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Everything posted by Agwin

  1. [quote name='Tony p' timestamp='1499378653' post='3331235'] I often play through house backline at festivals due to the non existent band change over times, my "rig" is a tc bh250 with a tc 112 cab so imagine how impressed I was to find this concoction on stage at the weekend... Gk head , 2 x 10 cab mounted on what may have been another cab or maybe a cupboard... I'm 6'6" and it looked pretty impressive Anyone else come up against any weird and wonderfull set ups? [/quote] That bottom cab is very reminiscent of an HH Bass Machine 1x15 folded horn monster like the one I had back in the eighties. It could flatten buildings
  2. Disco couldn’t be further removed from my usual cup of tea if it tried but, my God, this is sheer class!
  3. You might need to factor in the law of Symmetrically Opposed Developments which states that desired outcome is inversely proportional to actual outcome.
  4. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1487784971' post='3242899'] I'd be inclined to get them to buy a bass for you to play at their gigs - see how serious they are about the look of it... [/quote] That was my first thought when I started reading this topic. Well actually it was, " You buy it, I'll play it!"
  5. Hole in the Sky
  6. I personally like the Noodle Bar in it’s current form (no I don’t mean on hold and under debate) the only change I would suggest is possibly doubling the allowed length of time so that a noodle could be anything from a few seconds up to, but not necessarily using all of, a couple of minutes. Mrs Agwife has mentioned in the past that some people could be put off entering if they feel their playing isn’t up to scratch, which I can understand; however, the challenge aspect asks us to vote for our FAVORITE three NOT the most technically proficient or best structured or whatever – you get my drift. Anyone who watches Strictly will tell you favorite doesn’t necessarily mean most accomplished. To me the joy of the Noodle Bar is listening to and being inspired by everyone’s contributions. I’m sure most of us can agree that our bass isn’t primarily a solo instrument but having said that I’ve been frequently surprised and amazed at the sheer variety of sounds and styles that manifest themselves in the Noodle Bar.
  7. Too many to choose – plus it depends on mood/day/weather etc but Highway Star (Made in Japan), Burn (Made in Europe) and Speed King are always jostling for position.
  8. I hope we’re not considering the Noodle bar as taking a Cat to some deceased equine creature. Whaddya reckon chaps and chapesses, shall we see if a January Noodle Bar provides any more entries? Congratulations to Skol, by the way and also thanks for overseeing the Bar these past months.
  9. Two – my Precision and my Squier Precision which has dropped D for a couple of songs (This also acts as a spare as it doesn’t take long to tune back up to E in an emergency). Guitarist has a Strat and a Les Paul
  10. I can't leave Skol languishing here alone any longer. 78 Precision with rounds into Audacity then compressed & normalised. Might just play this to the rest of the band and see if it goes anywhere. https://soundcloud.com/agwin/ags-idea
  11. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1479964527' post='3180606'] Great vid I enjoyed that. Very good sound quality considering. [/quote] Thanks Twincam The sound quality took me by surprise too!
  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1479909385' post='3180198'] Like the video! Sounds good too. [/quote] Glad you liked the vid. Sound wise it’s just my Samsung Galaxy 3 plonked directly in front of my Ashdown EVOIII head sitting on top of my Ashdown 2X10 Compact cab.
  13. Not sure this is the right place for this – if it’s decreed from on high that it should be elsewhere so be it – but I thought it was (tenuously) relevant here. Last month fellow noodler, Twincam, suggested it might be interesting to see a video of me playing “Octonoodle” Well I’ve finally taken my phone from my pocket so here’s a slightly extended version: https://youtu.be/stgZZO3NBto Obviously this is not this month’s entry – I’m still waiting on my muse for that one
  14. Do you ever get an idea for piece of music that sounds great in your head but wouldn’t it be nice if you could actually play it? That’s this months noodle. I thought it up at the start of the month but it’s taken a couple of weeks to get my fingers round it. It’s not a perfect performance of it, but it’s close – and I’m running out of time. Cort Curbow 4:1 Generic rounds (cheap from Amazon) all strings detuned a semitone from standard. Into Audacity then compressed and normalized. Enjoy (or not) https://soundcloud.com/agwin/octonoodle
  15. Certificate printed and on the fridge - thanks Dad
  16. Precision, Squire Precision, Cort Curbow 4:1 & De-fretted Precision copy
  17. Does this work? [attachment=228820:Bass Selfie.jpg]
  18. A mellow offering from the House of Ag https://soundcloud.com/agwin/equinoodle
  19. Won't be able to listen till the weekend but I'll vote then.
  20. Cheers TC, I agree with your thoughts on the Sibelius sketch. Take a listen to some Yngwie Malmsteem Neo Classical tracks and superimpose that sound over the sketch and you'll be pretty close. The blues ending is just me having a laugh.
  21. Here’s this month’s offering: It’s the last bit of a tune I presented to the rest of the band – working title is “Nil By Mouth” because I don’t have any lyrics as yet. https://soundcloud.com/agwin/nil-by-mouth-exerpt If you fancy taking the time to have a listen I’ve included the (2mins 45) Sibelius sketch that I made so that they could get an idea of what I had in mind. As yet I’ve not managed to find a “Screaming Strat” sound on Sibelius so it’s a twangy guitar sound and there’s a bit in the middle which is minus the Dive Bombing guitar solo but you’ll get the idea https://soundcloud.com/agwin/nil-by-mouth
  22. Twice, early eighties, both Rotosound rounds on my ’78 Precision. First was a dodgy A that went as I was fitting and tuning it – took it back to shop who replaced it FoC. Second was a bottom E – Using a pick, first song into a gig with an originals NWOBHM band! I managed to complete the song by modifying what I played then had a frantic few minutes digging out a spare, fitting it and tuning up. It was this incident that prompted me to buy a Squier Precision as a spare bass (I figured it would be a lot quicker just to grab another pre tuned bass and just double check the tuning). Luckily I’ve not had a string go since.
  23. Thanks Dad and congratulations to Asambique. My certificate is already in pride of place on the fridge.
  24. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1469935958' post='3102117'] Would it be sad if I can guess your action height and which fret is a touch high on one side than the other! Lol. [/quote] Possibly a [i]BIT [/i]sad - but quite a skill too, I'd have thought.
  25. Ok, late to the party this month. Cort Curbow 4:1 all strings down a semitone from standard into Audacity. There are a few fluffs in there because I attempted it at 192 BPM to get it in at 60 seconds. It’s a lot easier at a more sedate 180 BPM but I thought it might be fun to hear me struggling a bit! https://soundcloud.com/agwin/baroque-a-noodle-doo
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