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Everything posted by carlosfandango

  1. Great sounding active fullrange speakers. These have been well looked after and serviced. A few minor scruffs and dings as they have been used with my function band but they are fully working and sounds awesome. Big sound and loud enough for most weddings/parties and functions etc. Price £950 ONO. Interested in trades for: bass gear Please message/mail me for pics.
  2. sold
  3. Hi beedster! i've got a studio in Bracknell with a colleague and you are welcome to come and have a look at how its set up, the gear and so on. The studio is used by a lot of local and national acts for anything from demos to proper records. it has got a recording room, a control room, all the gear you can imagine and more. it even has got a very nice metallic red Tokai Jazz Sound from the early 80's.....not sure if you remember but I got the bass from you in a PX long time ago Please feel free to get in touch if you are in my neck of the woods or just fancy a trip to the country.
  4. carlosfandango


    This is really sad news. I really enjoyed reading Si's posts - warm, funny and full of insights. My condolences to Si's family.
  5. Hi I'm selling a really good mixer with rack case. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170531295889&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT[/url] Great for live/recording/braodcast. Awesome EQ, built in quality FX etc etc Trade for quality 2x10 or 2x10 bass cab?
  6. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='922118' date='Aug 11 2010, 10:56 PM']Interested in the VT1. Trouble is, it's by reputation only, don't honestly know much about them beyond "warm" and "valve". So a couple of Q's: 1) What does the 'colour' knob do ? Sounds like tone-shaping, but what, treble roll-off ? 2) Does it do warm and clean(ish) ? I'm really not looking for distortion, but I've read the 2-knob VT1 does a great 'clean and valvey'. 3) I've got a feeling this needs a 12V power supply, if so, are you selling one with it ? Thanks, Andy[/quote] Hi Andy, yes it does "cleanish" really well. I have mostly used it a pre amp for recording in my studio to add a bit warmth and ummmph to the tone. it's a fabulous od/dist too, and I really rate it, especially for active basses like my 'Wicks. I love it as it really feels like playing through a propare all valve amp......you can easily control your tone and the growl by your fingers. No power supply I'm afraid, but Maplin's got loads...
  7. Hello! All gone now, but this great Dave Hall pre-amp/OD/Dist.... Dave Hall VT1 Purist Bass Valvetone 1 £95 ONO delivered to your postbox..... Cash, bank transfer or cheque please. [url="http://s146.photobucket.com/albums/r270/carl999pop/?action=view&current=P1010717.jpg"][/url] BR/C
  8. Hi all just dropping you a quick note to let you know that the position now is filled. Big thanks to everyone that got in touch and that came to the audition(s). Cheers! Carl
  9. [quote name='voxpop' post='877098' date='Jun 25 2010, 08:38 AM']PM sent.[/quote] ....and replied to!
  10. Hi all, Auditions have now been set to Friday 2nd July in Bracknell, Berkshire. Amp etc will be provided so all you need to do is learn two songs, be prepared to jam and show up and have a good time Please get in touch for MP'3s and directions.
  11. Hi all , cheers for all PM's. Sorry I haven't responded - been away! Been trying to get back to everyone - ifyou haven;t heard from me please PM me again. cheers! Carl
  12. Hi! We are looking for a bass player for Nicolette Street Band. It's a pop/rock/electro/dance project with a new album just launched. We need an experienced, solid and dependable bass payer for gigs to promote the album and recording of new material (early autumn). The music is in the style of artists like Anastaia, Pink, Kelly Osbourne, Lady Gaga, KT Tunstall. The gigs are mainly festival gigs and venues that does original music, plus some radio gigs coming up in the early autumn. That band consists of pro musicians that are easy going, age 35-45, with pro gear and attitude. For more info about the music, please check out [url="http://www.nstreet.com"]http://www.nstreet.com[/url] The deal: Band gets paid if the gigs are paid (many of our gigs actually are paid despite being original music!), you will get points and credits for all recordings and share of record sales & merchandise at gigs. So - just to set expectations - this won't pay your bills but it will be a fun ride! Hope to hear from you soon! Carl
  13. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='847241' date='May 25 2010, 09:56 AM']BUMP also for new trade options[/quote] PM'd you Sir!
