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Everything posted by HeavyJay

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='541148' date='Jul 15 2009, 11:43 AM']If in doubt: [/quote] Pffff.
  2. [quote name='jmstone' post='541098' date='Jul 15 2009, 10:59 AM']The looking at the crowd part is going to be a toughie! Any advice on how to do that? Looking at individual people? Smiling at everyone?[/quote] I found that you don't have to eyeball anyone directly (or even smile) to look like you're connecting, pick a few spots around the room on walls and doors that are around crowd head height (ish), keep checking back to those in between making sure you're at the right spot on the fretboard. The not eyeballing people is a good idea in some of the rougher venues around. A good head bob in the appropriate place helps too. Alternatively you could just make eyes at all the hotties.
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='540936' date='Jul 15 2009, 08:17 AM']You really don't want to see the photos ...[/quote] Oh yes we do!
  4. [quote name='jmstone' post='540907' date='Jul 15 2009, 02:02 AM']The singer in the band I'm in is really keen on band image, getting us all along for photoshoots, and having some kind of consistent "look" from the band. In fact, after our last gig I got some stick for wearing jeans (which apparently she really hates). I have always really hated looking smart, and I seem to have got stuck in an indie/grunge time-warp so maybe she has a point, but I do find it all intensely irritating.. I would rather just play music and forget about all this photography/video/costume kind of crap. So, what do people here think? Is band image that important (you have to bear in mind that although we are gigging, none of us is particularly fantastic musically in my opinion).. Do I need to bite the bullet and go out and get that red shirt and jacket (or whatever ridiculous get-up is planned), or is it OK to just look scruffy? - at least until we get that record deal ( i.e. never !!! ) James[/quote] Having a "look" makes a band more memorable. Even the Indie/Grunge look that you are sporting was once the "look" of many a band. It's got nothing to do with the music but it certainly helps you stand out.
  5. [quote name='Buzz' post='528960' date='Jun 30 2009, 06:41 PM']I'm just waiting for Doctor_of_the_bass to post [/quote] If he goes with the testicle theory it would be like a bunch of grapes down there.
  6. [quote]I'm back to 3, and it's a magic number and all that so that's what I'm sticking with... so 1668[/quote] 1668+ my 4= [b]1672[/b] Edited for cross posting mixups.
  7. [quote name='iamapirate' post='528158' date='Jun 29 2009, 09:39 PM']Slightly OT, but my worst live playing mistake was probably at the beginning of a new song at my church which was in 6/8, and the intro was G | G | C | C| then some other typical worship stuff, but I kinda read it as G | C | and when everyone was playing something else I presumed it was another song and didn't realise it was the real song until about 3 1/2 bars in.... This was ina church with about 600 people. *[b]face turns to beetroot[/b][/quote] [Emphasis added by me] Schoolboy error there. For future reference, pretend it was a solo and put on your best [b][i]Bass Face[/i][/b] [sup]TM[/sup]
  8. HeavyJay

    Leeds Locals

    Just had confirmation, the White Cross in Pudsey is officially closed. If you know anyone who has a gig booked there please pass this on. Hmmm, now I have to decide what to do with a free Saturday evening...
  9. HeavyJay

    Leeds Locals

    Had a few differing reports of this place now, a couple say notices in the place indicated it was closing down, a couple say that it is only open at weekends at the minute. Of the two numbers I have for the place, one there is no answer and the other doesn't even ring. I'm going to have a drive past tonight and check it out. Will post my findings here.
  10. HeavyJay

    Leeds Locals

    [quote name='hubrad' post='524003' date='Jun 25 2009, 06:49 PM']I just spoke to my mate who has the hairdresser's shop in Fartown; he said it certainly was closed. Doesn't know if it opened back up so far. Could be worth that drive past, or else assume it's not there if you can't get hold of anyone.[/quote] Cheers for the info, I'm thinking of doing just that.
  11. HeavyJay

    Leeds Locals

    [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='523953' date='Jun 25 2009, 06:02 PM']Send a pm to Andy of the Cardinals [basschatter "Bassmonkey"], he's very local to Pudsey. I'll keep an eye out on our local resources for any news in the meantime.[/quote] Muchos gracias amigo.
  12. HeavyJay

