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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='Grandad Paul' post='905856' date='Jul 26 2010, 02:36 PM']Just what do you all think is the best combo I could buy for £350.[/quote] Depends upon your criteria. Does it need to be lightweight? Does it need to go exceptionally loud? Do you have any particular tonal preferences? Do you need it to have any particular features? S.P.
  2. If there's a bee inside the control cavity, then that can cause a buzzing sound. Hope this helps. S.P.
  3. Haven't got one myself (yet), but Paul H seems to like his [url="http://www.probass.co.uk/Home.html"]Retrovibe[/url]. .P.
  4. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='903221' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:22 PM']Can't really see the point of jumping on the sond engineer here - sounds like his ears are working fine, and he correctly attributed the sound to the TC cab - just incorrectly in terms of ascribing it to neo speakers, when presumably he'd noticed a similar tone before on some true neos. The important thing is they diagnosed the cab as the issue, and it sounds like it's sorted now.[/quote] Okay, perhaps I was going a bit far. But I still think it's important for him to have his prejudices corrected. S.P.
  5. [quote name='mike257' post='903024' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:51 AM']As much as it pains me to do so.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvCoIENZYfk"]it's here[/url]. Even at 18 I should've known better.[/quote] That was like listening to Vogon poetry. S.P.
  6. [quote name='bobpalt' post='902931' date='Jul 23 2010, 10:42 AM']After giving the 15" cab a good thrashing last night, the sound guy (who is also a fabulous bass player), couldnt stop beaming, and said he could have carried on playing all night. Problem solved![/quote] Is he aware of his error in blaming the problem on neodymium magnets? I hope he consumed a bite or two of the proverbial humble pie. S.P.
  7. [quote name='Marvin' post='896835' date='Jul 16 2010, 08:31 PM']As a general rule of thumb, if a member asks about purchasing an amp for gigging purposes then they generally get the reply that 300w is the minimum they should be looking at.[/quote] That's because it's a safe and simple answer to give. It covers most common eventualities. To be able to give a more accurate answer, they'd need more information than it is possible to convey in a simple posting - they'd need to actually go to a gig. If you're doing "small" gigs with PA support and a restrained drummer, then you wouldn't need more than about ~100W for stage volume. If you had no drummer at all, then you could get away with less. But then you also have to bear in mind that different amps have different voicings, and the perceived volume may differ for the same power output. Asking how much power you need for a gigging amp is like asking how much RAM you need in your computer. No-one's going to take your exact specifications and then say 512MB, because theoretically that's all you need for surfing the web etc. They're just going to say 4GB and have a nice day. S.P.
  8. I voted for the plonk option. Those who consider the bass to be defined by its role in the band will generally consider it to be more akin to an upright. Those who look at the aesthetics, construction, technique and tone will tend to consider it to be a guitar. S.P.
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='901604' date='Jul 22 2010, 08:56 AM']Nice rig .... Like the flip chart for the drummer... What does it say on it?[/quote] [size=1]Too childish?[/size] S.P.
  10. I'm sure I've heard before someone saying that all you need is a magnet on a stick. If you have a thin screwdriver with a magnetised tip, maybe that's worth a go? S.P.
  11. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='900502' date='Jul 20 2010, 09:30 PM']...he had left a message on my wall at 25 minutes past the time i was supposed to meet him telling me to wait another half an hour...[/quote] I laughed at this. Who in their right mind would think "I need to get an urgent message to someone as I am running late. It is important that they pick this message up immediately. I know, I'll [i]write on their Facebook wall[/i]." Derp. S.P.
  12. Ohhhh the amber P. I think I've just worked out what my next purchase will be. S.P.
  14. [quote name='Shockwave' post='884078' date='Jul 2 2010, 03:52 PM']You know what, a pink ricky would be really nice! Is that really a pink ricky?[/quote] Dude, if you take the pink ricky, then what will she use to cover her modesty? S.P.
  15. Oh yes, I get it now. Thanks. S.P.
  16. [quote name='crez5150' post='882097' date='Jun 30 2010, 04:06 PM']You 'd be better off with something like this - [url="http://www.millennium-music.co.uk/products/categories/subcategories/Studiomaster%20VMS%20Vocal%20Management%20System/brands/detail/key/p/ppp/"]Studiomaster VMS[/url][/quote] Looks interesting. It doesn't explicitly say that reverb is amongst the available effects - am I just being dumb? S.P.
  17. [quote name='cheddatom' post='882089' date='Jun 30 2010, 04:01 PM']why would you want a 100% wet signal? Well, if you want to add the compression after recording I suppose. EDIT: I mean if you do your compression as you're tracking, you could use your FX bus at whatever mix level you want for the reverb - no? Anyway, this doesn't help with your query. I was hoping you'd say "no, recording to a PC" in which case I could recommend plug-ins.[/quote] Yeah, recording to a PC would be nice, but I like having a certain amount of portability, so I'd need to invest in a laptop, some kind of multi-channel interface, etc etc. Not sure exactly how much all that would run to, but it's almost certainly more than it's worth to me. Could do the reverb at mix-down and the compression while tracking, but I'm not sure that it makes a difference in terms of finding the right piece of hardware for the job. S.P.
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' post='882076' date='Jun 30 2010, 03:50 PM']yeh, how are you recording? Straight to tape or something?[/quote] Not quite. It's a Yamaha MD8 (standalone 8-track). It does have aux loops for applying effects to individual channels at mixdown, but as far as I can tell from reading the manual, it's impossible to have a 100% wet signal. I could possibly run one channel through the FX box and record it onto another channel, but that won't work if I'm already using all 8. S.P.
  19. At present, we're using the guitarist's Pod XT to apply a bit of compression and reverb to the vocals when we're recording. It would be nice to have a dedicated unit. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/vocal-300/12055"]This[/url] isn't a million miles away from what I'm looking for, but it's got a lot of silly features, and ideally I'd like something cheaper and simpler. Any suggestions? S.P.
  20. [quote name='jakesbass' post='881106' date='Jun 29 2010, 04:27 PM']Sorry this is OT but what do those things do in bad weather? [/quote] They get a bit splashed, but they don't capsize. S.P.
  21. [quote name='sprocketflup' post='880955' date='Jun 29 2010, 01:52 PM']that is hooooge[/quote] Indeed. The porn equivalent is like those enormous women where all the naughty bits are hidden beneath their undulating waves of fat. Very happy for you, if that's your bag, but it does nothing for me. S.P.
  22. What length is the lead? S.P.
  23. Regarding the frequency response, if you tried putting 15W through an 8" speaker with a flat frequency response, then it would be very quiet - either the amp would reach its limits, or the speaker would reach its maximum excursion, long before you got any decent volume up. Which is why little amps like that are designed for a middy sound - most of the low end is sacrificed for the sake of volume. Regarding your post in general, I have to agree with umph and say that headphones are the solution to both of your problems, if you can bear them. S.P.
  24. [quote name='hubrad' post='876715' date='Jun 24 2010, 06:47 PM']Possibly the best post I've seen on here so far![/quote] I agree. I have added it to the quotes thread accordingly. S.P.
  25. Over at TalkBass someone posted (in [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=669483"]this thread[/url] if you are interested) this video It appears that not all members of the band are playing in the same key. Qualitat. S.P.
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