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Everything posted by HeavyJay

  1. I've just had a genius idea. Some smart person needs to invent a small radio or remote controlled component to attach to your rig (or within it) that can cut the power or volume of your amp from afar if anyone breaks the ground rules for borrowing your amp. If you see them straying from the good path and putting drinks on top or nudging the gain to dangerous levels then *click*. Lend or don't lend, it's up to you of course but if one does lend and lay down ground rules then personally I'd love a way to enforce those rules from a bar stool!
  2. I used to have one of these: [url="http://compare.ebay.co.uk/like/151029748656?_lwgsi=y&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=64&ff19=0"]http://compare.ebay.co.uk/like/151029748656?_lwgsi=y&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=64&ff19=0[/url] Which in principle seemed very cool but I quickly decided it wasn't for me. Got a few relatively obscure band t-shirts but nothing specifically bass related.
  3. Many venues require sight of that certificate and proof of PLI before allowing you to play. Generally hotels and function venues for weddings and the like. We email them copies generally and I keep a copy with me on the night just in case. Never had anyone check closely for stickers either although they might just see the stickers from afar! A couple of places ask for a risk assessment to be filled out too. Those filing cabinets aren't going to fill themselves.
  4. I've got an OBBM right angled one and it's spot on. Had it a couple of years.
  5. I've had three all told, off loaded one to a BCer and still have the other two. Love em. I pay this thread a visit quite often. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/25449-musicman-porn-thread/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/25449-musicman-porn-thread/[/url] Lots to drool over.
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1309461652' post='1288161'] I had a little idea and made a mini rack tuner. [/quote] What is that, and how does it work?
  7. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1332778667' post='1592998'] Whichever ones you choose, concentrate on the vocals first. There are a number of (particularly early) tunes that are pretty high pitched so if you are going to do them in original keys make sure you are comfortable singing them first before tackling the music. [/quote] Their version of Long Tall Sally is pitched higher than Little Richard! Eunuchs!
  8. Someone shouted out a request for Elenor Rigby at a gig of ours, we apologised for not bringing the orchestra that night.
  9. Baize
  10. The venue is this place: http://www.devonshirefell.co.uk/index.cfm Not quite the Country Coaching Inn I thought. I was thinking of a different building in the village!
  11. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1331889602' post='1580336'] If they can move the gig down south or alernatively pay for 5 to get to Yorkshire we'd do it. We have the PLI, we are all PAT tested and really don't mind the limiter if it is set correctly. [/quote] I can pass your details on if you like, just PM me.
  12. Not a single PM! Looks like noise limiters at wedding function gigs are a big turn off for bands! I've replied to the guy and given him a couple of local recommendations instead. Consider that part of the thread closed!
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1331816767' post='1579335'] The venue doesn't have PLI..?? They MUST have.. Not sure about this place as a venue tbh. and to add the limiter into the equation...!!! We would have walked as well. [/quote] Forgive me for a brief thread diversion but loads of places we've played have required the band to have PLI. Two pretty standard questions are: "What level of PLI cover do you have?" and "is all you gear PAT tested?" Is this unusual?
  14. Right, we've declined this gig but I offered to put him in touch with some other bands who are okay with noise limiters. Details I have so far are that PLI is required but they haven't specified the amount to us. The venue is in Burnsall in North Yorkshire and the date is the 24th of November. There is a noise limiter set at 86db at the outside wall. They want two 45 minute to one hour slots in terms of playing time. We didn't get into details of music between, before and after sets. We also didn't get into talking money so I don't have a ballpark fee. PM me with details of your band (Band name, style, contact name, website, email, phone) and I'll collate them and pass them on to the chap. Cheers for all your help and advice on this. [size=2]Edited for spelling[/size]
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1331725358' post='1577686'] We run a long lead to an unmetered power socket if we run into a metered gig, but we will play quietly if we are asked or have to. Most bands, including us, play too loudly anyway so having to turn it down makes a nice change and sharpens up your playing. If you can’t play quieter don’t do a gig with a meter. If you don't follow the rules and trip the power then you'll be the ones killing the atmosphere. You can see what you are doing so play quieter. Cutting the power won't damage your gear but the spike caused by powering up with the gear switched on might if you haven't anti-surge protection in the amp. If you trip the power always immediately switch the amps off. [/quote] We're pretty adept at being able to play quietly and do a few gigs where this is a necessity but with people's experiences of having the thing trip with background noise, audience reaction etc, even if we do follow the rules it sounds like the power could still trip. Short of playing quieter when the audience volume ebbs and flows I can't see how we could help it. That's good to know about the amp / power surge thing, thanks for the info.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1331724100' post='1577650'] I haven't got a problem with playing quietly, but I have a BIG problem with hitting the E string a bit hard and having the entire band suddenly cut out. [/quote] I think this sums up my position. Many thanks for the replies.
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1331721365' post='1577560'] BTW Hi John! Busy at work...? [/quote] Hi Keith! Would you believe it: Yes!
  18. I've done a search for this subject here and came up with a couple of threads from '09:[list] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/97187-noise-limiter/page__p__911850__hl__noise%20limiter__fromsearch__1#entry911850"]http://basschat.co.u...__1#entry911850[/url] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/69079-sound-level-monitors-at-gigs/page__hl__noise%20limiter"]http://basschat.co.u...noise%20limiter[/url] [/list] I was wondering if people had had any more recent experiences with these? Has technology moved on and improved the lot of the function band? I've been asked to do a wedding gig at a venue with a "noise limiter set at 86db at the outside wall". My first reaction is to say no but I wonder if I'm being too hasty. We're not a particularly loud band and have good volume control when required. My experience of most gigs is that punter noise levels go up and so do band noise levels as the evening progresses and sobriety is banished from the premises. Even if you gave yourself plenty of "space" for this increase when soundchecking, there's still plenty of risk that the limiter will cut us off (if that's they work). I understand why the venue has one, it's a country village pub / Coaching Inn type of place with plenty of houses around it. Edited to add: This is the place, http://www.devonshirefell.co.uk/index.cfm, my description above didn't quite do it justice! My worries are: Disrupting the flow of the gig / party / atmosphere Potential damage to equipment from sudden power cuts Any experiences / recommendations?
  19. Has anyone dug this one up yet? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/54569-band-image/
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1329991401' post='1550809'] I wish Old Git was here to comment on this [/quote] I thought that as soon as I saw the thread title!
  21. All finished now. Bass was collected and went: [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1325092196' post='1479773'] 'FREE to a good home' as per site rulings... [/quote]
  22. Under offer now.
  23. A while ago I bought one of these: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbb35ntfl_5string_akustikbass_fretless.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ss_fretless.htm[/url] Didn't suit me a bit. I'm not a five stringer I don't think, or a fretlesser I don't think. Probably an acousticer but one out of three doesn't cut it. Free to a good home, or a bad one. Collection only. I'm in West Yorkshire, about five miles north of Bradford. Fill your boots. PMs please.
  24. I've used super slinkys (and previously hybrid slinkys) my entire bass playing career. Love 'em.
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