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Everything posted by Jesus

  1. [quote name='elom' post='239648' date='Jul 14 2008, 11:40 PM']He's your own personal jesus (every newbie gets a free one as part of the forum software)[/quote] Yup, bass buddies. Any problem whatsoever give me a shout and i'll try and turn it into fish or something. Its what i do.
  2. [quote name='L1zz1e' post='239312' date='Jul 14 2008, 05:05 PM']hehe well, its more about who i like than what really. What can be pretty much anything thats good. Players include, Danyel Morgan (robert randolph), [color="#000000"][size=4]Jesus[/size][/color] (Lettuce) Stanley Clarke, Wooten, Jamerson, Meshell Ndgeocello umm and probably loads ive forgotten! =0)[/quote] Im new too, and in a few short days i've dwindled far too much of my time away reading these pages, learning, GAS-ing, learning, GAS-ing, GAS-ing, and debating the correct use of Jobseekers Allowance. People seem cool, and the banter light hearted. I like it, welcome! Jesus (Deano)
  3. Man i love these $$. Nirvanna black all the way, so what if their popular, you'll be the only guy in your band playing one!
  4. Ok, cool. Thanks for the info. Its been described as very good for a second hand bass so i hope its close to the immaculate it was when you had it. Cheers Tauzero
  5. [quote name='tauzero' post='239032' date='Jul 14 2008, 11:39 AM']I sold one recently...[/quote] Yes, I thought it may have been yours that i have just bought from Ebay, red. What was it like as a bass? i should recieve it friday. Sorry Madiccy...
  6. I would definately be interested in hearing it.
  7. I really like the Nirvana black ones, but they also look pretty good in blue.
  8. Me likey. A corvette $$ is my dream bass. I very nearly paid out for a Corvette Standard as a first bass because i fell for the shape as soon as i wondered aimlessly onto the Warwick site. It will be mine... Oh yes. It will be mine... Jesus
  9. How does this sound? And what would it take to get the other pickup working? I am very much a beginner, but for that price this could be worth having waiting for a day when i'm ready for it. Does it sound and play like your usual run of the mill 6 string electric bass, and also realisticly will the lack of a truss rod effect the neck on the future? Jesus (Deano)
  10. [quote name='BassBod' post='238586' date='Jul 13 2008, 03:58 PM']That's pretty identical to my old one, except the cabinet looks taller? I'm sure the amp was closer to the speakers, and it was a fair bit shorter. Maybe they enlarged the cab to get more low end? BB[/quote] Thats sounds exactly like the one i saw on ebay not so long ago, identicle, but no gap between the top of the subs and the amp. That one was also in excellent condition and had silver corner protectors rather than the black my one used to have.
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='238371' date='Jul 13 2008, 10:40 AM']Now - hadn't you better get back to the loaves & fishes? J.[/quote] It's Sunday, my day of rest! Ive just popped over to that link, its very anti non-matsumoko but ive posted a few pics anyway. There's a visible S starting the serial so it will probably be greatly ignored, im about to email Aria now, i dont know how helpful and quick they are?
  12. Thanks Steve, that would be great if you find something. Ive taken a couple of very poor photo's (camera phones arent what they used to be!), excuse the mess. Its reassuring no ones said anything bad about them...yet! edit - that first pic really is bad, sorry.
  13. Jesus

    Hey all...

    [quote name='noisedude' post='238028' date='Jul 12 2008, 04:18 PM']How do you go about recording a town? It must be a particularly sensitive microphone I imagine.[/quote] I think this is true, but remember this is a long time before the Saxons & Vikings started recording their own towns so don't expect anything as modern. Colchester town Albums, T-Shirts, Badges, and Picnic Baskets are available from all good music stores, and some bad ones.
  14. Sorry to thread-jack but don't suppose you know much about the Pro Aria II Rhino do you Bassassin? I thought all rare bootsale finds had dissapeared since Bargain Hunt and Cash in the Attic made people think twice about what their crap is worth...
  15. Jesus

    Hey all...

    noisedude, I havn't seen her recently but to be fair, i havnt texted or called so she probably thinks i've lost interest. We're about more than just her tho, i think you'll find all our women are equally as common, fun (read that as you wish), and attractive. Plus we stake claim to Britains oldest recorded town. Bremen, i really hope it doesnt cause any offence to the guys and gals on here.
  16. Jesus

    Hey all...

