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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. Actually, I had a 1974 Precision fretless in immaculate condition that I sold for £4.50. So I'd agree that your price was optimistic. S.P.
  2. I have used [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Wall-Hangers-Electric-Classical/dp/B0013NDV7M"]these [/url] with [url="http://www.acefixings.com/products/cat/57/plasterboard-fixings/interset-cavity-fixings/"]Interset[/url] anchors with great success. S.P.
  3. And if you have two 8 ohm cabs, then their combined impedance is 4 ohm, and the power output will be 350W, shared equally between the two cabs (ie 175W each). S.P.
  4. That image suggests to me that you are sending a signal from the tuner output of the amp to the main output of the tuner. I'm surprised that it works. The right way to hook it up depends upon whether you want to be able to mute the signal to the amp while tuning. S.P.
  5. [quote name='Bobo_Grimmer' post='844906' date='May 22 2010, 10:10 AM']Let me start by saying sorry if there already is a random small questions thread but i couldn't see one. I thought this might be handy for little questions that don't ready need their own thread for.[/quote] Seems like a bad idea - if you create a new topic, with a suitable subject line, then knowledgeable people will see it and respond to it. But if you bury a question amongst a thread like this, which is full of responses and discussion, then you're really ruining your chances of it being seen. S.P.
  6. [quote name='umph' post='846086' date='May 23 2010, 10:04 PM']are most of the strings the same guage?[/quote] I reckon it's tuned B B B E E E A A A D D D G G G S.P.
  7. Okay, I've caught up on the thread over on the other forum. Now, I'm not for a second excusing their behaviour - advertising for a new bass player before they've told the current one that he's out is bad form, and I don't think anybody is in any disagreement there. However, one thing that the guy did mention is that in the last 4 months, you've only had 7 rehearsals ([url="http://toonrockpages.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=gotopost&board=bandmembers&thread=31298&post=386695"]here[/url]). This is something that I don't think you mentioned here before, Gareth. Taking this particular point in isolation, if they explicitly advertised for a bass player who was willing and able to do 2 rehearsals a week, and your busy calendar has prevented you from being able to attend more than one per fortnight, then objectively speaking I can kinda understand that they might be a bit cheesed off. Doesn't justify their recent behaviour, but it explains why they are so hostile. Edit: actually, in an earlier post you wrote that the twice weekly schedule has been going on since February ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=88287&view=findpost&p=839330"]here[/url]), which suggests that you've actually had at least 20 rehearsals with them. Where's he getting this figure of 7 from? Has he just pulled it out of his posterior? S.P.
  8. From what I've heard, these absurd "Tennessee" brand basses are fundamentally unplayable. S.P.
  9. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='844057' date='May 21 2010, 12:50 PM']Aw, it was a bit of an anticlimax in the end, i was expecting a massive 30+ page internet flame war![/quote] Well, now we're all members, we have the power to make it happen. Anyone else up for a mass trollathon? S.P.
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='844028' date='May 21 2010, 12:31 PM']Ooh I'm in. Anyone else?[/quote] Yup. I expect we all are. S.P.
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='843981' date='May 21 2010, 11:48 AM']That's not redundancy, if you read both copies at the same time you can get a "combing effect".[/quote] You'll be okay if you place them one above the other. Make sure that both copies are the right way up, or you'll get phase matching problems. S.P.
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='843874' date='May 21 2010, 09:54 AM']It may not be in the shops yet, David, mine is a subs copy.[/quote] Who's on the cover? For the sake of ease of identification of the correct issue, you see. S.P.
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='843292' date='May 20 2010, 04:57 PM']Whoever gets in first should post the login details.[/quote] I expect that all of our accounts will be approved (or not) simultaneously, so I can't see that there will be a benefit in this. What would be more useful would be if someone who already has an account would copy-paste the relevant threads into a text file (or take screenshots) so that we can PM them between the interested parties. S.P.
  14. Some wise dude once said that you can use any wattage head with any wattage cab, as long as you turn down if you hear ugly noises coming from the speakers. You shouldn't have an impedance problem with that pairing either. S.P.
  15. Here's a video of a sneezing baby panda. . S.P.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='843197' date='May 20 2010, 03:19 PM']No more.. please! [/quote] Would you be interested in a link to a gold sparkle Jazz Bass? S.P.
  17. [quote name='paul h' post='842985' date='May 20 2010, 12:02 PM']Due to my hatred of having too many unused accounts all over t'web I haven't registered but I want to know what's going on.[/quote] I'm expecting that this whole hoopla will have died down by the time that my account gets approved anyway. S.P.
  18. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='842741' date='May 20 2010, 01:24 AM']Me too. I wonder if they've smelt a rat given how many registrations they've had in a short space of time.[/quote] Perhaps we should have all pooled together and made one registration to share. S.P.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='842402' date='May 19 2010, 07:20 PM']Oh its all happening now. If you are registered to this, enjoy: [url="http://toonrockpages.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=bandmembers&action=display&thread=31298"]http://toonrockpages.proboards.com/index.c...mp;thread=31298[/url][/quote] "Currently your account is waiting for approval from a staff member. Once an administrator has approved your account you will get access to this forum." Argh the suspense is killing me. S.P.
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' post='842145' date='May 19 2010, 03:03 PM']Cheers, I used the template. Lets see what happens. All good fun.[/quote] Okay. As far as I can see they have also posted the same advert [url="http://www.zen76308.zen.co.uk/Riffs/musicians.html"]here[/url], in case you want to spread your net a little wider. S.P.
  21. Drool. I'm really struggling to keep my wallet in my back pocket right now. S.P.
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' post='841987' date='May 19 2010, 01:10 PM']That makes me look like an idiot.[/quote] No mate, it makes [i]them[/i] look like idiots. [quote name='Musicman20' post='841987' date='May 19 2010, 01:10 PM']I will make sure they know I know....and make sure I leave them in the sh**.[/quote] Post a "bassist available" immediately so that it appears adjacent in the listings. Here's a template to get you started: [quote]My band have just posted a bassist wanted message on gumtree, which strikes me as a slightly dishonest and cowardly way of firing me. Either way, I'm now available, I've got good equipment, good skills, good taste, and am looking for a band that knows how to use rehearsal time in a productive way.[/quote] S.P.
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='841965' date='May 19 2010, 12:52 PM']?! Are they?[/quote] [url="http://sunderland.gumtree.com/sunderland/50/58806650.html"]here[/url] [quote]Bassist wanted, once again we are having problems with our bassist . Surely there is one out there who can rehearse twice a week and have there own equipment. We aren't looking for flea! just someone who can play solid on the bass, who enjoys rehearsing, gigging and has a bit of spare time to be in a band. We play mainly indie anthems and make quite good money . Based in Sunderland but play throughout the uk. For more info call or text [i]redacted[/i] or leave a message here. cheers[/quote] The mobile phone number is the same as the one [url="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2498102949"]here[/url]. S.P.
  24. Crikey, I'm feeling a bit tempted here. S.P.
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