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Everything posted by carlosfandango

  1. I had an Epi 2x10 for a while that really sounded good. Very balanced, whit a very full low end for a 2x10 cab. Superlight too! If you want something with a bit more "bite" I'd recommend the Schroeder 1212L....amazing cab that fills any room and also is very light. Works well with the SVT heads as well.
  2. There's nothing like an old Pbass with either flats or some old dead rounds DI'd direct to the desk, maybe a bit of opto or valve compression....yummy for disco and old school funk. I think. My favorite disco track would be Bee Gee's "You should be dancing" or "Brick House" with the Commodores....or anything by Chic...or "Stomp" with the Johnson Brothers....or...or
  3. Bought a nice Lakky from Steve, no fuss, great comms, bass exactly as described, super fast shipment, bass very well wrapped up. Top bloke too! Deal with in confidence! Thanks! Carl
  4. Played a really nice wedding in Dorset on Sat. Very good crowd, every ine up and dancing from the first downbeat...nice! On the way back i managed to get a flat tyre AND a flat battery as I was listening to the radio whilst waiting for the green flag people to turn up...home safely in bed at 4am!
  5. Welcome back mate, it wasn't the same with out you! Carl
  6. I've got the one with the additional pickups (as in Annoying Twit's pictures) and it's a very very good EUB. In addition to a very convincing upright sound the additional pickups takes the bass in to electric bass territory which I find very useful for non traditional jazz applications. I've played a lot of hard rock/prog/fusion with it and it always sounds great.
  7. Hi Ian, how much are you asking for the bass? Carl
  8. I think this is a great scheme. I've had several Weekend warriors as students and it great to see grown up men trying to live out their dreams and finally be in a band! many of them have not had time to pursue because of family, work and other things but now when they are a bit older the have more time and what is better than a strappin' on a low slung pbass pumping out 8ths in a classic rock band I wish I had that fun when i
  9. Hi I'm a bass player but I also plays some keys and can help you out temporarily for gigs etc if you can't find anyone. I know that repertoire really well as i used to play hammond in a similar band. C
  10. Learn another instrument - somehting that will give you a new perspective on bass playing e.g. piano (great for "discovering" harmonics), or a solo instrument like sax or flute for melodic insights beyond bass. Playing a solo instrument gives you a great insight into what good bass playing is about.....e.g not getting in the way! I regulary gig on other instruments andit's great fun to play with other bass players!
  11. ohhhhh...that looks great! I love mine to bits, but I really envy the look of your cab. I'd like to have an old school Fender bassman look...tweeeeeeeeeeeeeed, biege front...omg! Peavey did an amp like that a coupld of years ago and it looked really nice. Anyway, congratulations to a very nice cab! Cheers Carl PS.I still use mine with the Tubepath and it really sounds nice with my warwick basses
  12. I suggest (as always) that you should consider a head and a cab instead. You could get a MarkBass bead with e.g. a used Schroeder cab for that kind of money. Better sounds, more flexible and expandable, easier to carry, pick and match cab and head for the tone you like and so on. I've got a small EBS combo that I uase for practice and tiny gigs - theyare really good but for a more "serious" gig I use separate head and cabs.
  13. ok here you go. My function band "Supafly" (that sometimes also features messrs bass-chatters JakesBass and Terryblyth): [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JXjqpsBp2A"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JXjqpsBp2A[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA5Xu2hbwgA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA5Xu2hbwgA...feature=related[/url] here I am again with another local function band...this time on (do I dare...) guitar! Talented Nicolette Street on vocals [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYcH84ExP_k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYcH84ExP_k[/url] it's a bit cheesy but pays the bills
  14. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='246183' date='Jul 23 2008, 03:27 PM']If I liked it as a player with one eye on it's investment value and got it for £600 I'd be pleased - under that is bargain territory If you get offers of above £700 you should be pleased too[/quote] Vunjos (?) guitar on Denmark street has three early mid -70s p-basses (two naturlal, one black, all in reasonable nick but not stunners)...asking price £1,600 and upwards. Silly money if you ask me but they woudn't be asking for it if they couldn't get it somehow..... Nice bass - good luck selling it!
