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Everything posted by bluesparky

  1. Sold - pending the usuals.
  2. I was at a family wedding this weekend and my cousin's jazz duet played, along with a backing track from an i-pad using this app: [url="http://www.irealb.com/"]http://www.irealb.com/[/url] I'm not sure if it's been posted on here before but I spoke to him about it and he completely sold it to me. Not only is it great for practice, but he uses for countless gigs too. He was using it on his i-pad, but it's on the i-phone and Mac / macbook too. I've been playing around with it since i got home and I love it, hopefully it'll help me improve my jazz playing to no end (hopefully!). Apologies if it's already been mentioned here before.
  3. OOh, that looks nice, pity i can't afford it at the mo though...
  4. [quote name='richardrickenbacker' post='1340602' date='Aug 15 2011, 12:59 PM']I had a Sunn Mustang strat - great gear for the money. If you'd post I'd have put an offer in. NancyJohnson is gonna get a good bass for the dosh.[/quote] I've got one of those too, also at my mum's place. It wouldn't surprise me if it gets suggested that i sell it too!
  5. I would post it, but to be honest i'm uber-busy with work and then i'm off on hols so I wouldn't be able to get it to a post office whilst they're open or be able to wait around for a courier to collect it. Also, with no case it's a bit of a pain in the bum to post. If it's any help i'm working at Elstree film studios for the next week or so if that's any easier to collect from there?
  6. After popping into my mum's recently i found this baby which had been forgotten about. I've no need for it so i need to sell it or I'll get it in the neck from the wife!!! It plays well and It'll work fine once it gets a tone pot and the pickups need a little attention (they work, but they're not mounted correctly) and there are a couple of sharpie marks on the scratchplate from where i was once playing around with positions of harmonics but they'll come off easily enough. It has no case, or strap and I'm selling it cheap as I've no need for it and I don't have the time to sort it out and then sell it. Once a tone pot has been fitted it's and ideal start bass or 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th etc. bass. £25, collect only, Clapham, south London.
  7. Looks like we've got a buyer, pending the usuals.
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1326282' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:02 PM']The high end difference is definitely noticeable on the 750. If you can afford it, go for it.[/quote] Ok, Cheers, thanks for that. Am I correct in thinking that both the 450 & 750 heads will power up to 3 speakers of any combination of the RS 210, 212 & 112?
  9. I'm looking to get one of the TC heads 450 or 750 to go with my TC RS210 & 212 cabs. I was going to get the 450, sounds good, works with the cabs and not overly expensive. When i contacted a retailer about the availability the 450 i was given a friendly and helpful reply, which also included this: "I would recommend the 750 as it has a better high end response - the RH450 has a low pass filter set at 5khz so does not let any zing through the amp, the RH750 has an adjustable low pass filter which allows you to have a more natural/extended high end". Has anyone tried both heads and noticed this? My understanding is that the 450 pairs well with the RS speakers and comfortably powers them with no issues and is the natural choice of heads from TC to power these speakers. I've not tried it yet, but would there be any need for the 750 aside from the tonal differences? Does the 750 have enhanced / "better" tone control? I'm in London but i don't know of any local shops that have both in stock to tryout. Many thanks to all in advance.
  10. Gallien - Krueger 1001RB-II Amp 700 Watts (4 ohms) + 50 W Horn Bi-amp. It’s very loud and sounds terrific. It’s in mint condition without a mark on it and I’ve only gigged it half a dozen times and it’s never been driven hard. South London (Clapham) £sold to a good home. (same price to a bad home) [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_rb_series.html"]Here's the website[/url]
  11. [quote name='Westie9' post='1325073' date='Aug 2 2011, 11:41 PM']You have a PM[/quote] And another, just in case!
  12. [quote name='oldslapper' post='1325467' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:53 AM'] I didn't say that I left any either, Im as rude as the next man! [/quote] Oh i don't know. In this thread i'm the next man and i've got quite a potty mouth...
  13. I've bought and sold a whole bunch of things on here and i've met some jolly nice people in the process too. I don't really have much to add to what the main regulars have to say. There are many people on here who are experts in all fields who usually post before me so i do the on-line equivalent of nodding and raising eyebrows in agreement, i.e. saying nothing. I could simply post "hmm, i agree" all the time but i'm sure it'd waste everyone's time!!! Saying that i have been smacked down a couple of times whilst starting topics or posting genuine and honest things that i've had to say, which has left me quite reluctant to post anything unless i've re-read it a hundred times and then brace myself for the scrutiny of people who may possibly be ready to prove me wrong. I did end up here whilst looking to sell something, but i've stuck around and i've picked up many tips and information along the way. It's also the first stop for me when i'm buying or selling anything. I feel it's an important part of this site as it not only helps those selling / buying regardless of whether they're new or will disappear and along the way the forum will collect new members as result. Such as myself. I've popped into many pubs for one drink and never gone in again yet i'll always go to my local where the same old people are (usually having the same old conversations).
