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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='754740' date='Feb 23 2010, 09:58 AM']Nup.[/quote] Fair enough. Nowt so queer as amps. S.P.
  2. [quote name='Merton' post='754656' date='Feb 23 2010, 07:51 AM']Cheers Ste! I think I'll just turn it on without having the cab plugged in, saves the thump [/quote] But then surely you get the thump when you plug the cab in? S.P.
  3. For home practise, those 3 are fine. There's also the Ashdown range (after eight, perfect ten, five fifteen) in the same kind of price bracket which are fairly good. S.P.
  4. [quote name='jakesbass' post='746027' date='Feb 15 2010, 04:02 PM']His practice would be as we're walking onstage he would play a chromatic scale -- brrrrrrrrrip!"[/quote] Is this a reference to flatulence? S.P.
  5. I've got one. Haven't gigged with it since I upgraded last year, but I still use it for home practise sometimes. It's a fine combo. S.P.
  6. I see where you're coming from, JTUK, but if everyone did that, then we'd have a situation of "too many chiefs, not enough indians." I think that there's a place in the world for leaders and for followers. For every guy that is networking and putting things together, there's space for 3 guys who are happy to just play their part. I've got a list of names of musicians that I'd happily play with again, and maybe one day I'll think about seeing if I can assemble a cohesive band, but I'm going to need to have a more purposeful plan of attack before I attempt that. S.P.
  7. [quote name='farmer61' post='741954' date='Feb 11 2010, 12:28 PM']Perhaps they wanted a bassist who could dress themselves properly? [/quote] Heh, the thought did occur to me over that it might work against me. As far as I can tell, they didn't notice. [quote name='JTUK' post='742027' date='Feb 11 2010, 01:09 PM']If the gtr is weak, sounds like you haven't missed anything anyway. I would have replied no problem, I wouldn't interested in that line-up as it is.[/quote] Well, when I was on the phone to the vocalist last night, I did say "if you don't mind me asking, what were your thoughts on the guitarist?" and she said that they weren't going to keep him. I figured that they wouldn't, but, as you say, I wouldn't have wanted to be in the band if he was in it anyway. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='742031' date='Feb 11 2010, 01:11 PM']On this occasion they seem to have treated you fairly decently and handled the Big No with some considerable tact.[/quote] Absolutely. And likewise I accepted it with good grace. No point making enemies, is there? It has to be said, I'm generally a guy who is fairly lacking in confidence in his own abilities as a bass player. The fact that I held my own at the audition has been a bit of a booster for me. Not as much as if I'd actually got the gig, of course, but more than if they'd said "uh, dude, you suck." S.P.
  8. I had an audition on Monday evening for a covers band. Existing band members were a drummer and female vocalist, other auditionees were one guitarist and one other bass player (after me). It went well, I really rated the drummer and vocalist (not so much the auditioning guitarist) and got on well with them. As I was loading up the car I noticed that my flies were undone, which was a bit frustrating. Did they notice? Did they not? Ah well, not much I could do about it now. Anyway, the vocalist phoned me last night and I could tell almost straight away that it wasn't going to be a "yes". She said that it was a difficult decision, both of us were clearly up to the job, but they decided to go with the other guy because he has covers band experience. Without knowing the standard of the other guy, it's hard to know whether there's anything that I could have done differently that would have given me the advantage. Or maybe they were planning on taking the guy with experience all along, unless he turned out to be a total flake. Well, that's the way the biscuit disintegrates, I guess. S.P.
  9. Maybe in this case, the price also includes the cab, and the seller is just one of those people for whom "bass amp" is a catch-all term to describe the entire rig. Even so, the price is probably still a bit steep. S.P.
  10. Wow. I wasn't expecting that either. And the drummer was in on this too. What a couple of utter clungebags. S.P.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='740122' date='Feb 9 2010, 04:31 PM']Don't forget to lube your nut for accuracy.[/quote] Said the actress to the bishop. S.P.
  12. I'd suggest creating a separate thread in for sale:amps and cabs, if you want anyone to see it. S.P.
  13. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='739004' date='Feb 8 2010, 03:32 PM']Maybe we should set something up at a Bass Bash - get a load of boutique basses and blind test them somehow.[/quote] Ah, but don't you see? That will only prove that most bass players are heathens who can't appreciate good tone! S.P.
  14. [quote name='top jimmy' post='738744' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:52 AM']what do i do if i want to find a new band how do i organise a meeting [/quote] This question comes up so often, I think it should be a sticky. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38266"]Start here[/url]. S.P.
  15. [quote name='lanark' post='738709' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:16 AM']After almost 6 months it's coming away at the edges, but because it's a P Bass I'll have to take off the strings and the pots to remove it[/quote] Try using scissors. S.P.
  16. [quote name='bigjohn' post='735209' date='Feb 4 2010, 04:26 PM']What I was saying about hifi though... if ever you get the chance to speak to people who design really high end hifi (not the hifi know nothing buffs ) they'll not hear of digital coming close to valves. You'd need a supercomputer to process the response of a valve and it's audible on both subjective (aural) and objective (measurable) levels.[/quote] If the audio source is digital (ie a CD) then is there still any benefit to having a valve amp? After all, you can't restore information that has already been taken out. This isn't intended as a challenge, it's a genuine question. S.P.
  17. You, sir, need an Aria Sinsonido. S.P.
  18. [quote name='RhysP' post='732902' date='Feb 2 2010, 01:28 PM']You're just being silly now. [/quote] Not at all. In fact, I'm considering replacing it with a 40' x 7' one so that I don't even have to take the bass off. S.P.
  19. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='732636' date='Feb 2 2010, 10:25 AM']Now my band leader has announced that he’s changing direction and writing all his own stuff, including the bass lines which he wants me to play without any additional input from me.[/quote] In that case, he's not changing direction. He's terminating the old band and starting a new one. Act accordingly. How do the other band members feel? Maybe they actually want to be in a Hawkwind tribute band. In which case, start a "new" Hawkwind tribute band and poach the lot of them. S.P.
  20. [quote name='RhysP' post='732072' date='Feb 1 2010, 07:07 PM']I use a 25 ft long, 6 inch wide flight case so I can store my leads uncoiled.[/quote] I use a 40ft long, 5ft tall flight case so that I can store my leads uncoiled, and keep my bass plugged into my rig at the same time. S.P.
  21. [quote name='Huwberry' post='728709' date='Jan 29 2010, 01:55 PM']That's just amazing. Funny thing is, I never noticed it before![/quote] Agreed. Next time someone's worrying about their first gig ("but what if I make a mistaaaake?") and we're doling out the usual "don't worry, if you make a mistake, no-one will notice" platitudes, we could use that clip as evidence. S.P.
  22. Tell him that he should send you his £11k, but then you will send £9k to his fiancee, not £6k, and you want her to bank that and then send £3k to your uncle. S.P.
  23. That website design is terrible. "Our research has determined that people who are looking for photos of a recording studio will have a far more enjoyable experience if they have to sit through a "loading" screen and other UI obstacles first." S.P.
  24. It's definitely some variety of stringed instrument. S.P.
  25. [quote name='WWRRSS' post='724738' date='Jan 25 2010, 11:51 PM'] Hartke LH500 and Marshall Bass 4x12 (split for use as two 500watt 2x12s)[/quote] Fixed the image up for ya. S.P.
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