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Urban Lions

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Everything posted by Urban Lions

  1. So is this 300w each side or am I getting 600 from one side?
  2. I'm taking g the cab to a tech next week so I'll keep you all posted on the wiring.
  3. Yes I think it is
  4. I'm thinking about buying a TE AH1200-12 and thought I'd ask you lot first before making the move. I'm used to old trace stuff from pre Gibson era and I've no idea what the new American made Peavey stuff is like. I have a pre Gibson AH600 and a BFC cab and I'm really confused about the set up so I think I might sell it and just go for the ah1200, a 1x18 and a 4x12 600w a side. Any advice?
  5. Hi guys, sorry I've only just picked up on this. The head is covered in the fury carpet stuff. It's the GP7 SM bass pre amp AH600SM it has a blue neon light, it's very heavy and fat.
  6. Yep same plate.
  7. Hey guys. I bought that trace bfc. It's on castors and really easy to move around. Just need an amp to power it now.
  8. Merton it says on the back of the cab that each set of speakers are 4ohms. I have a photo of the set up how do I post on here?
  9. Thanks guys that's great advice. I just wasn't sure if I would get 600 from a single output. Merton the BFC is 4ohm it says it on the back of the cab.
  10. Hi everyone thanks for your help. It's a ah600gp7sm there are 2 speaker outputs on the back both say 4ohm each.
  11. I have a trace elliot ah600 (pre Gibson) it has two speaker outputs on the back both a at 4ohms. First question would be if I powered one cab from one output would I be getting 300w @ 4ohms or the full 600w @ 4ohms? If it's 300w each side then if I used a two 1/4 inch jacks to one speak on cable and took both loads would this still be 4ohms or would it go down to 2ohms? My cab is 1000w @ 4ohms
  12. Wow well if it's already set up that's great news but how do I find out? I've bought an old ah600 to test it.mthe info on the back of the cab says 4ohms
  13. How do I attach a photo to this thread?
  14. Ah ok. There was no mention of modification when I bought it. It's pretty much unused. The guy who I bought it off didn't know much about them. He just said he used a 300w Sunn concert amp, plugged it in and played and it was very loud.
  15. I have bought a pre Gibson ah600 gp7 until I can get my hands on the ah1000. I need to know if this will damage the 10" speakers as they are only 250 each side.
  16. But when I plug my 150w amp into it all the speakers are working.
  17. Could you tell me what would happen I plugged an ah600 into the cab? It works gone with my 130Gp7
  18. Ah ok thanks
  19. Yes I will keep looking. There are loads of old ah600s and 500s about. I have a couple of if gigs at the end of May and need something by then. Do you think a 600 will do the job until I can find the amp I need? I'm powering the BFC with my 1994 GP7sm130 at the minute and it's loud enough at home with that so I could only imagine what 1000 watts is going to be like.
  20. Thank you. That narrows my search down a bit more now. Do you think there are any still in existence?
  21. Still no joy finding one of these amps. Were they te Peavey made amps do you know?
  22. I'm after the old one that powers the bfc
  23. Yes that helps a lot thank you. So I should get myself an old ah1000 .... Next question .... Does anyone have one for sale?
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