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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='469779' date='Apr 22 2009, 05:40 PM']Ah, they look like they were made for each other! Look forward to the results from some full power testing...[/quote] You're not the only one. I wish I didn't have to wait a whole 2 weeks until my next gig! S.P.
  2. Cab arrived this morning... [attachment=24225:rig_with_bass.jpg] S.P.
  3. [quote name='The Funk' post='468544' date='Apr 21 2009, 02:22 PM']Times is hard.[/quote] Didn't know there were three of you. S.P.
  4. [quote name='chris_b' post='468477' date='Apr 21 2009, 01:50 PM']My experience of "producers" is that they will make anything you turn up with sound just like they always make a bass sound like![/quote] I was thinking similar things myself. The reason why they ask for a "classic Precision sound" is that it saves them a lot of effort tweaking your bass to sound like a "classic Precision". S.P.
  5. [quote name='Eight' post='468207' date='Apr 21 2009, 10:39 AM']None of the custom pick places I've seen the UK thus far have done the wider style. [/quote] Have you tried emailing them? I'm sure that if you supplied the picks, they'd be happy to print onto them. S.P.
  6. [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='468095' date='Apr 21 2009, 09:07 AM']Don't do it! [/quote] [quote name='neepheid' post='468123' date='Apr 21 2009, 09:40 AM']Stickers == Bzzzt! Wrong. IMHO[/quote] The guy didn't ask "should I put a sticker on my bass." He asked "how do I remove a sticker from my bass." If he wanted opinions on whether he should put it on or not, I'm sure he would have asked for them. S.P.
  7. Firstly, test to see if a sheet of cling film sticks to your bass. If so, then stick the sticker to a piece of cling film, trim off the edges, and voila. Sticker that peels off effortlessly. S.P.
  8. [quote name='largo' post='467505' date='Apr 20 2009, 02:59 PM']Thanks for all the advice guys. Quick question, if I set my gain low then won't the sound guy just increase his line level to below clipping at the desk anyway. So no difference?[/quote] In a word, yes. [quote]I can slap fairly quiet, but popping ain't so easy. Maybe I should be more aggresive with my fingerstyle !!!![/quote] I think you should get something like a compressor or EQ pedal. Dial in the settings that give you a nice slap tone at a suitable volume, relative to the volume that you get when you play fingerstyle with the pedal off. Then just switch the pedal on for that one song. S.P.
  9. I ordered a Hartke LH500 from Ben. He sent the item out as soon as payment was cleared, and it was transported safely in its original packaging. Good communications, pleasure to deal with. S.P.
  10. [quote name='flip' post='466653' date='Apr 19 2009, 12:08 PM']Just out of interest, what's the weight like on this bass?[/quote] I just weighed mine and it's 3.6kg. S.P.
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='466632' date='Apr 19 2009, 11:48 AM']Performance-wise you should compare the Compact with anything of similar size priced above £800, whilst the Big One is in the rarefied £1200+ region. But as a newcomer to the scene it would be very difficult to get anyone to pay that much without using endless hyperbole, carefully cooked specs and lots of sponsorship/endorsement 'deals'. [/quote] Which is part of the reason why I'm getting my Compact sooner rather than later S.P.
  12. Had a great gig last night, though I was really expecting a bigger turnout considering the venue's location. I was planning on using an overdrive pedal last night for the first time, just on a couple of songs. It worked fine in the soundcheck, but when it came to the actual set, the red light wasn't coming on. I assume it's just a low battery. That's batteries for you though. If it had been something essential then I would have changed the battery, but I figured that I could just do without. We got a lot of positive comments after the show, which leaves me wondering whether we're better than I think we are. S.P.
  13. [quote name='molan' post='466216' date='Apr 18 2009, 04:16 PM']All I did was to let a couple of the band know that I fancied putting a 2nd band together to play different material with a view to the odd gig outside of the main band.[/quote] The only problem here is that if you invite band members 2 and 3 to join, and they decline, and then band members 4 and 5 find out about it, they'll wonder why you didn't invite them. Might create tensions within the existing band. S.P.