    [quote name='kennyrodg' post='237892' date='Jul 12 2008, 12:35 PM']welcome jesus[/quote] Its good to be here...
  17. [quote name='BeLow' post='237688' date='Jul 11 2008, 10:56 PM']If you have got a camera and can post some pics that would be good working on some very old memory I think what the controls will do are:- 2 x Inputs - hi/low (would that be active/passive?) - Yes that's about right Gain (i know this increases the bass but why/how?) - what you need is a good healthy signal from your bass going into the front end of the amp, so I generally turn up the gain until either you hear it start distorting or a peak light starts flashing, at this point then turn it back a smidge. Too much signal into the amp will give a distorted sound, too little means that that you have to turn the master volume up more and any unwanted noise from your bass is more noticeable in the end output signal. Compressor (no ideas what this does) - This processor is designed to stop peak outputs from overdriving the amp, it will also increase the lower leve inputs. This means that generally that you can play a bit louder without the amp losing it on loud passages. Some are good some are not - perosnal preference thing. 5 pre-set soundshaper presets one of them being EQ (which im guessing relates to the 7 slider graphic eq next to it?) - yep that sounds right in terms of the eq switch. I think the others gave a boost to the low end and the high end. Not sure about the others but it might be a contour switch which cuts mid frequency - which tends to work with slap or pick sounds. Essentially the switches should allow you to modify the sound quickly, then use the graphic to fine tune - best to experiment with what you like. Master (master volume?) - yep bi-amp (for attaching another amp?) bi amp will probablt split the high and low frequency part of your sound, it might be that you can route the the high frequency signal back through the combo nd the low end through a slave amp and bigger cab - say a 1x15. and the standby switch - generally this allows you to mute the sound of the amp when you turn it on which can avoid some fo the dramatic thumps. and on the back there is: Loud Speaker Output - Minimum 8ohm load (?) to connect an extension cab of at least 8ohm or more 2xEffects Loop - send/recieve (?) - you can use this to add effects after the eq which shoudl be quieter Mixer/Slave (?) connects to a mixer or slave to give you more oomph at gigs. It is coming back to me now - I liked the idea of this combo - use it on its own for practices and quiet gigs and with the extension cab to give extra volume and better bass response.[/quote] Thats great information again BeLow, thanks. It sounds like ive got a pretty capable combo for what im gonna be initially using it for which is learning in my room, and maybe eventually a bit of jamming with mates (although it wont be light to carry around). I think i get what everything does now but i'll post a pic up as soon as i get a second to take one. Thanks again.
  18. Jesus

    Hey all...

    [quote name='safetygav' post='237740' date='Jul 12 2008, 12:54 AM']the shop i work in stocks them, so if anyone wants one, let me know![/quote] How much are the P-bass's with the PJset-ups going for?
  19. Im starting to get a little excitied about finally getting a bass now, so ive gone down the shed and grabbed my tape measure. It seems I have 2X8" (seem a little bigger than 8, but nowhere near 10), and cabinet is flightcase-looking with black vinyl covering. I know very little about amps apart from they "amplify" the power to run the 'woofers so i wouldnt mind a little info on what the switches do if anyone can help. Running from left to right:- 2 x Inputs - hi/low (would that be active/passive?) Gain (i know this increases the bass but why/how?) Compressor (no ideas what this does) 5 pre-set soundshaper presets one of them being EQ (which im guessing relates to the 7 slider graphic eq next to it?) Master (master volume?) bi-amp (for attaching another amp?) and the standby switch and on the back there is: Loud Speaker Output - Minimum 8ohm load (?) 2xEffects Loop - send/recieve (?) Mixer/Slave (?) Thanks for that info BeLow Dean
  20. Oh and as for the Jesus thing, no real reason really, my desired login name was taken so i randomly typed Jesus and it was fine. The pic is a stock pic i made up many many years ago just playing around with my basic photoshop skills. I just think i should say its not meant to offend or be anti-religious in any way whatsoever. We all know the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world anyway right?
  21. Cheers guys. I was given it by a mate who i think was given it by his grandad. Its a big old thing, pretty heavy, and i wont know how well it works untill i get my first bass sometime next week. I had to buy a kettle lead tho, and it turns on ok, i think it should suit my beginners needs. There was one on Ebay not so long ago which was in far better condition than mine, seemed to have the same sized speakers and be identicle in every way but mine is taller and has a bigger space between the top of the speakers and the controls. Do you think this is likely because they changed the subwoofers later on in development and could get away with a smaller enclosure, or that i managed to cock-up the simplejob of measuring the diameter of mine and their actually 12's?
  22. Ive been given what i believe to be a 100w Alligator Combo 2x10". Anyone know anything about them or it? Im lead to believe Alligator were a british company many moons ago who have since gone under, probably just as long ago as there is no online presence. I'll try and take a pic tomorrow. Deano
  23. Jesus

    Hey all...

    Hey man... They're difficult to find over here i've found. Theres a shop in Ireland that does them or has done them, and a few other but stock is thin on the ground from what i've seen anyway. Im considering getting a basic P-Bass from Rondo anyway if i enjoy my first couple of weeks playing like i think i will. Its nice to have shiny things and at their prices i cant think of a good excuse not to.
  24. Jesus

    Hey all...

    Ive just won the bass i was after on ebay. An Aria Pro II Rhino, ive done some searches on here, and there is only mention of one of them, in red like this one. It wouldnt surprise me if they are the same bass because after much attempted research ive only found 3 mentions of them. This one (which may be the same one as owned by a member of this forum previously), A white one currently on Ebay, and one for sale in Le Francais. Hopefully when it comes next week it will be a very good condition as described and ready for me to make my fingers sore!
  25. Jesus

    Hey all...

    [quote name='bremen' post='237317' date='Jul 11 2008, 02:01 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVRz_eSvc_I"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVRz_eSvc_I[/url] Let's all welcome Jesus into our hearts :-)[/quote] I retract my previous statement... Cheers guys.
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