    Leeds Locals

    Hiya, I'm after a bit of info about a pub in Pudsey. I'm meant to be playing there on Saturday but I've had a few reports that it has closed down but can't confirm anything with anyone official (promoter, landlord, manager, etc.). It's the White Cross in Fartown. Anyone heard anything or been near it? I'm sure I'll probably have to do a drive-by on the place to check but I'm trying to avoid it if poss.
  13. [quote name='nick' post='519846' date='Jun 21 2009, 11:24 AM']Love the look of them, but unfortunately they don't agree with my playing technique I like to pluck directly above the pickup, & when playing with a pick sometimes dampen on the bridge.[/quote] +1 for me too. Loving the look, doesn't get played much: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=51455&view=findpost&p=511277"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=511277[/url]
  14. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='515107' date='Jun 16 2009, 11:07 AM']+1000!!! If you valued [b]yourselves [/b]at that level, you could hardly complain about being treated like trash by venues etc could you? Just IMHO and no offence intended, but really!! [/quote] A bit of a wake up call, however badly we get treated, it could be worse: [url="http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSTRE55E2Z520090615?feedType=RSS&feedName=oddlyEnoughNews"]A lot worse[/url]
  15. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='515107' date='Jun 16 2009, 11:07 AM']+1000!!! If you valued [b]yourselves [/b]at that level, you could hardly complain about being treated like trash by venues etc could you? Just IMHO and no offence intended, but really!! [/quote] None taken! We've never been treated badly doing wedding and function gigs though, maybe it's because they know they're getting a massive bargain! I think the thing about us valuing ourselves at that level is that when we booked the gigs we were still relatively new to the covers / functions scene and were a bit nervous about the business side of it all and what we were worth, we've always know we were good (my bass playing leaves a bit to be desired but the band is brill!) Now we're getting a bit more savvy but have already agreed these prices and to double the price (or more) for similar gigs feels a bit uncomfortable. Anyway, much food for thought and great advice in these 'ere pages so I shall read on...
  16. [quote name='farmer61' post='514518' date='Jun 15 2009, 05:31 PM']Jeez, it's reading a thread like this that makes you realise how cheap my band are. We're way out of this league although we will only take a booking for wedding if the punters have seen us. In fact it's on the back of us playing pubs that we get wedding bookings. Ho hum.........[/quote] +1 for us too! I'm beginning to think we are criminally undercharging people! I was about to quote for a wedding gig next may £350 because I thought £400 was a bit steep for them! Might have a good thorough read of this and the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5436"]pinned wedding gigs thread[/url] before I email them back.
  17. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='511612' date='Jun 11 2009, 09:03 PM']Mike Watt should be up for the cool guy award on the other thread.[/quote] "..who as we all know, once stole a tank and tried to invade Paris."
  18. HeavyJay

    Pre Gig Rituals

    [quote name='jimijimmi' post='505455' date='Jun 4 2009, 01:32 PM']i always walk on stage with my bass.. check my flies are up! have a wee[/quote] In that order?
  19. My latest one: Trans teal formerly with black scratchplate, changed to white by me. My first one: Both of them are '96 ones but the trans teal has a plastic battery compartment compared to the metal screwed in cover that the black one has. The trans teal is massively lighter too.
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='501022' date='May 29 2009, 03:33 PM']That wasn't their way of getting you out of the band was it?[/quote] Unless nostradamus was on the squeeze box or something, I left in 1995!
  21. It's pretty funny that amongst that list of bands is one that I was in as a drummer many years ago and that the band hasn't been around since 1999. I've voted for them!
  22. [quote name='teej' post='493915' date='May 21 2009, 07:38 AM']Yamaha Stagepas 500 - 2 cabinets with recesses built into the back: one contains the amp, the other has a lid and can contain all the cables. Small enough and light enough to carry one in each hand, and loud enough for us - but we're not loud. We put vocals, double bass, and sometimes a feed from the guitar amp into it. You might want to add monitors, but we just position it behind us, never had any feedback.[/quote] +1.
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='485958' date='May 12 2009, 02:24 PM'][/quote] Get out.
  24. [quote name='fretmeister' post='480697' date='May 6 2009, 09:53 AM']That is cheap. Although IIRC you could join the MU for about that for the year - and get the cover included. Look at it this way - I'm a lawyer and I do professional negligence cases, liability arguments, insurance litigation etc. If your amp blows up and someone is hurt, not only will the band be paying their damages... they'll also be paying the injured person's legal fees. My firm charges £183+vat per hour for my services. (I don't get it of course - the partners do). On the other hand you might burn down their entire building and be sued for the re-build and loss of business.... So - £140 ish is well worth it. TBH I wouldn't play in a regularly gigging band without liability cover these days.[/quote] I'm sure that's all sound advice but my eye is always drawn to MC Hammer!
  25. [quote name='farmer61' post='480679' date='May 6 2009, 09:38 AM']Need to get insurance for 1 gig, cheapest quote so far is £146pa. Anyone know of anywhere you can get 24hr cover at a reasonable rate, or cheaper annual cover, if I could get eqpt cover as well that would be useful. Cheap is good here as it's a event requirement. Cheers J[/quote] I haven't got any yet but I'll need some for a single gig we've got next year. I did a bit of research about this and someone on here (who's name escapes me) suggested if you insure a small amount of gear (£50 worth) then some companies throw in public liability for free. I found that musicguard did the best deal, if you insure up to £500 worth of gear you can get £1m liability thrown in all for £26 a year. I've just checked and if you need £5m cover then it's about the same as your quote above. So not a lot of help for you then! Sorry!
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