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Everything posted by bluesparky

  1. Cool Vid, I've never been a great fan of Steve Bailey though. To me it always sounds like Bill Bailey playing a theremin! I'm loving the drummer's playing though - very cool.
  2. [quote name='fretmeister' post='468239' date='Apr 21 2009, 11:16 AM']Thanks chaps - a great help[/quote] My pleasure, as always!
  3. BTW as for the famous reverse bit in the middle (it was the bass player's birthday present from Paul Simon if i remember correctly) the version I have, has the fill transcribed as heard.
  4. I got it if you want it. It's a scan from an old bass mag. PM if you want it.
  5. I've always loved the sound and feel of a jazz. The first bass i ever had was a cheap precision copy and sounded awful. That put me off precisions for years but i'm now tempted to get one as i've eventually realised that the proper ones sound a million times better than the wasp in a dustbin sound of my first outing!
  6. Personally i use big names as a good starting point. Most people know what the major brands / labels / models sound like so you've probably got an idea in your head of what you're looking for. Armed with this i'd then go into a shop and take a look, listen and play of what i think i may like the sound of. If the shop is any good then they'll take what you've said you like and then hopefully suggest possible alternatives and "if you like that, then you might like this" just to broaden your horizons and maybe highlight something you'd never heard of or thought about buying. If someone suggested something along the lines of what i was after and it suited my price, sound, quality and comfort then i'd have no hesitation in buying it even if it was made by Tesco Value! My main two basses are a MusicMan Stingray and a jazz standard, this is because when i did play them they were exactly what i wanted. I really like their sounds, feel and reputation - also the fact that the players i love also use them was a big reason to heading in that direction. They also were in the ballpark of the budget i had and were perfect for what i wanted. I try not to think that i only bought them because of their brandname, but i can't hide the fact that they are both pretty big names.
  7. I'll show you my warm if you show me your clank!!
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='428605' date='Mar 8 2009, 02:52 PM']Funnily enough, it does. Try it and see![/quote] I WILL! I'm off to visit the often talked about bass merchant tomorrow to look for some, the wallet is twitching just at the thought of it...
  9. ok. cheers. Right, i'm off to the bass gallery - i'm going to walk in and ask for 2 warm cabs please! If only it worked like that..
  10. bluesparky


    Right, i've been reading a few posts etc and people are often talking about sounds / cabs being Warm, Cold, Wolly, Bright and even Dark. As this is a writing based forum, how would you actually describe these sounds as a couple of the descriptions aren't really making sense to me. (bright is reasonably obvious to me 'cos my stereo has got a bright button!). E.g. Honky is a word i assume is a mid heavy sound, and quite harsh? Cheers.
  11. I'd be there if i wasn't working - and there was me moaning last week 'cos it's all so quiet on the work front.... TYPICAL! I'm sure it'll be a good 'un..
  12. [quote name='tombboy' post='424261' date='Mar 3 2009, 04:08 PM']Mad crazy fool! Last time I did that my wife bought a village.[/quote] Hmm, yeah, good point. At least my money would buy something i'd want - rather than 30 pairs of shoes and some candles....
  13. Nice - time to fish out "standing in the shadows of motown" methinks!
  14. Hmm, i'll have to pop in the next time i'm heading up the A12 to my mum's! Sounds good, i'll leave the wallet with the missus for the first visit though...
  15. Lovely, thanks guys.
  16. Thanks mate, kinda what i thought - nice one..
  17. As most of us do, i've got a big ol' bunch of effects which have been lovingly tweaked over the years to get the sounds i want. I play active and passive basses and I use a Boss line selector to keep the input levels into the first pedal / effects chain the same. As with most amps, mine has an active and passive input with a switch to select which the input is (which adjusts the input level). My question is - when i take the output from the last pedal, it is better to put it into the amp passive input, OR as an active input with the button set to the appropriate setting. Is there a difference or is it just the amp's input level?
  18. Bass Gallery usually, although i am guilty of shopping around on-line to find the cheapest deal i can. It's not really helping the high street retailer! Evil bay has been quite handy over the years, as has here.
  19. Nice one - good to see that people are keeping busy in these times. Personally i'm a bit too quiet for my own liking, but it does mean i can sit at home in my pants all day and watch Dave TV!
  20. John Paul Jones always used a jazz didn't he? Was that just a standard or a unique one?
  21. Hard fi - Livin' for the weekend Good fun driving song and great bass riff too.
  22. Cool, good find! Nice to see people going to see something a bit different - and also to see someone making that technique actually usable in everyday life rather than doing it for the sake of it (or in a guitar shop on a saturday morning between slaps!!) .
  23. Also, whilst walking to the Bass gallery (great place with helpful people) - play a quick game of: How many people will ask if I "WANT SOME SKUNK WEED MON"?...... I usually get into double figures...
  24. Foo Fighters - DOA Kings Of Leon - Sex on fire
  25. Ha ha! nice.. Reel big fish did a great version of Aha's "take on me" - brilliant! (they also covered hungry like a wolf and brown eyed girl).
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