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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='MythSte' post='658309' date='Nov 18 2009, 04:55 PM']Its amazing that you can now have a 600watt 2x15 rig that weighs a smidgen over 25lbs...[/quote] If you're referring to the Vintage, it's 46lbs. S.P.
  2. [quote name='BassBen' post='659366' date='Nov 19 2009, 04:10 PM']What’s the head is like for recording, are the fans noisy or anything? I am a big fan of miking up the rig rather than DI when recording.[/quote] As long as you put the microphone in front of the speaker and not behind the amp head, you won't have a problem. S.P.
  3. [quote name='BassBen' post='659307' date='Nov 19 2009, 03:15 PM']Have you ever had a sound man have a problem with the Hartke DI?[/quote] Well, you should probably be asking that question of a sound guy rather than me, but in my experience they've always been perfectly content with it. S.P.
  4. I've had no problems with reliability. I think the LH500 is a great amp. I used to have a Nitrobass, which is like the Firebass but with a bit less power. Do you ever use the DI out on the Firebass? If so, you should be aware that the DI out on the LH500 has far fewer features. The EQ options are limited but I have no problem getting a good tone out of the LH500 with Barefacedbass Compact. I've also found that with the LH500 in a 2U rack bag, it's easy to carry the Compact in one hand and the LH500 in the other - they balance quite nicely. S.P.
  5. [quote name='Shockwave' post='658203' date='Nov 18 2009, 03:26 PM']You know when i posted the photo i saw that, and thought about changing it "Nahhhh" i said, they would be concentrating on the cab more! Maybe i should just be smug that you noticed it [/quote] Rule #8 of the internet - someone, somewhere, will always notice the crotch/nudity/cleavage/dildo/reflection. S.P.
  6. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='658194' date='Nov 18 2009, 03:19 PM']Nice crotch, Rob. [/quote] If he were to pan down and to the right, you'd see the moist kleenex. S.P.
  7. [quote name='maxrossell' post='657763' date='Nov 18 2009, 01:42 AM']...everything in our room is technically ours...[/quote] I'd suggest labelling it all with your band's name. At some point, you might not be alone in that room anymore, and you'll want to be able to say "oh yeah, that microphone's ours." S.P.
  8. [quote name='chrisba' post='656054' date='Nov 16 2009, 04:15 PM']Did a private party on Saturday night for a music/drama school, but the audience was reduced because lots of people got tickets to go and see one of their pupils in X-factor. Not sure who, but it isn't the pathetic twins. ( they did tell me, but I don't watch it, so means nothing to me ). The rest of the audience weren't really our target demographic.[/quote] So what you're saying is that your target demographic is X-factor fans? I wouldn't put that on your CV, if I were you S.P.
  9. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='627657' date='Oct 16 2009, 09:57 AM']Oh, and remember to update the myspace page and facebook pages to say that you've left. It's not like anyone else is going to do it.[/quote] HTSITYS. S.P.
  10. What size venues are you playing? What sort of amplification is your guitarist(s) using? What's your PA setup? S.P.
  11. Never fainted onstage, but I sometimes do it in front of my compu
  12. [quote name='Earbrass' post='649739' date='Nov 9 2009, 03:12 PM']Of course, if you weren't going so fast, you'd have had time to brake and come to a safe, controlled halt [b]before[/b] hitting the musical wall. [/quote] I don't mean to brag, but I once went round a hairpin bend at 165bpm. S.P.
  13. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen theeeeeeeee... ...moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a... [quote name='onehappybunny' post='646498' date='Nov 5 2009, 05:50 PM']moire[/quote] What a duo. S.P.
  14. Those Lehle pedals look utterly gorgeous. I wish I had a need for one. S.P.
  15. They seem to be switching to cloth grills, metal corners, and vinyl coverings across numerous product ranges (MAG, EB, and the All Access practice amps). They also seem to be ditching the blue-coloured speakers. S.P. Edit: apparently this happened [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/article/3825-ashdown-bass-amps-get-brand-new-look-in-stock-now-.html"]back in August[/url].
  16. Sensitivity is, more or less, the efficiency of the speaker cab in converting watts (electrical energy coming from the amp) into decibels (sound energy flattening the punters). Edited to add: manufacturers' specified sensitivity levels are generally all a big pile of nonsense. Don't trust them. Is this the answer that you were looking for? S.P.
  17. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='638156' date='Oct 27 2009, 04:55 PM']Is the Vintage a lot bigger then?[/quote] Yes. It's approximately twice the size - imagine two Compacts turned on their sides and then stacked. S.P.
  18. [quote name='fatrabbit' post='637915' date='Oct 27 2009, 02:05 PM'][url="http://www.aguilaramp.com/gfx/products_details_ag500sc_back_lg.jpg"]http://www.aguilaramp.com/gfx/products_det...0sc_back_lg.jpg[/url] - "Minimum Lead: 4 ohms" ?[/quote] That says "Minimum Load: 4 ohms". Which means that you can attach two 8 ohm cabinets or a single 4 ohm cabinet, but not two 4 ohm cabinets. S.P.
  19. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='637519' date='Oct 27 2009, 12:28 AM']You may very well think you're uber-cool for burning a bass in the middle of a field, but may I just remind you that we can see your pants over the top of your trousers. Very uncool indeed [/quote] [url="http://achewood.com/index.php?date=08182004"]Obligatory[/url]. S.P.
  20. There are a few aspects of the new design that irritate me (I PM'd you back in May, Alex, but if you need me to resend, let me know). One additional thing to note is that the picture on the [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=vintage"]Vintage[/url] page is actually that of a Vintageised Compact - surely you must have good pics of Vintages by now? S.P.
  21. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/"]I see that the new design has gone live.[/url] I'm sure I'll have a comprehensive list of bugs for you shortly. S.P.
  22. [quote name='Jase' post='636932' date='Oct 26 2009, 03:37 PM']...thumpingly loud cab but really small, light and something I can leave the car seats up with, take in the house after a gig, not stub my toes on it in the morning(when I eventually do drag it out of the car!)...[/quote] That sounds like my [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=compact"]Barefacedbass Compact[/url]. S.P.
  23. [quote name='danlea' post='634611' date='Oct 23 2009, 05:01 PM']Seriously? Take another look at the photo. Notice [i]any[/i] colour in it? Also note self-appraisal as 'amateur [i]photographer[/i]' - i.e. have to chuck in the odd B&W photo! Nice lighting and set-up by the way.[/quote] Well, I can't speak for steve, but I was definitely being hilarious. S.P.
  24. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='634478' date='Oct 23 2009, 02:40 PM']No! A bassist who forgets to take his bass to a gig?...Are they the same type of people who walk out of the house in a morning, only to look down and realise they forgot to put their clothes on?![/quote] HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR I WAS HAVING A REALLY BAD MORNING AND YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN! S.P.
  25. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='633169' date='Oct 22 2009, 09:07 AM']I use a Korg Pitchblack. It has a nice clear display, it's simple and easy to use, it picks up the low B-string of my 5-string bass easily, I can use it as a mute switch as it's a pedal tuner, it doesn't add any noise to the signal, it's compact, and at around £55, it's good value too IMO.[/quote] +3 edit: You know, maybe we should just create a poll for this and then get it set as a sticky? S.P.
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