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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='634233' date='Oct 23 2009, 10:41 AM']So how's the cab?[/quote] I'm very happy with it, I haven't had a single moment of regret. I did find myself coveting the Vintage and Big One at the bass bash, but they wouldn't fit in the boot of my Mk IV Astra without folding the seat down, so they wouldn't be practical for me. It's taken everything that I've thrown at it so far, and lived up to my expectations. It's hard to find an EQ setting that doesn't sound good, in its own way. The only complaint that I have is that it doesn't have the serial number marked anywhere on it. I'm worried that if it gets stolen, then I won't have any chance of getting it back, as I won't be able to prove ownership. Actually, I have a second complaint - it's turning me into a tone snob. Before I owned this rig, I could happily play through pretty much any bass amp, but now I'm much more tuned in to the limitations of badly-designed speaker enclosures. S.P.
  2. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='634146' date='Oct 23 2009, 08:47 AM']Tbh there's some people who i would be happy to loan gear out to. People who i know will treat it with the same (if not more) care that they treat their own instruents.[/quote] Maybe the stock response when someone asks to borrow your gear should be "Sorry, I don't lend my gear[size=1][sup]1[/sup][/size] out to anyone until I've seen how they take care of their own." S.P. [size=1][sup]1[/sup] though, if you use [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=64193&view=findpost&p=633918"]OldGit's method[/url], you'd replace this with "my best gear"[/size]
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='633060' date='Oct 22 2009, 12:29 AM']Oh yeah, did I mention that the 3 new song had to be lyrically BASED UPON THE SCRIPTURES?[/quote] The bible is full of sex, violence and incest. Start with Genesis 19:30-36. S.P.
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='633080' date='Oct 22 2009, 01:13 AM']It's kind of crap that this forum is entirely about the one instrument that you don't need 2 of in a band, therefore although many of us seem to be on the same page we'll never get to play together.[/quote] How many thousands of times have I had this exact same thought. That said, I know a lot of bass players also have some degree of ability on other instruments, so you could potentially set up a band full of bassists where everyone takes turns to play other instruments. S.P.
  5. I've never seen a grey headstock on a red bass before. Most novel. S.P.
  6. [quote name='Musky' post='631216' date='Oct 20 2009, 11:30 AM']Good grief, I had to do a double take there! The weights with your new composite ply are ridiculously low. [/quote] The compact now weighs the same as [url="http://www.pbase.com/fabriceroux/alpaga"]this cat[/url]. S.P.
  7. Are you able to unscrew the feet on either cab and reposition them? S.P.
  8. The only thing we know for certain about silica gel is DO NOT EAT. S.P.
  9. I think the Ashdown is probably the better bet - one point to note is that it has the facility to drive an additional speaker cabinet, so if you ever needed more volume, it would be relatively cheap to upgrade. I'd also suggest having a look through the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=20"]for sale[/url] section of this site because you can get a hell of a lot more for £400 if you buy used, and you lose a lot less money if you realise after one gig that it's not the right amp for your needs. If you insist on buying new, then I'd strongly recommend that you try them both, and trust your gut. S.P.
  10. What's your budget? Are you going to be using it for gigging? S.P.
  11. Seriously, I think that the badge should go in the standard orientation, and don't worry about it being on its side when people stack them. After all, you've already lost the symmetry from having the port running up the side. Can you just give people the option at the point of placing their order? S.P.
  12. Time to take the link out of your sig then. Oh, and remember to update the myspace page and facebook pages to say that you've left. It's not like anyone else is going to do it. S.P.
  13. Can you affix it at a single point, anchoring the left of the badge to the top-left corner of the grille? Then people can swing it around to their desired angle. A bit like the logo on the disc tray of the PlayStation 2. S.P.
  14. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='627593' date='Oct 16 2009, 09:40 AM']Is it me or does anyone else find it ironic that one of the songs on their myspace page is called please dont resign [/quote] Heh, hadn't noticed that. Yeah, that's pretty cute. S.P.
