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Total Watts

  1. Tonga soa! wow! amazing basses
  2. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1428647234' post='2743311'] If you've got good musicians, jamming can be great fun & very rewarding. [/quote] Well in my own experience, jamming may also be particularly rewarding when you are not great musicians. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428624936' post='2743288'] My understanding of jamming coincides with Blue's observation. Some friends would get into a room with no pre-planned song list; someone randomly starts playing a pattern, a riff or some chords and everyone else follows along. Over time the 'song' mutates, winds down, re-starts, wanders off and comes back. [/quote] 100% agreed. In my former band, we all had different musical backgrounds and some of us had little experience in playing in a band. We always reserved half an hour for jamming at the beginning of our rehearsals. The drummer started with a pattern, then I played a very simple bass line, and the guitarists followed. Then, when everything was in place, the drummer or myself progressively changed the rythm/energy, so that the atmosphere of the music was completely changed. It's a very efficient way to learn and play together, listen to each other, communicate through sound changes and discreet visual signs, and explore the different sort of music we can play around three notes. Now you can't always avoid a wobbly guitar solo but that's fine. We bassists have to be generous towards our less fortunate fellows. Of course, the rythmic section also needs to be authoritarian from time to time and the jamming session is a good way to establish the balance of power in a band.
  3. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1428576658' post='2742538'] I got rather upset when I discovered the French bankrolled the campaign to kill off R III. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]But I won't hold it against you, was long ago[/font][/color] [/quote]Thank you so much. So kind of you....
  4. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1428325210' post='2740195'] Welcome to the forum. If you're not getting on everyone's nerves..then you're not practising enough! My old mate played for New Model Army...he is/ was the drummer. [/quote] Thank you alembic1989. I'm therefore officially the man who knows Robb Heaton's old mate (I'm assuming you are referring to him). Such a great musician. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428365388' post='2740671'] In our usual loopy British way we laid on a full funeral procession and spent crillions on a memorial for him. Even rabid republicans were heard to say 'Oh, that's quite interesting...' and the leftiest of our TV channels gave him a week's worth of programme-time. Tearful members of the public queued to pay their tributes to a king who died 500 years ago. We're odd like that and BC is a perfect example. [/quote] You should definitely pay more attention at storing your kings' corpses. We, for instance, have for centuries cautiously lined them up in the basilica of Saint-Denis. That proved to be much more convenient when in 1793 our own lefties and republicans found appropriate to desecrate them and throw the ashes in the pauper's grave...Thanks to that, we can nowadays save our little money (we don't have crillions in our budget) for more usefull things, such as ensuring our politicians a comfortable position whatever the results of the election.
  5. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428266099' post='2739802'] It's a thin line between moron and cretin but many of us straddle it with panache and élan. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428266305' post='2739807'] Don't forget aplomb. You gotta have aplomb. [/quote] It may be my lack of comfort in English or my paranoid nature but I wondered for seconds whether Mr Skankdelvar and Mr Discreet were thinking of repeating Edouard Plantagenet's exploit (straddling within panache, elan - and aplomb- the thin line bteween morons and cretins)
  6. Thank you all for welcoming me
  7. Hi all I have been playing for 20 years. Being in my mid-life crisis, I recently decided to get into a bit of theory. I even purchased some effects, which made my sound even worse than before. You may at this stage have understood that I'm basically sort of a punk bassist bored of being such a zero from a technical point of view, and humbly willing to do its best (which is not much) to improve his ability as a bass player. I'm French but moved to Madagascar a few month ago for professionnal reasons.. I now have more time to play and that is no good news for my neighborhood When I first had a look at this forum, I honestly wondered whether some of you were genius or complete morons. But I recalled what my worshiped father told me about the superior genetic ability of the British people for irony and decided to sign in.... Still wondering though I'm a fan of numerous English rock bands and notably New Model Army, which has been a reglurar support during all those long years of trying and failing... I also listen to celtic music and some classical when I'm really down. I play a nash PB 63 which is ugly but so easy to play and sounds great. Thank you for your attention. Any question?
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