  14. Hi, having a bit of a clear-out in my studio and have decided to let this go: Tascam FW-1884+FE-8 DAW Production Studio Versatile 96kHz/24-bit Firewire Audio/MIDI Interface and Control Surface. 8 mic pres, ADAT, spdif, in total 18 inputs. 16 Motorized faders, complete integration w Cubase/Nuendo and other DAWs. Only light use in smoke free production studio. £450 ONO Focusrite OctoPre: Eight pristine class A Focusrite mic pre’s, eight compressor/limiters, and almost all the interface options known to man, OctoPre is the perfect partner for any Digital audio workstation, making high quality, multi-channel recording (eg. Drums, guitars, vocals and synths) easy. £250 ONO ADAM P22a Active Studio monitors: tight yet deep bass, high SPL, fast, supple mids, and highs that are sparkly but never harsh. It's a rare speaker that is both musical AND accurate. Usually real "happy" speakers don't reference well, and super-accurate speakers are boring and no fun to work on. £950 ONO Please call me on 07919 894 726 for more info and pics. Interested in trades for: Suhr/Tom Andersen/Tyler Super-strat of sorts, or a PRS Custom 24.
  15. haha...check out their website! Very....ehhhh.....sparse with information about the company. Oh - and the company doesn't exist at Companies House either.
  16. ok so I finally got my thumb out and....its now for sale for £450. any takers? Cheers Carl
  17. Hi If anyone needs rack-ears for an iAmp please let me know. Unused, as new, £10plus shipping. Carl
  18. Hi My daughter is at uni in Manc and is looking for a guitar teacher? Any teachers here? Please get in touch. Cheers! Carl
  19. [quote name='molan' post='670174' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:14 PM']These definitely used to a lot more than £599! I think the standard ones were £800 & the red ones another £100 on top. Looks like MB must have dropped the list price?[/quote] yes. bastards! I think I paid £799 or something...can't really remember...or find the receipt! I remember that I got a Markbass T-sh*t for free....black and orange...great for polishing bass guitars
  20. [quote name='Netballman' post='670141' date='Nov 30 2009, 04:38 PM']Actually this very link you quote is offering a brand new one for ... er... £599 ! :blush: Perhaps this would explain the relative lack of interest if you thought it was £900 new?[/quote] oooops.....I think the lprice has changed since I pout the amp up for sale the first time! arrghh...what to do....whadday reckon is a realistic market price then?
  21. BUMP! It needs to go - any sensible offers? Guitars? Guitar amps?
  22. Hello neighbor! Hope all is well. That's a lovely bass! any chance I can come around and give it a play? Jakebass has got one and after have heard his I got seriously interested in getting one. You around this weekend? Cheers! Carl PS. Done a deal with Space and Time....do you know them?
  23. [quote name='shinhoman' post='662211' date='Nov 22 2009, 10:38 PM']is this the usb 1.0 or usb 2.0 version?[/quote] \ Hi its the 2.0 version. C
  24. The Alesis MULTIMIX 8 8 channel mixer. Stunning value, firewire loaded mixer, perfect from computer-based project studios to live stage use. The Alesis MULTIMIX 8 is a USB interface with real faders, knobs and EQ. It is also a standalone analog mixer with quality Alesis effects and flexible signal routing. Each input channel on the mixer (plus the stereo mix) is sent into your computer and a stereo output is received from the computer for monitoring. Its versatility will fit your needs in your project studio, for live sound, portable recording with a laptop, sub mixing, and radio/TV production. The Multimix 8 USB features preamps with XLR and 1/4 inch jack balanced ins and phantom power on mono channels; balanced 1/4 inch ins, aux send, and stereo aux return on stereo channels; 28-bit effects; 3-band EQ on each channel; 1/4 inch jack balanced main and monitor outs; a headphone jack; and 24-bit, 44.1/48kHz A/D/A conversion. Steinberg Cubase LE is included (if I can find the disc!) I bought it new 6 months ago from Andertons. PRICE: £125
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