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Everything posted by landwomble

  1. Very interested, if some eBay sales work out I'll likely have this ;-)
  2. dammit I've been after a white cheap one for ages. Where are you? Don't suppose you'd be interested in a part trade for a very, very nice Black Russian Big Muff, would you, plus cash your way?
  3. Brilliant. Let's do this!
  4. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1477757982' post='3164348'] NIce looking bass, but that J pickup is going to be too close to the bridge: if you put the MM at the Stingray spot there'll be some visible routing. You could always be creative with the pickguard... or find another bass. I'd personally use a Precision: you can find Precisions that are decent for not much money. You'll need a new pickguard 'though as the P pickup partially overlaps the Stingray position and you won't be able to have both if you really want the Stingray position. [/quote] Just did a quick side by side that's very very approximate (MS Paint FTW!) It actually doesn't look a million miles off if you routed out in front of the rear jazz pup?
  5. Have a look at these https://www.rimmersmusic.co.uk/guitars-c1/bass-guitars-c2/solid-body-bass-guitars-c592/squier-vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-ss-rosewood-fingerboard-candy-apple-red-includes-gigbag-p33587/s34018?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=squier-vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-ss-rosewood-fingerboard-032-8800-509&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&gclid=Cj0KEQjwkdHABRCHiZ2gs6yGh50BEiQAA91WlkXt5iFPHeYnkPA0ofzOyLf3TsYKmfmZWmJYrZPbDwkaAsNr8P8HAQ Looks like a lot for the money and a great modding platform...I don't need one but I'm darn tempted, particularly if I can get a stingray growler in there...
  6. Also, when looking at where to place the pup, is it simply a matter of measuring x cm from the bridge to match a ray or is there more to it than that?
  7. The VM Jag (which I've not bought yet!) is active with a 2 band eq.
  8. All, What's the consensus on whether this would be a stupid idea? I've got a P and a J and am contemplating buying something cheap to go along with them. Was looking at Pitbull kits and Stingray Subs and then noticed what a bargain the Squier Jaguar (long scale) is. Would be a great modding platform and scratch an itch to do something unusual. Looking at it, it looks like there's plenty of room to route out the bridge pickup and fit a stingray pickup, hopefully giving a blend between P and Stingray tones. Is this a stupid idea?
  9. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1477687382' post='3163922'] I'll second that, although I haven't used a second cab, just DI into FOH [/quote] Built in tuner, TonePrint fx you can beam from your phone including spectracomp, pretty/post di and ability to drive a second cab, they're great
  10. I *think* the CV 60s and 70s are very similar. 70s has block inlays and an ashtray cover. Neck is less baseball bat like than older Precisions but I'm usually a Jazz man. I really like it, it's quite slim whilst not as narrow as a Jazz.
  11. TC Electronics BG250 208 and a second cab for gigs. Cheap and great.
  12. Blend mixes wet drive with dry signal? I think I want that unless the "character" knob does similar? I want grit, not full on metal...
  13. I was thinking of buying a Bass Driver when I saw this. Am I right in thinking everything you can do with a BD you can do with this plus the extra effects?
  14. Is the laptop and your amp plugged into the same socket? If not, try it in case it'sa ground loop
  15. Still got this? I've got some stuff to trade or possibly cash waiting...
  16. So Jazz neck, solid colour body - what sort of price? And can you either match headstock colour to body or leave it unpainted to match the neck? Anyone able to give me an idea of how this would sound compared to what I know, which is precision and jazz?
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1477320247' post='3161384'] Isn't a lot of the "dirt" on the tone, the mwaahh from the fretless bass? Other than that isnt' is a fairly clean bass/mids tone? [/quote] I don't think it's just that, been listening to the studio version on headphones and there's definitely a bit of grit in the tone that I like, which I don't *think* is just the fretless effect.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1477319441' post='3161372'] Will it work with the sound of your band? [/quote] Probably. One way to find out. I sometimes find that a new sound from one band member generates a new sound from all, to be honest, a bit of innovation is never a bad thing. Got the classic P and J angles covered (as in Precision and Jazz, not PJ Harvey!) so something different probably wouldn't hurt!
  19. This might be a silly question but if you have a guitar with a good existing paint job, just an unpleasant colour - can you spray and laquer over the top, or is it still important to either sand back to bare wood or sand to get new paint to key?
  20. I've seen Peej a few times back in the day (I think I was in the audience for this Reading festival, memory is a little hazy) and I think she worked with a couple of bassists. Would be good to get an idea of this is a "stingray" tone with a bit of drive or something else...
  21. Hi All, I was listening to a few old records over the weekend and one track jumped out at me. PJ Harvey's excellent early 90s album "Dry" has a track called "Sheela-na-gig" which has the grindiest bass tone that made me go "I want that!". I dug out some old Reading Festival videos and looks like the bassist uses a fretless Stingray with what sounds like a heavy scooped tone, but the bit I REALLY like is the grinding drive to it. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkS_R7RDuMc"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkS_R7RDuMc[/url] Is that just a touch of overdrive? It's not a fuzz and the tube drive on my amp doesn't quite get there. Any shortcuts to finding this tone much appreciated. I have a Jazz with a John East and a Precision and this track is not helping me avoid GAS and buying a Sterling SUB...! Cheers
  22. Never heard of one of these before and now I want one! Looks great
  23. Same here. I play by ear, haven't done any music theory since grade 5 trombone when I was a teen-ager and I've forgotten all of that. I just start with the root note of the chords then work from there. Works for me!
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