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Everything posted by bluesparky

  1. Marty bought a couple of books from me, paid promptly and it was a pleasant and easy transaction. Two thumbs up, cheers.
  2. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1379776410' post='2216677'] Great horn section and drummer too, although to my ears he was a bit low in the mix until the last few songs. [/quote] Their FOH sound chap is a bass player and has been known to come on here, you never know, your observation may be taken on board!
  3. I sold a book to Jason, prompt payer and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks.
  4. How was the gig?
  5. That's a lot of blue rinses to hinder last orders!
  6. I was going to pop down but now I can't. It looks like they've got a bigger horn section for this weekend too,
  7. Daz bought a couple of books from me. Nice 'n easy transaction, prompt payment & a pleasure to deal with. Cheers.
  8. I sold a book to Paddy, prompt payment & a pleasure to deal with. Two thumbs up.
  9. He bought a book from me, prompt payment and a pleasure to deal with. Two thumbs up.
  10. Cheers chaps, it looks like it's not quite what I had in mind when I saw the brief footage of it. Also, thanks for keeping me entertained, you can always rely on BC to get a bit silly and bring a smile to your face!
  11. I think I've got something in my eye... right, i'm off to practice some more...
  12. Hello all! I've just received an email about the London Bass Guitar show for 2014, and the enclosed youtube video promoting it featured this bass. I've no idea what it is and it strikes me that it could be of the "travel bass" variety, which is something I'm interested in as my current one is getting a bit tired. Thanks for any help / assistance as always! [attachment=141209:Screen Shot 2013-08-09 at 22.19.30.png]
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1369992277' post='2095227'] Really? [/quote]
  14. I practice whenever I can, which whilst balancing a sporadic work schedule and a new baby it's not as often as I'd like. I wish I could get to the point when I didn't fancy practicing! I usually alternate days of practice between bass (anything and everything, including being aboit to do my third grade 8) and piano (currently about to do grade 4). If I can't practice because I've spare time and I don't have an instrument with me (rare) or its not really possible then I'll do some theory work as I'm about to do grade 6 theory, which I'm really enjoying doing. As I'm not in a band due to working away so often I find having exams, grades and goals to work towards something that keeps me focused on an end result rathe than just widdling through the same old stuff. I'm very jealous of you being able to practice as much as you do, I'm sure plenty of teachers an experience players on here will be able to give you advice on how to vary your practice and keep you motivated!
  15. I sold jonny a book, very fast payer. Easy transaction.
  16. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1366386077' post='2051965'] There's a thread full of isolated bass tracks on here somewhere. It was pinned but a lot of the youtube links were dead, so yes thee things do get removed from time to time. I know at least Anarchy by the Pistols was redone by the band as they could't find the masters. Steve Jones played the bass and it's different to Matlock's playing on the original. [/quote] Cool, I'll have a look. It certainly makes transcribing tracks easier. A far cry from having to rewind tapes and use high speed dubbing to make muddy basslines clearer!
  17. Ok, thank you. Very interesting. I know that commercially released songs get taken off YouTube all the time - I wonder if items such as isolated bass tracks get the same attention, or if the labels don't have the means to track or find them quite so easily and remove them.
  18. How does the rock back thing work? Are they the original tracks or high quality covers (I've never played rock band / guitar hero).
  19. I've noticed, as I'm sure most of you have too, that there are now plenty of isolated bass tracks kicking around the place. Many of which are on YouTube. Where do they come from, or more to the point, HOW do they come from wherever they come from? Are they legit tracks released by the publicists or has someone got some clever software that does it for them? How many of them are the actual original tracks (as a rough proportion) and a lot of them simply people putting their own versions up and stating that they are the original. I'm quite amazed at how many are kicking around now.
  20. For me it was straight away, the school I was at bought a bass guitar (pretty much for me - I was the only pupil in my GCSE music class and I pestered the teacher / department to get one) and I had to join the school orchestra that week and play bass, shifting across from the brass section where I'd been for the previous four years. The first school concert with me on bass was only a couple or three weeks later. The first PROPER gig, i.e. with an independent band was about six months later and that seemed to go alright too.
  21. Bought a book from me, very quick to pay and an easy transaction. Thank you.
  22. I had a focus, but I sold it about a year ago. It did the job but was very functional and didn't really set my heart alight. I've got an astra again now, I like them!
  23. Traditional notation for me - by hand initially and then when I have time I manually input it into sibelius or finale etc at a later date. However saying that I have developed a bit of short hand when it comes to notating it in a hurry and there are probably bits which are immediately obvious to anyone else.
  24. Sold a book to Steve, very quick payer and easy to deal with. Two thumbs up.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFaXTcR4dtE Then there's this, great version of the video too!
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