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Everything posted by ednaplate

  1. When I first started I had a little SWR combo with either a single 8 or 10 each speaker and it sounded great. It's one of those pieces of gear that you sell when you think something better has come along but in hindsight wish you'd kept. I think it was rated at 80W but may be wrong.
  2. How much longer can Fender keep rehashing the same old same old? [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=n6w2ArB_zzM"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=n6w2ArB_zzM[/url] Happy New Year y'all.
  3. Some years ago Bassist magazine ran a column by Terry ? He did some really good solo transcriptions of popular tunes from jazz classics to The Beatles. I never felt good enough at the time to attempt any of them but as I've got better I've gone back to some of these old articles and have really benefitted from them. I've never considered doing an open mic rendition for the simple reason I would be crap. I can play away in the privacy of my own home and get some half decent sounds but stick me in front of someone and it would appear I've never even seen a bass let alone played one. Everything I've ever learned just goes AWOL. I doubt I'm the only one like this though. Maybe it means that I don't know the music well enough to begin with. If someone sticks an acoustic guitar in my hand I end up playing some classical piece I learned nearly 30 years ago as I can play it without thinking whereas I couldn't tell you what I'd been working on a week ago.
  4. IN A gorgeous Fender Telecaster... sorry OUT Nowt I've sold gear only to regret it later. It's bad karma to get rid of stuff when you should just acquire more.
  5. .500 quid for a Euro is fantastic value. Get it now before someone else does. Their list price new is something like $2500US.
  6. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='362531' date='Dec 24 2008, 09:09 AM']You're right. I did the transcription, and there is indeed a cut and paste error. The last bar of the top line on page 85 doesn't need to be there. Hands up! Cheers Stu[/quote] As it's Christmas I forgive you. Group hugs all round.
  7. That was great.
  8. There is a good tab of 'Murder On The Dancefloor' which is quite funky although there appears to be an extra bar at the end of the second chorus which might be a cut and paste error. I've listened to the track a few times along with the tab and I'm sure it's wrong. I've really only skipped over the rest of the content. It definitely needs more tabs and maybe a playalong CD with gear soundbites a la Guitarist or Guitar Techniques.
  9. It's strangely attractive.
  10. As far as I can see Fender have got some excellent marketing going on. They are producing good quality low cost instruments which on that review alone sound great. However the Squier logo will put plenty of punters off and they will be the ones who will buy the Fender logo'd instruments. Nobody has commented that it is the CS Jazz that is the only US built instrument there, the other Fender logo'd instrument is the Japanese model which were probably sneered at when they first came out. Basically Fender have cornered the market in Fender instruments as there is one for all budgets. I made a post a month or so ago about a £2K Les Paul Custom that looked like it had been assembled in a darkened room and played nowhere near as well as a Far Eastern produced instrument which was lovely to play. The name on the headstock mean a great deal in terms of pose value to some I guess. We buy their cars, watch their TVs and now they are producing first class instruments. A little competition should keep all these manufacturers on their toes and hopefully players will benefit.
  11. ednaplate


    Welcome on board. There are a few of your fellow countrymen on here too so you're not alone. Some of the humour can be very "British". You'll figure it out.
  12. As the proud owner of both models I can vouch for their magnificence although the price increase for Spectors does seem a bit daft in the current climate. I'd never thought of blinging my Euro with god knobs but I think I just might.
  13. I just read that as a Fodera Bolton 5. It'd look good with my Bowler Wigan 4 string.
  14. Brilliant. How on earth did you do it or where did you get it from? Geddy is God Waldo!
  15. Greetings from yet another fellow Manc. I was down Railway Rd only a couple of hours ago... Welcome on board.
  16. [quote name='Shonks' post='351253' date='Dec 10 2008, 09:31 PM']I just won this thing on ebay for £381.99 and now i think it's a fake - its a pre Ernie Ball logo - but the brigde is post ernie ball - the pup is definately wrong!! I've just contacted the seller to confirm the bass is genuine - and i want some better pix before I part with any cash!! I also asked for the serial number...lets see what happens!!.?? Shonks[/quote] Hi, I was bluetakamine69 who also contacted you. Hold onto your cash.
  17. Just noticed it's gone. How odd!
  18. Okay I've had this problem sorted and it turned out to be quite interesting and a combination of two things. I took it to Ged Green in Cheadle and he diagnosed a slight truss rod problem (easily and quickly remedied). However there was still an annoying rattle which after taking the E string off and replacing it was completely solved. What Ged thinks was the problem is that the winding on the string wasn't tight enough allowing the core of the string to vibrate against the inner surface of the winding and this is what I was hearing. All I can say it was a quick ten minute job although I could have stayed in his workshop all day. He is in the process of making a couple of jazzes and all I can say is the quality of the work is stunning. The red jazz in particular is just beautiful. Check out www.gedgreen.co.uk
  19. I split my practice time between bass and guitar. I can't say prefer one over the other to be honest however I do get a good laugh from this forum. Guitar forums tend to be a little ...er banal.
  20. Thanks for the replies. I've tried all your suggestions but it's made no difference. One thing that did occur to me is whether it would be a truss rod problem. It seems unlikely as the whole thing is so well put together. I might have to take it to a gu!t@t!st friend of mine to have a look at.
  21. I saw this earlier myself while aimlessly looking at Jazzes. It's priced about right. The Japanese Fenders are excellent quality.
  22. My Spector Euro has developed what I can only describe as a rattle on the E string. I thought it may have been a problem with the nut but it also occurs whenever I fret a note. All the other strings ring good and true. The E string rings to and then there is this metallic sounding rattle/vibration that is starting to annoy me on an otherwise fantastic guitar. It's due some new strings but before I replace them is there anything else I should consider?
  23. Gorgeous bass and only two miles down the road (I'm in sunny Boothstown).
  24. Regarding the difference between the red faced and black faced UX2 the red faced says Tone Port on the top and UX2 on the black faced version. I'm not too sure of the difference. Neither is a firewire which I thought would be what you would need to overcome latency problems.
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