  14. I'm getting a bad feeling about this... S.P.
  15. [quote name='Linus27' post='461832' date='Apr 14 2009, 10:16 AM']Reviewing all the great comments so far, I think my problem is my technique on playing the E string. I mentioned in another thread about getting used to playing the E string as it feels odd and my fingers feel in no mans land. The A, D and G feel fine as when I play, they come up and stop on the string above. So in the case of the A, my finger pulls up and stops on the E. I also rest my fingers on the E string when playing the A, D and G. Playing the E string, I have no where to rest my fingers apart from the pickups and so they feel in no mans land. So as I am resting on the pickup, I think I am pulling the string in towards it and hitting the pickups and using this as my stop as apposed to the string above. Not sure what the fix will be apart from being concious of this and making the effort to not pull in but up on the E string.[/quote] I have a suspicion, but firstly answer me this: do you have the same problem when you play sitting down? My theory: you're wearing your bass very low (from your avatar). Your right wrist is resting on the bass body. Your fingers, when at rest, are parallel to the plane of the body of the bass. So when you pluck the E string, instead of stroking parallel to the PotBotB, you're stroking towards it (as you have observed already). Solution is to keep your right hand away from the body, which you won't be able to do unless you wear the bass a bit higher. S.P.
  16. [quote name='CliveT' post='465073' date='Apr 17 2009, 02:45 PM']I’ve got a fretless Jazz bass but I’m not really after the Jaco tone, as much as I admire his talent. I want more the P bass fretless tone, ie, Pink Floyd - Hey You, Sting, David J of Bauhaus. I can’t afford the TF fretless or an older fretless P bass so can I get a P bass fretless sound out of my fretless Jazz using pickup balance, tone, eq settings etc?[/quote] I think (hopefully someone else will correct me if I'm wrong) that flatwound strings + neck pickup soloed will take you as close as possible. Whether that's close enough for you or not, you won't know until you've tried it. S.P.
  17. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='464821' date='Apr 17 2009, 11:16 AM']I've just starting trying out Google Calendar, it's attached to the band's email account which we've all got access to. The idea is to get the others to put their unavailable dates in there to save me from having to text them everytime I get an enquiry. Thoughts? Tips?[/quote] If the other band members keep it up to date, and you have the opportunity to check it before confirming each booking, then that will work fine. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='464821' date='Apr 17 2009, 11:16 AM']My other issue is that I always seem to forget to get some vital bit of info that I need to chase up later like starting time or a contact number or something. I've often wondered if I need a booking form that has: [list] [*]Contact name / number [*]venue address [*]start / finish time [*]price [*]etc [/list] on it so I can run through it when I get calls.[/quote] Yes, definitely. And have an online version too. S.P.
  18. What usually happens in these situations is that the complainant gets increasingly annoyed over a period of months or years, stewing away in their house getting more and more frustrated, but too afraid of confrontation to talk to you directly. Eventually they reach breaking point and decide to lodge a formal complaint. Sadly, by the time they reach this point, there's not much you can do to placate them. They won't be interested in a compromise. If you want to continue rehearsing in your house, you're going to have to find a way of doing it at a vastly lower volume level so that the complainant can't hear you at all. You'll need to be quiet enough that you can hear the vocals without amplification. The drummer will need to either use an electronic kit or just rehearse with snare and hi-hat. Or you can spend loads on sound-proofing. S.P.
  19. Adjusting a truss rod is always a little nerve-wracking the first time. Day one - loosen the truss rod by a 1/8 turn, then bring it back by 1/8 and tighten it by a further 1/8 turn (unless there is significant resistance). Leave it to settle overnight. By the morning, you'll be feeling a little more confident, and you'll know what amount of resistance is the right amount of resistance. S.P.
  20. [quote name='johnnylager' post='463048' date='Apr 15 2009, 03:00 PM']No ta, but I'll have 4 cans of cooking lager for that timely bump which no doubt led to the sale.[/quote] Actually, I'd already sent him the PM before you bumped it, but I felt that I should add something to the thread so that no swine would attempt to leap in and steal my feast. S.P.
  21. [quote name='lee650' post='452910' date='Apr 3 2009, 12:48 AM']My cats are actually Full range!!!![/quote] Yeah, yeah. I'll believe it when I see the frequency plots. S.P.
  22. I refer you to Pilson's Law, which states: [quote]If it's an active bass, then the problem is the battery.[/quote] S.P.
  23. [quote name='crez5150' post='451582' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:22 PM']your best bet is to check some of the consumer sites as these will predominantly be cheaper..... Beware of fake goods though..... if they seem too good to be true... they normally are....[/quote] Yup. I'd say don't waste your time trawling - just pay the going rate from a reputable supplier and enjoy your new headphones! S.P.
  24. Just to check: you haven't really cancelled my order, right? (cold sweat) S.P.
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