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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. I can't say this with any certainty, but your situation can probably be fixed by just finding a new band to play with. S.P.
  2. [quote name='josh3184' post='440374' date='Mar 20 2009, 03:42 PM']My backup is an 8" 20W combo [/quote] SNAP! S.P.
  3. [quote name='alexclaber' post='440236' date='Mar 20 2009, 12:56 PM']What happens when you increase Mms?[/quote] Allergic reaction or sugar rush, depending upon whether they are the peanut ones or chocolate ones. [quote name='alexclaber' post='440236' date='Mar 20 2009, 12:56 PM']Does switching voice coil change BL and thus Qes and sensitivity?[/quote] No. Unless the FxI is greater than the Rmin (assuming TW0 is approximately the same as NK - in a theoretical system where they were significantly different, you'd want FxI to be less than half the difference between Rmin and BIPmin). [quote name='alexclaber' post='440236' date='Mar 20 2009, 12:56 PM']Etc etc.[/quote] Come on, we've barely scratched the surface here. Give me a tough one. S.P.
  4. [quote name='alexclaber' post='440188' date='Mar 20 2009, 12:11 PM']...which are far too boring to go into on a bass forum![/quote] New here? S.P.
  5. I watched [i]Stop Making Sense[/i] for the first time last night. I was pretty impressed. There seemed to be a lot of incidents of blatant overdubbing (vocals coming through while David Byrne was still 3 feet away from the mic, bass coming through while Tina Weymouth was quite clearly doing nothing). I was seriously doubting the "live-ness" of it, but I am partially satisfied with the explanation that the film was compiled by performing the show 3 times and then splicing together the audio and video as required. On another note, I enjoyed watching Tina Weymouth's bass technique. Left hand thumb over the top, right hand using the thumb on the E string and fingers for the others. It just goes to show that "bad" technique is no hindrance to success. S.P.
  6. I love that the effects section has been split out from the amps & cabs section. I have a further suggestion to place on the table - what about having sub-forums of the amps & cabs section for the following: Heads Cabs Combos Anyone who is selling something that doesn't strictly fall into one of these categories (eg head+cab or combo+cab) could use the main amps & cabs section, as at present. S.P.
  7. [quote name='Spoombung' post='439981' date='Mar 20 2009, 08:24 AM']Yeah, I'm with you there. Can't understand people getting a 'custom build' and ending up with another Fender.[/quote] Well, I suppose there will be people who like Fenders with the exception of certain aspects, and if they have the cash to bankroll their quest for perfection, then they'd go for a custom build of a "perfectified" Fender. S.P.
  8. Yeah, what everyone else said. It sounds like he's just doing this to protect his ego, in which case, if he wants it so badly, he should pay for it. S.P.
  9. Bought a cable off Dave. Fast delivery, great service. Like so many others who have bought his cables in the past, I won't get my cables anywhere else ever again. S.P.
  10. Everyone's going to tell you to go to The Gallery in Camden. S.P.
  11. You can run a 4ohm head with an 8ohm cab no problem - it's the other way round that is a big no-no. You'll only get about 200 watts output with that 8ohm cab - for the full power, you'd need to connect a second 8ohm cab. S.P.
  12. Animated background. Ohhhh dear. S.P.
  13. [quote name='Jono Bolton' post='433936' date='Mar 13 2009, 05:28 PM']She has said she's going to buy a bass and I pointed out several decent buys within her apparent budget of £300, but weeks have gone by and she still keeps asking to use my stuff. I've told her that using it in the flat's ok, but I'm not keen on her taking it out because accidents happen. If she's willing to reimburse me for the bass plus any mods that can't be salvaged, that's fine, but I'd rather not get into that position in the first place.[/quote] Get a contract printed out. Get her to sign it each time she wants to take your bass out of the house. S.P.
  14. [quote name='Telebass' post='433918' date='Mar 13 2009, 05:14 PM']Short answer: I never lend gear.[/quote] After the nightmare that I had [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7919&st=1240&p=400582&#entry400582"]back in February[/url], I don't think I'm going to be borrowing gear in future either. S.P.
  15. [quote name='YouMa' post='433925' date='Mar 13 2009, 05:20 PM']Has anyone tried the fretless jazz with the duncan pickups?[/quote] Do you mean the Vintage Modified? Yes, I own one, and it's damn good. S.P.
  16. There are so many factors at play here, it's going to be hard for anyone here to accurately assess your situation and know what the right thing to do is. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest that as soon as conversation comes round to basses, you say to her "look, I'm not entirely comfortable with having my gear taken out of the flat. I'm not suggesting that I think you'd be reckless with it, it's just that stuff happens at gigs. If you like, I'll help you to look for a bass and amp of your own." S.P.