  15. it must be my old precision. it has been my go-to bass since I bought it in 1977 and I just love it. I dont play it much thought as my wick's suit a soem of the music I do much better and I don't want to take her out to gigs anymore. I was actually on Denmark Street today to see if I could find a good older Pbass BUT.....early-mid 70's seem to go for £1,700!......roughly twice as much as i had hoped!
  16. EBS has a great and very light/portable one that I have sued for years. It's very powerful and easily drives 6-8 pedals (I think its 1600mA). I'm feeding my pedals using it my pedalsnake wich is another "must-have" for the serious stomper..
  17. Yeah had a good one last night with a local function band...on guitar this time! 50's birthday party, great crowd, great songs and the band sounds really tight. Highlight: "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5 as the final slowie to bring the mayhem down a notch...what a great song!
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='218713' date='Jun 14 2008, 09:22 AM']Okay! What we have so far are these proposals for venues and dates: VENUES: 1. Backline Studios, Guildford - where it was held last year 2. Plug n Play Studios, Reading 3. Harlequin Theatre, Redhill DATES: 1. Sat 30 August 2. Sun 31 aug 3. Sat 06 Sep 4. Sun 07 Sep We won't find dates that suit everybody, especially with the end of August being holiday time, so as a suggestion let's also throw the following weekend into the mix as well, i.e.: 05. Sat 13 Sep 06. Sun 14 Sep People who have said they're interested so far are: 01. Silverfoxnik 02. OBBM 03. Dood 04. Bass_ferret 05. S_u_y 06. allighatOr 07. johnnylager 08. jakesbass 09. Ped 10. Hamster 11. Gamble 12. Nick Thomas 13. Zach 14. Lowdown 15. craigonbass 16. Lonestar 17. BigBeefChief 18. Wooks 19. Clauster 20. Mr_russ 21. Linus 27 22. stewart 23. Bassninja 24. Rodders 25. Molan 26. WalMan 27. Cetera 28. Stingrayfan 29. Gilmour 30. NancyJohnson 31. Coasterbass 32. Merton 33. Galillee 34. Joe S 35. bear-foot-bass 36. WithoutRisk_Bass I think that's it?? That's more than enough to make it a great day My preferred venue would be Backline or The Harlquin as it's a bit nearer for me but ultimately, anywhere suggested is OK really. I'd also chuck in Water Rats Studios in Surrey as well but they maybe a bit small? And dates wise, I'm OK for all of them.. Does anyone know how to do a Poll on this, so we can be uber-democratic and vote on it? Sorry if I've missed anyone or their suggestions out! Nik[/quote] Please add me to the list! And I vote for Reading
  19. Hi jake I've got a epifani UL210 that you can try at the gig on Sat if you like. Very light, very loud and sound fab with electric fivers and EUB/Uprights. Alt my Shroeder 410L....awsome cab but might be a bit overkill for your needs. let me know and I'll make sure its there for soundcheck. I've got a couple of poweramps as well eg QSC 2400PXL.
  20. Ohhhh...I've had two of these...very good cabs and £400 is a steal!
  21. Hi there is a lot to be said for a separate head and a small cab (or potentially two!). I can really recommend the F1 head combined with a really good light cab such as Epifani UL112, EBS 112 and so on. You'll get a much more flexible rig and have the options to add speakers to need and taste (personally not convinced about the Markbass speakers).
  22. I love the sounds of a 70's Marshall head (Super Bass) with a 4x12 or 4x15 cab. Especially my Warwicks...there something magic with active bases and tubes.....yum! I've got a Warwick Tubepath that is a hybrid that does a very convincing all tube sound as well.
  23. great track! I love the bass line too and really enjoy myself everytime it shows up on a set list. " summerlovin" is another great track from the same album. I love Hungates playing - but I must admit that i can't stand Toto.....
  24. Hi I would tick all the boxes but need to know a bit more: - Do you have website? - What's the setlist? - What's the pay? Thanks, Carl
  25. You need a fully cranked up Marshall (Dial back bass and treble, full mid, full presence, a jump lead can sometimes help to get a grittier sound depends in the amp), a 4x12 Marshall cab (or two!), a Rik with mini humbuckers (or similar) and play with a pick guitar style, Lemmy often plays chords and drones which helps to create the sound. I'm sure yo can achieve similar results with a good OD and any amp and bass with some experimentation. I love that sound mysef land have re-created it with many differnet set-ups over the years.
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