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    West Midlands

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  1. Yup, my EQ went from a smiley face to a frown a few years back and it sounds really good out front. (I've wandered out wirelessly to have a listen)
  2. Zenith – Rock covers DRN - Rock covers (stood for Don’t Really k[No]w) as in the answer to, “What’s the name of the band?” Strontium Dog - Originals & rock covers (after the 2000 AD character) Miss Fire - Originals Scarab - Originals Pointy Finger Hat – Originals Stocky Whippet - Originals SeriaMau – Originals & rock covers (after an M John Harrison character) Granddad’s Tank - Originals (often called Granddad Stank) Icefire - Originals (after the children’s novel)
  3. Just gonna leave this here
  4. How about a one in one out policy? Whether that's basses or wives is up to you
  5. Remember, you are unique - just like everyone else.
  6. Not so in this particular band, no ego involved. (We could jam for England) Having been brought up listening to the Deeply Purple ones the length of any non vocal passage was always indeterminate with an “End of it cue” to let us know when we were back on track. Just occasionally, if the muse was upon him, he’d go off on one. In fact, on one of our original songs, I always thought it would be a good idea to get a looper and join the singist.
  7. A few years back we went to see Deep Purple at whatever the NEC was called that month. It was the start of a massive (over 12 months) tour. Lynyrd Skynyrd were the penultimate band on and they absolutely blew Purple away – leaving me somewhat disappointed in the Purps and very impressed with Skynyrd. Saw Purple again, same venue, at the tail end of the same tour and they were excellent.
  8. If you're mid set and you break a string (this happened to me last year) it's easy and quicker just to grab the other bass and carry on with the set.
  9. From left to right: Number one gigging bass, Spare gigging bass (always goes to gigs, just in case) Twiddle and Noodle at home mostly bass. Red one sold on.
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