  17. 99 Red Balloons. S.P.
  18. [quote name='AM1' post='433113' date='Mar 13 2009, 12:40 AM']Selling up is absolutely the worst thing you can do, it's closing the door and there's too much finality. What about the days when you just had a bad day and want to pick up an instrument and disappear into that void for a few hours and you can't.[/quote] Sometimes I contemplate a "reset". I still own my first bass (P copy) and amp (Stagg 20W combo) and I consider the possibility of selling everything else. Getting back to basics, if you will. S.P.
  19. [quote name='robert43' post='433265' date='Mar 13 2009, 09:05 AM']Hi I have a 150 watt bass combo amp with a speaker out put. What I was wondering the speaker out put on the amp said 8 ohm min. I have been offered a 15" speaker & case but its 4 ohm, could I put in series with the speaker say a 1/4 watt 4 ohm resistor . Will this work & not hurt any thing ? thanks[/quote] Don't do it. Too much hassle. Wait for an 8ohm cabinet. Or replace the speaker in the cabinet that you've been offered with an 8ohm one. Edit: or accept the 4ohm cab and then offer it up on this site as a trade for an 8ohm cab. S.P.
  20. [quote name='Rich' post='433260' date='Mar 13 2009, 09:02 AM']although the Yam is not the most expensive, for him it feels and sounds the best.[/quote] "Real" bass players would understand that this is all that matters. Edit: oh, and I've played a Yamaha BB as my primary fretted bass for the last eight years. S.P.
  21. [quote name='fumps' post='431576' date='Mar 11 2009, 03:17 PM']Like you say, big differance from a load of people trying (And usually failing to look not interested) against some urban direpaired wall somewhere. You have made an effort . I like them.[/quote] I agree with this man. Your band has a fine set of jubblies. S.P.
  22. I once bought a combo and it felt too heavy, so I opened it up and found another combo in there. But the combo that was inside felt a bit too heavy, so I opened it up and found an even smaller combo in there. But that one felt too heavy too. I opened it up, and found an even smaller combo in there. But that one felt too heavy too. I opened it up, and found an even smaller combo in there. But that one felt too heavy too. I opened it up, and found an even smaller combo in there. But that one felt too heavy too. I opened it up, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Which was weird. S.P.
  23. [quote name='alexclaber' post='430123' date='Mar 10 2009, 09:20 AM']Having found that the Big One doesn't need much power to get loud, I have also found that it can handle utterly incredible power without distortion. QSC PLX 3002 bridged into it for over 2000W of power - during a break in rehearsal I conducted some full power tests and had clear the room to do so. Took the amp all the way to clipping with both fingerstyle and slap, going down to low B. Was so loud I couldn't stay in the room for long despite wearing ER15s, went into the corridor and shut the door and continued to try to abuse it. Insanely loud yet still clean, I swear no drummer could overpower this cab, no way. Crossover components didn't blow and still felt cool to the touch. Bandmates could clearly hear it outdoors from the other side of the building with a number of closed doors between us.[/quote] I need to go and change my underpants now. Oh, and more pictures please. S.P.
  24. [quote name='Clockworkwar' post='429404' date='Mar 9 2009, 02:33 PM']Well I just bought a nice Trace Elliot cab from Stevie, I got it out the packaging and put it on its side and heard a rattle. I immediately thought DHL had been throwing it around for sports. Until I got a small torch inside the cab and realised it was a 5p, luckily my hands are small enough to fit in the port holes and I got it out. Has anyone else has this before?[/quote] That's the tone coin that you often get with TE cabs. I hope you put it back in there. S.P.
  25. The sound engineer in the studio will probably suggest something along the following lines: 1. You should start by recording a guide guitar track and the (final) drum track to the accompaniment of a click track. 2. Record the bass part using the drums and guide guitar. 3. Record the guitars. If you can do this without the use of the guide guitar track, then do so. 4. Record any other melodic instruments. 5. Record the vocals and backing vocals. The biggest bit of preparation that you can do, in addition to making sure that you are well rehearsed, is to make sure that the drummer has practised playing to a click track and is comfortable playing with headphones on. If the drums are recorded to a click track, then you shouldn't need to do much, if any, "cutting and pasting". Don't worry too much about extra percussion and multiple guitar parts - for now, assume that you'll be playing it much as you would play it live. If you get into the studio and need something extra, then you have to deal with that bridge when you reach it. Again, a decent producer will be able to hold your hand. S.P.
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