's not going to be sent to record companies. S.P.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385998041' post='2294440']How many songs did you record?[/quote] 3 songs [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385998041' post='2294440']How many hours were originally thought to be necessary for recording and mixing?[/quote] The original estimate was based around 16 hours in total. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385998041' post='2294440']Do you know why the time taken has increased so much?[/quote] I wish I did. I think that the initial estimate was probably hugely optimistic, but I also think that some of the other band members went into the studio without an exact idea of what they were going to do, so spent a bit of time experimenting. If I personally had done that, then I would not be able to bring myself to ask the other band mates to contribute, but then that's just my approach - I plan what I'm going to do in advance, and then once I'm in the studio, I do exactly that unless the producer says otherwise. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1385998041' post='2294440']Have you heard any of the recordings yet?[/quote] Rough mixes. Why do you ask? S.P.
  8. Haven't been on basschat for a while, thought I'd drop by to share my woes and hear the community's thoughts on my present circumstances. I'm in a 4 piece at the moment, we decided to go into a recording studio. An estimate for the number of hours needed, and subsequently the total cost, was calculated by one of the other band members, and we all agreed to it. I said that I was happy to pay 1/4 as long as "things don't start getting silly". I went in, laid down my bass tracks in a morning, job done. Now it looks like the total number of hours we're going to need is basically twice what was estimated. My thoughts on this state of affairs are as follows: 1. I can afford to pay the extra money 2. The end product is something that we all have a share in 3. The total cost coming out double is surely an example of "things getting silly" and I don't feel that this should go unremarked upon 4. Someone f***ed up, be it by making an overoptimistic estimate, or wasting studio time. If this is glossed over, then it will happen again Anyone else been in this situation? How did you handle it? S.P.
  9. Presumably, if you turned the camera 90 degrees to the right, we'd see the huge pile of junk that you'd just swept off of your desk? S.P.
  10. Sold my Ashdown combo to Julian. He's a top guy and I can heartily endorse dealing with him. S.P.
  11. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1318881271' post='1407398'] Definitely no courier option? [/quote] I'd be happy to courier it for a highly-regarded member such as yourself. No idea about prices though - which couriers are considered dependable these days? S.P.
  12. Edit: SOLD Ahoy there. Haven't used this combo in a while, so it's probably about time I got rid of it and reclaimed a bit of space in the corner of the sitting room. I bought this new 3 years ago. It's been used for about 10 gigs. Condition is excellent, smoke-free home. Comes with a Silverstone cover which is very thick, well made, and has a hole at the top for the handle. The original manual is also included. The amp throws about 130W into the built-in 12" speaker and can accept an external 8 ohm cab to produce the eponymous 180W. Features include: sub-harmoniser, DI out, 5 band EQ with bright and deep switches, effects loop, tuner/line output Lots of photos here: [url=http://imgur.com/a/AKMQ4]http://imgur.com/a/AKMQ4[/url] I'm looking for about £150 for this. Collection from near Reading or a local meetup preferred. S.P.
  13. More members also increases the likelihood of hearing "I'm unavailable that day." S.P.
  14. I see it as the artist endorsing the equipment. My problem with endorsement deals is that it makes me uncertain as to peoples motives. Say someone starts a thread asking "what are the best instrument cables?" On this forum, at least, you'll get a lot of people saying "Use obbm." And because I know that obbm isn't paying those people, I can be confident that the positive reviews are genuine. However, then you'll get one guy who says "Use Spectraflex" and in his signature it says "Endorsed by/endorses Spectraflex." Now, it may be that this guy genuinely likes Spectraflex cables. But then it's also possible that his contract says "You must be vocal in your support of The Company and take every available opportunity to tout The Product." I can't be sure whether he is promoting the cables because they are genuinely the best, or because it's financially beneficial for him to do so. S.P.
  15. [quote name='stoker' post='1291689' date='Jul 4 2011, 12:30 AM']Also he's offering well over the price I'm asking and because he's a marine engineer and has limited computer access he'll send someone to pick up the amp.[/quote] Sounds very fishy. Fishy! Fishy! Geddit? Lawl. Seriously though, all these other replies above are incorrect. This guy is totally above board. I did it again! But seriously, what I said above, about him not being a scammer? That was a red herring. Oh boy I'm on fire today. S.P.
  16. Check out the mojo on that mofo. S.P.
  17. If these guys messed you around, but you accept their invitation, and a few months down the line they continue to mess you around, then your problems will have arisen not from bad luck, but from bad judgement. S.P.
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1206700' date='Apr 21 2011, 07:47 AM']I have just left a covers band after four years where the frontman always had his words out, It's mainly other musicians that don't like it IME.[/quote] I don't doubt that some vocalists could do a gig with lyrics sheets and still do a fine job, but I think that the vast majority would fail. The audience will find the gig disappointing, and not be able to pinpoint why, but as musicians we are able to make the connection that the lyrics sheets are part of the problem. Back on topic, as far as the original video is concerned, I have nothing to add to what others have said before me. S.P.
  19. Greetings from another one. S.P.
  20. [quote name='Geester' post='1173541' date='Mar 23 2011, 05:04 PM']They effectively get a US/UK swap for free, this was told to me by a couple of guys who work in music stores where both have had someone attempt this recently.[/quote] Surely simply keeping track of serial numbers is the solution to this? S.P.
  21. I used to have one of these, and really regret getting rid of it. S.P.
  22. [quote name='iconic' post='1165150' date='Mar 16 2011, 11:28 PM']I really like my Ashdown EB-12-180 EVO....very light too, does everything I need and some....seen a few used over here for small gigs.[/quote] I don't consider 27kg (60lb) to be light. I have the same combo and have sometimes wondered in the past whether they should have built it with two side handles instead of one top handle, because in my opinion it's pushing the top end of the scale for a comfortable one-hand carry. S.P.
  23. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='1158207' date='Mar 11 2011, 03:44 PM']Does having ur pics on a public server like photobucket or the like mean you dont use up space here? Speak o wise people [/quote] Correct. S.P.
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