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Everything posted by Cato

  1. Suprised nobody has posted this yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQGGQ-FCe_w One of my all time favourite pieces of music from one of my all time favourite films.
  2. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1434656788' post='2801640'] [url="http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/glastonbury-2015-lineup-acdc-will-happily-play-if-michael-eavis-asks-9898423.html"]http://www.independe...ks-9898423.html[/url] They'd go down well. [/quote] Much as I'd love to see AC/DC play the festival I doubt they'd ever do it. Firstly Glastonbury pays absolute buttons, even to the headliners (its more about raising money for various environmental charities) & AC/DC aren't known for playing for free. Secondly AC/DC like to have 100% control of their staging, who films their performance, who makes the sound recording. A couple of years ago they made the Download organisers jump through a million hoops, set up their own super-secure AC/DC personnel only compound on the site & banned the broadcast of their performance. No single artist would ever get away with that at Glastonbury, its just too big for the organisers to give that much attention & room to one band.
  3. The million dollar question - is the disappearance of said T shirt linked to the appearance of this thread on Basschat? Is Mr Hall still stalking this site in the hopes of pouncing & threatening unsuspecting members with scurrilous threats of legal action? If so may a well known phrase concerning sex & travel springs to mind.
  4. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1433348634' post='2790361'] Clarification is in....apparently when they said PA, they meant the same level of PA that you have in a usual pub gig environment i.e. vocals with the guitars and bass using amps and drum purely acoustic. So the stage in question would appear to be based on a standard of a pub gig level. [/quote] So, in a nutshell, when they said 'PA' they didn't actually mean PA. (still worth checking what they think everybody is going to put the vocal mics through though).
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1433129716' post='2788072'] Cool looking bass. I would be interested in a Gibson model. Blue [/quote] The single worse bass I have ever played was a 1981 Gibson Flying V bass. I played it in the legendary Musical Exchanges in Birmingham in around 1990. It looked the absolute business, dark blue with a black pickguard, the shop lent me a strap and as I stood up I felt like I was about to go on stage at Wembley. Then I plugged it in & started playing a few of my favourite bits & pieces. Everything I played sounded like Blart Blaart Blaart. The shop assistant actually came over to check if there was something wrong with the Amp but other basses sounded fine through it. I should have been suspicious that this bass had a £350 price tag when everything else in the shop with a Gibson logo started around the £1000 mark. In the interests of objectivity I should point out that's the only Gibson V bass I have ever played & it was nearly 10 years old when I got my hands on it. There may be much better examples out there.
  6. Get yourself a Ramones compilation and play along to it. Its good pretty basic stuff to practice to as a beginner & its also a nice gentle introduction into learning stuff by ear..
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1432454845' post='2781510'] There is still no reason for a 21 year old that doesn't know what an electric guitar is to get up in my face and make a mock of me while I'm trying to make a living. blue [/quote] Don't take it personally. Most music venues sell alcohol. Inevitably some people end up acting like tools. Its not about you.
  8. Go into as many shops as you can. Try everything you can get your hands on. Things to look out for (although in your price bracket it shouldn't too much of an issue). Fretbuzz (irritating, usually fixable but sometimes not). Dead spots. Unacceptable levels of hum or noise on the pickups. (again this can often be fixed but depending on the the cause but can be an annoying expense if you eg. end up having to replace the pick ups). Also check all the strings sound at the same volume when amplified, its not that common these days but I've played basses with weak Gs & on one occasion even a weak A. Good luck & enjoy.
  9. I'd be interested to know what he's got. Has he gone for the gold plated Ritter with fossilized mammoth ivory inlays and strings hand wound by virgins out of unicorn mane & fairy pubes? Or is he more of a Squier CV kind of a chap?
  10. +1 to Overkill. Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0KBryUoCto for starters. I cut my bass playing teeth playing along to early Overkill albums. One of the things that separates them from the rest of the Thrash crowd is the clarity of the bass in the mix. Although the vocals are probably a bit marmite...
  11. I'm a huge Alice fan. I love the way he evolved his sound throughout his career. Here's one of my favourites from his all too brief electro pop era. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRa3X6PX_ag
  12. I don't listen to much metal these days, but Peace Sells is still one of my all time favourite albums. I was absolutely blown away the first time I listened to it, I'd never heard anything like it before. Megadeth were definitely my personal favourite out of the original 'Big 4' thrash bands.
  13. Agree with the Smiths - I quite like some of the music but Morrisey's lyrics were always far too clever & smug for me - I always felt the The Wedding Present did it better & without constantly blowing their own trumpets about it. At the risk of being ostracized I quite like a lot of Hip-Hop especially G-Funk era Dr Dre productions & solo stuff, if , like me you grew up in rural England the lyrics are ridiculous, but there's something about it that makes my head nod. Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wBTdfAkqGU. (Warning contains some bad language & probably a few n-words).
  14. Cato

    Hey there.

    Been lurking around browsing these pages more & more over the last few weeks & though it was about time I joined. Not sure how much I have to contribute as I don't have the experience or the equipment of some you guys. I'm not even in a band at the moment (although I'm trying to change that) & although I've always considered myself primarily a bass player most of my gigging experience has been playing rhythm guitar & doing lead vocals. Never planned it that way, its just the way things turned out. I'm actually looking forwards to standing at the back and concentrating on the instrument that was always my first love. Anyhoo, there you go, I''ll probably have some daft questions about equipment that have already been asked about a hundred times in due course. Cheers.
  15. The chorus to 'By the Rivers of Babylon' was lifted, pretty much word for word, from Psalm 137 from the Old Testament. The Psalm itself refers to the exile of of the Jews after the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 586 BC & was probably written within 100 years of those events, making those lyrics around 2,500 years old. Turn,Turn,Turn by Pete Seeger has a similar Old Testament pedigree.
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