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Stylon Pilson

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Everything posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. [quote name='Tradfusion' post='375252' date='Jan 9 2009, 03:10 PM']I'm on the hunt for some good musicians ear plugs, any recommendations appreciated.... [/quote] Okay, step one is to order some Elacin or Etymotic ER-20s. I bought mine from Audilo [url="http://www.audilo.co.uk/ER-20-High-Fidelity-Earplugs-Music-pr-16138.html"](link)[/url]. They cost about £10 and you'll have them in a few days. If you then decide you want something better, then you can pay ~£200 to get some custom-moulded ones. But the ER-20s will tide you over until then. S.P.
  2. [quote name='ezbass' post='375260' date='Jan 9 2009, 03:17 PM']No it's real check my link in my post above.[/quote] Your link is just another link to the same petition. We're looking for an actual source here. S.P.
  3. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='375203' date='Jan 9 2009, 02:43 PM']IMHO, it would be much quicker to just sign the darned petition, rather than spend ages on research in an attempt to prove that it isn't worth signing.[/quote] I don't disagree with you. But for me, it's an idealogical thing. 474 signatures as a result of misinformation and a persuasive argument = bad. People trying to gather a few facts before they form their own opinion = good. S.P.
  4. [quote name='Musky' post='375216' date='Jan 9 2009, 02:52 PM']I've done a search and all I can come up with are the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, which that article seems to refer to. It came into effect in April 2008 for entertainment venues. I wonder if someone somewhere along the line is getting a bit confused?[/quote] I think so. I'm wondering where the "70dB" figure came from, because I can't even find anything remotely pertinent if I search just for that. S.P.
  5. Okay, I've found an article from November 2008 which vaguely fits what the OP described, and it may be the article that he was referring to. [url="http://www.pubgigs.com/forum/topics/sound-limiters-who-knows-the"]Sound Limiters...... Who knows the laws surrounding them, and what you can do to beat them![/url] Key quote: [quote]it is for the employer in any particular venue to decide on appropriate means to reduce the noise exposure of employees to as low as reasonably practicable, so it is for the employer to decide whether to use such devices, and how to set them up in practice.[/quote] S.P.
  6. I have Googled with all my power, and can not find anything that corroborates the claims made above. There are some results which make reference to the fact that some local councils may require venues to have a limiter before they will issue an entertainment license, but these go back decades. There is nothing specific to 2009. I'm finding it very hard to take this petition seriously. S.P.
  7. [quote name='WarPig' post='375145' date='Jan 9 2009, 02:12 PM']Does anything ever happen with these petitions? Im going to sign it, but i dont see the government listening.[/quote] No, they don't. I've signed up to a few of these petitions in the past, and what invariably happens is you get an email follow-up from the PM's office a few months later that says words to the effect of "we want you to know that we take your concerns seriously, but we're not going to change our minds on this because we've already done lots of research and determined that we're doing the right thing." So yeah, total waste of time. S.P.
  8. [quote name='budget bassist' post='375127' date='Jan 9 2009, 02:00 PM']That's the official 10 downing street website, that IS the source[/quote] Uh, no. this is a subdomain of the 10 downing street website where people can create their own petitions and sign them. But, of course, you know that, because you spent 10 seconds to look at the [url="http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/faq"]FAQ[/url]. S.P.
  9. [quote name='bremen' post='375072' date='Jan 9 2009, 01:29 PM']I'd sign this but can you say where you heard it? Are you sure it's not a hoax? I haven't been able to find anything online and wouldn't want to sign a petition against a non-existent issue.[/quote] Agreed. I'd like to see the actual law before I sign a petition stating that I disagree with it. S.P.
  10. PM sent. S.P.
  11. My favourite is B, but none of them really strikes me as jaw-droppingly beautiful. Sorry. S.P.
  12. Heavens. That's in phenomenally good condition. S.P.
  13. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='372430' date='Jan 6 2009, 09:09 PM']This may have come up before, but does anyone know what the "guitar" picture you can select for a user account pic in Windows XP is, or is meant to be? I've pondered on this for a while now. Sorry, I can't work out how to put the pic up here. Cheers Jules[/quote] [url="http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/BC/images2/userAccountsNew5.jpg"]2nd row, 3rd icon[/url] S.P.
  14. Remember that the string doesn't contact with the entire thickness of the fret - just a very thin portion in the middle. I'd be surprised if using jumbo fret wire will cause any intonation problem. S.P.
  15. Yes and no. Basschat has increased my GAS, to adopt the common phrase round these parts. However, I haven't acted on it. Much. S.P.
  16. [quote name='casapete' post='368512' date='Jan 2 2009, 03:01 PM']Adele okay, but does anybody else think her pitching is sometimes a bit out?[/quote] Yeah, her voice was sufficiently sharp to make me feel uncomfortable. S.P.
  17. I'm a reader but not a habitual poster. I like the build threads, "Bass Humor & Gig Stories" and Band Management sections. S.P.
  18. My first of 2009 was "I Will Possess Your Heart" by Death Cab For Cutie. S.P.
  19. [quote name='clauster' post='366882' date='Dec 31 2008, 10:03 AM']Along with the GK Backline stuff you could also look at the Ashdown Electric Blue combos. For the money they are great amps. The preamp in mine sounds great through the band's PA. The tone isn't so fantastic through the built in speaker for my taste, but is good enough and I get enough volume to keep up with a loud rock kit and two guitarsts at rehearsals.[/quote] I'm an EB owner too, but it weighs quite a bit more than a Hartke Kickback 12 (it weighs about the same as his MAG 115 cab), yet won't give him the volume of his Warwick+Ashdown rig, so it might not be the best option for Olie. S.P.
  20. It appears that this is being sold directly from the Aria UK distributor which is located on a business park in the middle of the countryside between Guildford and Farnborough. [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=pirbright+road,+guildford&sll=51.245907,-0.634289&sspn=0.027294,0.065746&ie=UTF8&ll=51.267272,-0.661325&spn=0.00341,0.008218&t=h&z=17"]map[/url] I'm not surprised that they don't want random dudes dropping by to pick up equipment. S.P.
  21. Like some of the other respondents on this thread, my first thought was to sell your existing gear and buy a Markbass or Genz Benz combo. Then you'll have something that covers you for all eventualities. There's no point in having a heavy rig "back home" that never gets played. I speak from experience. S.P.
  22. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='366851' date='Dec 31 2008, 09:03 AM']I assume it would have a bolt-on neck when you're finished. [/quote] I'm not normally the sort of person to say "lol" or "+1" but this made me chuckle. S.P.
  23. [quote name='JDM' post='366462' date='Dec 30 2008, 06:10 PM']Would I be correct in my assumption that this Combo hasn't got anywhere to plug a set of cans in ?[/quote] Correct. The Ashdown "All Access" range (After Eight, Perfect Ten and Five Fifteen) do, though. S.P.
  24. This year has mainly been characterised by me shrinking my amp to something that fits into my car's boot but is still loud enough. [b]IN:[/b] Ashdown Electric Blue 12-180 Squier Vintage Modified fretless Jazz [b]OUT:[/b] Peavey Nitrobass Peavey 115BX BW (x2) S.P.
  25. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='360360' date='Dec 21 2008, 05:51 PM']Logic dictates that you did not fix the actual fault.[/quote] That makes sense. How frustrating. S.P.
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