  14. Whilst working on a tour in the not too distant past i ended up buying a 3' polystyrene skull in St Albans Clintons. After hollowing it out and turning it into a mask it ended up being worn by the drummer during his drum solo and became the centre of attention for a little while. Later on in the tour we woke on the bus in the morning to find the back lounge covered in hundreds of tiny pieces of polystyrene and my mate "Ed the head" was no more. It turns out that a member of the band jokingly said to another "that skull is looking at you funny, it's giving you the eye" etc... which then progressed into the 2nd band member utterly ripping apart said skull in a jokey fit of paranoia until it was no more and the lounge looked like a hyper-puppy had been let loose in there. As a result i then bought a load of 6" skulls and scattered them around the stage & backline ready for the soundcheck, complete with speech bubbles saying "Where's Dad?", "Stop the massacre", "Where's Ed" etc.. The band member in question took the point sheepishly apologised and said he'd pay me for the skull (which only cost a tenner anyway). I'm still waiting for my money!!!
  15. [quote name='Stacker' post='1306632' date='Jul 17 2011, 01:19 PM']I know one about a drunk tour novice, his bunk, a condom and a drumstick. Nuff said!![/quote] One of my personal peeves is being disturbed in your bunk. If you're in there with the curtains closed then that's it, you should be left alone. If you fall pass out in the back lounge after being smashed on booze and whatever then you're fair game.
  16. Fingerstyle for me. There have been literally a couple of songs that i've used a pick for so i can get the sound i'm after but i feel like i'm cheating myself when i use one!
  17. [quote name='icastle' post='1301850' date='Jul 13 2011, 03:05 AM']I will personally hunt down and sing sea shanties at the first person who puts THAT video up again... [/quote] When i saw the title of the thread I was expecting it to be in here already. Good job you nipped it in the bud! Thanks for the links, there's some good stuff there.
  18. I worked for a headline band on a festival in Newquay a good few years ago and we stayed overnight the night before the first day in order to do the lighting programming in the dark. The lighting designer finished in reasonable time and said he'd simply keep going until the tour bus from the band turned up. He'd come down to Newquay with the truck and i was already there finishing off a holiday. At about 3.30am a bus pulled up, we turned everything off and i headed back to my hotel whilst he jumped on the bus in order to find a bunk and get some sleep. When i arrived back at the gig in the morning I asked how he was and he said it was a bit strange that he didn't recognise any of the crew when he woke in the morning. It turned out he'd gotten on the wrong bus (it was the first one to turn up) which belonged to another band and had taken the last bunk meaning that someone else who turned up after him had to sleep in a lounge on the bus. This of course gave him a bit of a frosty reception when he came down the stairs in the morning to a group of equally bemused people looking back at him.
  19. I do have a fair few tour stories which make me chuckle but they're mostly from the crew side of things or would end up with me getting sued by a celebrity if i started telling them on a public forum. Of the ones i can tell, the one which makes me chuckle each time was from a rather large European stadium tour i was working on a few years ago. When we were doing a football stadium in Gothenburg we had to start at 2am on the day of the gig instead of loading the day before the gig , the rain was torrential and everyone was exhausted and didn't really want to be there. I had 2 locals working for me on each gig on that tour and they were usually sent to me after about 20 mins into the load in. Someone had made a cock-up and the local crew (110 of them) all turned up really late, so everyone was in an even worse mood than before. My particular job was to work up on a platform about 20' up which was reached by climbing up the structure and then hopping up onto the raised area. As the crew arrived my boss radioed me to say he was sending up my crew, and the called again simply saying "you're welcome". As i looked over the edge i was greeted by an incredibly attractive and stunning young lady climbing up and smiling at me. At that moment the rain stopped, the moon seemed to cast a gorgeous beam across the world and it was just like when Wayne saw Cassandra for the first time in Wayne's world. I helped up onto the platform, being the gentleman that I am and it seemed that there was some chap climbing up behind her but i didn't really notice him nor can i remember his name or what he looked like. As i introduced myself my mate / colleague was standing behind her and as she uttered the words "Hi, i'm Fanny and i'm here for you" he pretty much fell on the floor laughing. This news was quickly broadcasted to the rest of the touring personnel (which much to my embarrassment came out of my radio too) and i could hear the guffaws of laughter as everyone heard the name of the angel that had been sent up to help me. She wasn't very strong, nor very good but it was the help i needed just at that moment and for the rest of the day I had people shouting across the stadium "how's ya fanny?", "can i see your fanny" and other comments regarding people of a certain name being wet in the rain etc.. Fortunately she took it all in her stride and had a good laugh too and came back for the load-out after the show much to everyone's delight.
  20. What goes on tour, stays on facebook.
  21. I've got about 20 - 30 old bass player magazines which are free to a good home (for postage or collect from Clapham). PM me if you / anyone wants them. I don't really want to throw them out as I'm always sure someone would want them - I'd forgotten i even had them until I read this post.
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