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Everything posted by DanH71

  1. thanks to all. all very helpful suggestions. G&L and especially the Thomann look great. Cheers Dan
  2. So...had a look again and both are a little on the pricey side for my budget. I know it's worth looking after your bass but I'm not that precious (it's a jazz squire VM and not Jacos original fretless Jazz). Just need something to keep the dust off and fit the amp head in. Any other suggestions anyone on less expensive gig bags?
  3. Thanks CameronJ. For that. Will be sure to check them out.
  4. Hi, Looking for a padded gig bag preferably with two straps (padded would be good) and that has a padded compartment that is big enough to hold the Aguilar th350 along with cables etc. Any ideas? Thanks Dan
  5. Hah cheers krispin. I'm a little slow on the up take sometimes
  6. Dad3353, my bad of course it does! Just bought a female xlr to male xlr to go from the Aguilars DI output into the mbox 2's male xlr input. Cheers Dan
  7. Hi Krispin and thanks for the reply. The Aguilar only has one output and that's the speakon connection. So it's not like I can run a line input into my mbox 2 interrace 1/4 " jack input. But are you saying I can just run the DI out from my head into the xlr mic input of the interface? Thanks Dan
  8. Thanks for the tip Sweeney!
  9. Hi Is it possible to take a di feed from the Aguilar Tonehammer 350 using male xlr into the female xlr input of the mbox 2 mic input? Speakon output is available at the back, so I guess a speakon to 1/4 jack (if such a thing exists) would be another way to get the audio through the mbox 2 and into my pc.. Any help would be appreciated Dan
  10. Thanks to both! Will give Alex a call as you suggest nearer the time of pulling the trigger. Anyone know if or have used purple Chilli gear?
  11. Forgot budget! Circa £350/400
  12. Hi all, What have/are people using with the Aguilar Tonehammer 350. Just bought one from here (thanks Platypus) and am looking for a good cab match. I play rehearsal at present but will play small to medium gigs. I don't drive so want something nice and light. Want a single 4ohm cab to get full juice from the amp head And open to a 1x15 or 2 x10/12 config. Barefaced I here you say? Aren't they mainly 8ohm? What about purple Chilli? I don't know these myself but heard through the grapevine they were like Barefaced on a budget but with similar punch and small weight. Any help and insights to what you have or have had or even know of would be much appreciated. Dan
  13. I'm one very happy man! Thanks Platapus
  14. Anyone give me an idea on what the limelight relics cost? Say a 65 Jazz Bass, orange with white undercoat and a few worn patches showing underlying wood. Fender Decal on headstock. Thanks
  15. when you say the replacement buttons will be included in the sale, does that mean as a separate item or pre-installed on the amp head? thanks
  16. Relax there Mr Unfriendly!
  17. This sold? If not I'm interested!
  18. Cheers CamdenRob!
  19. Just bought a T2AL 250V off amazon UK. Now gonna have to wait at least 3 days to see if the head works. Did see a similar post where a guy switched the power mode WHILST the head was on. With me it was just on 115 (instead of 230) when I powered it up first time on having just received it, so I'm hopeful the fuse did its job and sacrificed its life to save my head!!!! Please tell me I'm right to be hopeful?
  20. Forgot to say when it came off and promptly went off it was in 115 mode:(
  21. Just received a 2nd hand shuttle 6 (minus power cable) off ebay UK so I tried it with my PC kettle lead (250V 10Amp). The head powered on and lit up but then promptly went out. On reading the manual I saw there was a power mode (red) switch at the back: 115 for US, and 230 for the UK. I've taken off the lid and can see the transparent fuse has in fact blown. It was a T2AL 250V which with my powers of deduction would make it a 2 amp fuse? So can I use any 2amp replacement fuse? Little confused as on the casing it states the internal fuse should be a T-5A/250V.. If a specific/special kind of fuse is required could someone point me in the direction of where I may buy one? Cheers D
  22. LukeFRC WhAt retro 210 are we talking about (brand)? Surprised they don't offer a backpack option for barefaced midget range. Missing a trick there. Cheers
  23. Hey thanks for the heads up MudUp! But no funds at present. Good to know they come up though. Great suggestion with trolley. Seriously didn't think of that option! @machinehead thanks for the insight. Sounds like the way to go. A midget first (one day) and then perhaps to expand on it with a compact for more push of low end if needed. Thanks to all! Really helpful.
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