  15. I'd like to buy it just so that I could do a lousy relic job on it. S.P.
  16. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='627560' date='Oct 16 2009, 08:49 AM']How can you hear the rest of the band with just bass going through your ear?! You'd have to have the bass turned down very low then.[/quote] Sorry, I should have described what's going on here. The "earplug" factor of the IEM system reduces the volume of the ambient noise (red waveform) down to a comfortable level. The IEM then plays your bass (green waveform) and you set the volume to the desired level, relative to the red waveform. S.P.
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='627089' date='Oct 15 2009, 04:55 PM']That is the best image I've ever seen drawn up here. It should become your avatar.[/quote] Yeah, I was proud of it myself. You can imagine how I felt when not a single person acknowledged it. Not sure about using it as an avatar though - for one thing, I can't see it working so well when shrunk down to avatar-proportions, and for another thing, I'm not actually a habitual user of IEMs myself, so I'd feel like I was misrepresenting myself. But thanks for the suggestion. S.P.
  18. [quote name='burno70' post='627038' date='Oct 15 2009, 04:07 PM']If you are still reluctant to dis-band why don't you take your foot of the gas a bit and see if anyone else comes to the fore - and in the meantime try to get something else going - your obviously a proactive person - get your adverts up on website and in music shops and leave these wasters when the opportunity presents itself?[/quote] I agree with this. Foot off the gas. Join another band. Do what comes naturally. S.P.
  19. [quote name='The Funk' post='626976' date='Oct 15 2009, 02:56 PM']My advice would be to sack the singer and percussionist and treat it as your band now.[/quote] Leaving him with a lead guitarist and a kitless drummer. Might not be worth the bother. S.P.
  20. Your "reasons to stay" have been packed into a single paragraph at the bottom, as if it was just an afterthought. That's very telling. S.P.
  21. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='626737' date='Oct 15 2009, 10:27 AM']And different necks and different string spacing. All of which make a minimal difference to the final product - the music. All I am saying (and some of you are taking all of this far too seriously) is that the main motivation, from where I am sitting, is aestheic - i.e. having a lovely bespoke thing that you can point at and say 'mine'. If that is the case, fine (I studied Art at Diploma level too so pretty things matter to me to). I just think its a bit superficial and has little to do with the thing that matters to me, the music. And, with very few exceptiosn, I like the look of most basses so it matters not a lot [/quote] Okay, so what you're trying to say is: "If I, Bilbo, were to buy a custom bass, it would be for predominantly aesthetic reasons. I refuse to accept that other people may feel differently." S.P.
  22. [quote name='iamapirate' post='626429' date='Oct 14 2009, 09:34 PM']I've got a TU-2. It's tracking is painfully slow, innacurate, and, frankly, a bit all over the place. Still, no one - and I mean no one - can tell the difference when I tune from going 1 red dot to the left to a green dot in the middle. I don't get why people want to be in tune to a millionth of a cent. sounds like OCD to me.[/quote] Certainly when you're playing live, it's less of an issue. When in the studio, it's nice to get your tuning spot on, as you're going to be listening to that recording so many hundreds of times, eventually even the tiniest discrepancy will start to grate on you. S.P.
  23. [quote name='Musky' post='625954' date='Oct 14 2009, 01:16 PM']I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work, though I'd have thought you'd have to remain fairly static - those power supply leads aren't very long.[/quote] It's for an electric upright, so I think it's safe to assume that he's not going to be going crowdsurfing with it. S.P.
  24. [quote name='kingforaday' post='625829' date='Oct 14 2009, 11:18 AM']anyone? i've got a gig on friday and would like to give this a go but don't [i]really[/i] want to blow myself up...[/quote] I don't know how useful this is, but one solution might be to buy Procells from Amazon or eBay. They perform superbly, and at £1 pp, you can afford to replace them regularly instead of waiting for the old one to run out. S.P.
  25. [quote name='Rich' post='625828' date='Oct 14 2009, 11:17 AM']OK. Well in that case, look out for my forthcoming brand new threads on playing whilst singing, whether jazz is any good or not, vegetarians, which is best out of a Jazz or a Precision, Jade Goody, strap length, slapping, football, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc... [/quote] You also need a "Mac vs PC" thread and a "Has anyone seen BigBeefChief" thread. S.P.
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