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Everything posted by DanH71

  1. Cheers will check out the traveller too!
  2. Cheers JTUK. Yes looks like driving is a must but for the short term if I can find one and the cash to pay for it that (the middle T as it's cheaper) would be the solution.
  3. Thanks all for comments.. Have just been looking at the barefaced midget t before reading you suggestions and this 10kg cab is a definite contender. Don't know the super T but will read up. Want some warm, jazz tones with the occasional boost on top end so not sure if they would deliver here. Guess it's about the EQ of the head of the cab is neutral (which I don't know if it is?).
  4. Thanks JTUK. If I'm mainly using DI at gigs and rehearsals arent crazy loud, can I not find a ultra light 8 ohm 15" /12" circa 300/400W cab that 'can' be easily lugged around without band mate favours? Surely something on the market? Or do I ask too much!
  5. Thanks sgxas but is a 210 light enough to lug around on/off public transport?
  6. I know, sin car isn't the best but I hope to learn. For now I need a small lightweight no I can lug on/off buses and trains.. I understand some sacrifice is needed in power output, so if I could find a 300/400W single driver lightweight solution that would be great.
  7. Thanks TruckStop. Could you recommend specefic cabs that are ultra lightweight (carriable to gig) and that still pack a punch. Wateroftyne mentioned TKS & barefaced but can you recommend anything specific?
  8. Cheers for the comments! It's my lack of knowledge and understanding for sure but can't get my head around the fact that running 4ohms into a single driver would only be 10% louder than using a 8ohm cab of lesser power rating?... I think the shuttle 6 provides 375W @ 8ohm and supposedly allows 600W @ 4 ohm..so isn't that a bigger potential than 10%? Or is that potential lost due to the fact that you are using only one driver even if it has say a 600/700W output rating?
  9. Hi recently bought a 4ohm 600W Genz Benz shuttle 6 and was looking at the neox/NX2-212Ts.. Thread here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/260497-cab-suggestions-to-compliment-genz-benz-shuttle-6/page__pid__2753440#entry2753440 However...I do not drive and as light as the Neox/NX2-212Ts possibly are they aren't really carriable to gigs using public transport (no car). Does such a cab exist that could pull all or nearly all of the 600W of my GB head or does physics dictate having only more than one driver in a suffecient/optimum sized housing will permit this? Would be for small/mid sized gigs and rehearsal. I've seen high end stand alone faital drivers with huge power ratings but nothing so far off the shelf by a manufacturer..have I missed something? Any recommendations/insights would be really helpful.
  10. Epifani UL212 or Tecamp M212s? I guess it's a matter of hearing the two together but when your looking at 2nd hand gear it's not that easy to test. The Epifanis also have a lot to offer so I may keep an ear out for those. Any other suggestions welcome based on previous experiences.
  11. After a quick ebay search Bergantino HD looks a little bit out of my bracket. GB Neox 212 sounds amazing but not getting much in terms of search results for 2nd hand gear. Guess it would be a matter of waiting and watching.
  12. Thanks Gary. Yeh, would mainly be rehearsals at first but will need it to carry over to small/med gigs too ideally. As for the Squier, I did do my research on it knowing I couldn't justify going straight back to hig-end basses and heard a lot of good things too.
  13. Hi, Just getting back into playing after too many years away and have just purchased a GENZ BENZ Shuttle 6 on eBay for £255, to amplify My also recently purchased Fender Squier (don't mock me) Vintage Modified Jazz Bass. It sounds pretty good unamplified I must say and will do me until I can justify buying American! So, I'm looking at a single Cab that can handle a 4ohm load of 600W and will do the GB justice. I play finger style on Jazz,Funk,Blues & Zappa also:) Ideally something lightweight and am open to 210/212/115 configs. I may be wrong here but from some of the things I've read the GB gear is pretty bright/hifi like so I'm guessing I need a cab to counterbalance this trait? I know lightweight and new comes at a hefty price so am focused on the secondhand market for older cabs or perhaps less fashionable ones. Whatever can give me as much bang for as little bucks as possible really. Heard many names on the threads I've read so far but am unsure as to whether they are a good match to my head or are even 2nd hand within my price range (circa £200-300), so would be interested in what other GB Shuttle 6 users have found through their experience. Thanks D
  14. Thanks All for the Welcome!
  15. Hi all, After many years away from playing I've had the urge to buy a guitar again (fender squier vintage modern jazz) and start practicing with the idea to jam with old band mates again (need to get chops up)! Looking to learn to read this time around and focus in on how to learn jazz/walking bass lines so that I can better explore musical possibilities. Played professionally years ago (15yrs) and managed to find my way around alright but kind of met a ceiling in terms of progress. Firstly need to get my fingers moving again!
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