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Everything posted by Monz

  1. You better make sure the lift is working... not humping this up the bloody stairs
  2. Monz

    99ster Feedback

    Nice guy to deal with... genuine and sincere Cheers Jim
  3. no tweeter just LOTS of volume
  4. Whilst I struggle the dosh together for a Matamp I noticed a rather nice Mesa valve combo for sale... To which end I ask: Does anyone fancy a nice Markbass combo 500W carries in one hand I love this amp but have recently fallen head over heels with the valve sound All offers considered/laughed at/argued about (delete as applicable) As I gig quite often the timing will have to be good but I think it's do-able 18 months old, very, very good condition, Custom made Roqsolid cover
  5. [quote name='project_c' post='487416' date='May 13 2009, 10:56 PM']cheers, thats exactly what i suspected. given that i have no need for a pedal board as the multi comp is the only effect i use, can you suggest a power supply that would eliminate the problem?[/quote] I'm no expert here but as you only use the one pedal I would have thought a set of rechargeable 9v batteries and a charger would be the most cost effective solution and I've seen them at maplins too
  6. [quote name='project_c' post='487197' date='May 13 2009, 07:52 PM']I have an EBS multicomp which I love and use regularly, the problem is if it's powered by an adaptor, the hum coming from it renders it pretty useless in a live setting. it's fine with a battery, so i'm not sure why this is happening, any ideas?[/quote] You might find its the power supply causing the hum... I tried using a Maplins power supply when I first started with pedals and got the same problem. I bought a Gator pedal board with Gator Bus power supply and all my hums buggered orf.
  7. Which is 2/3rds of the new UK price of £99.00 so good deal I say and a fantastic pedal to boot (see what I did there)
  8. [quote name='tonewheelkev' post='486766' date='May 13 2009, 11:32 AM']Finally sold to Geoff......Boogie on the Bb......who was the 1st to come and inspect after well over 6000 hits!!!! [/quote] It will feel like we have lost a member when this thread goes
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='484801' date='May 11 2009, 08:51 AM']It's probably not the 5-string thing, it's the Warwick Thumb. My Streamer has the same problem but the Thumbs are even worse - it's all to do with the position of the strap pins and thus how the basses sit against your body which causes the nut to end up miles out to the left. My RIM Custom 5 has a 36" scale yet fretting down near the nut is easier than on my Streamer 4 34" scale. Alex[/quote] +1 Since selling the warwick corvette 5 and getting the stingray 5 my left hand and forearm hasn't suffered nearly as much at the end of 35 songs. The Stingray is a heavy beast though
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='465978' date='Apr 18 2009, 10:59 AM']I'm just not that keen on 4x10" and 4x12" cabs because they are the wrong shape for so many reasons. Are you basing your desire to switch from 15"s on your experience with the Markbass cabs? Alex[/quote] My experience with 15" cabs stretches to Markbass and Ashdown Mag yet everytime I have tried 4x10 it has sounded fuller and rounder/smoother should this not be the case? When will you have the much whispered about Vintage ready for trying?
  11. [quote name='Rowbee' post='483581' date='May 9 2009, 09:47 AM']Living in Devon I would've thought your reggae options would be even more limited although I see from your sig that isn't the case. When I lived in Exeter I found the scene was very rock\metal and not much else although I managed to get a few funk gigs.[/quote] You think that area is bad... you want to try getting a ska/reggae gig in South Yorkshire. It's rock or nowt up here, I scan partysounds every week in the misguided hope of finding a ska band that needs a bassist ...one day
  12. 5 peice band (PA, Combos, Monitors, Mics, Lights etc) 90 mins from load in to first song including time for a un-rushed beer
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='472649' date='Apr 26 2009, 01:12 PM']Based on your number of posts, so just keep posting. (NB, Off Topic posts don't count). Get involved enough in the forum and, who knows, you could end up as a moderator [/quote] I sense "issues"
  14. NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG must resist Are the drivers Neo or standard ?
  15. Thanks for all your help guys... I can see the phone bill is gonna be a killer this month
  16. Hi Alex I am about to order one of Matamps GT200 Bass amps and wondering which way to go with cabs I don't know which way to jump other than away from 15's I know this is a "how long is a peice of string" question but any advice would be welcome Cheers
  17. Sits back and opens popcorn
  18. Do any of the South Yorks contingent have a list or point me to where there is a list of pubs in our area that have bands on? Gonna go out tonight and have a bit of a reccy with the lead guitard Cheers guys
  19. Great bloke to deal with... no worries at all... good to his word If he says he will, he will. Thanks Nik, go steady with that volume dial now
  20. [quote name='leschirons' post='451167' date='Apr 1 2009, 08:36 AM']When I bought my first 5, I tended to just use the low B as a thumb anchor but then really got into it. There's something about that low D when no-one's expecting it. Now, I do tend to play my E's on the fifth fret. It certainly opens up more opportunities. Biggest killer for 4 string players is vocalists deciding they want to do stuff in Eb[/quote] Valerie (Zutons), Black Velvet (Alannah Miles), Distant Sun (Crowded House) are three that spring to mind straight away for the Eb. I would imagine it is a right royal pain the butt on a 4 string
  21. Dear Pete Academy There was no sarcasm in my post, I was pointing out that you have a very saleable bass that a lot of the members would love to own. I suggest you might want to read through things a couple of times before replying in future. I was actually on the verge of making you an offer for it but to be quite honest I would rather shove live wasps up my arse. Good luck with the sale
  22. It's a Status, it's got 5 strings and it's mint ... there will be a hoard of BC'ers dribbling onto their keyboards in anticipation And Rich, you can bugger orf... you can't have all of em for gods sake
  23. I started on a 5 string so I use it like you guys use the E just I start all my lines at the 5th lol I couldnt imagine being limited to four and having to jump up octaves all the time when you run out of low notes. The other advantage is it really screws with the guitards mind when he looks at you to see what root you are playing haha
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