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Everything posted by Monz

  1. [quote name='Lemuel Beam' post='412433' date='Feb 17 2009, 08:58 PM']Hey monz Do you need the actual bassline or can you infer it from the chords? If the latter,there's plenty of guitar tabs (capo 3 so transposing skills needed!) LB[/quote] Hi LB I will work the bassline out by bombarding my eardrums with it until I can sing it without having the tune playing... I was just wondering if anyone had already done this and put it in notation or tab, I guess not so I will as soon as I have it worked out. It would have just saved me some time that's all, I have a busy week at work / gigging at the weekend and the guys want to rehearse it next Monday. PS Most of the sheets I have seen seem to capo the guitards on the 2nd
  2. Just had this one dropped on me How many bloody chord changes? Does anyone have a transcribed or tabbed version of this to speed the learning curve up please Apparently this is the version we are doing [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wftbahypdAA"]Youtube link[/url] Thanks in advance
  3. Napper's at Music Ground Manchester... well he was when I bought my Stingray 5 off him recently... smashing chap
  4. [quote name='pete.young' post='410517' date='Feb 15 2009, 10:07 PM']I meant to say that it's a doddle on an Eb tuba too![/quote] Thats not a real tuba... it's just a euph that ate all the pies
  5. It's always been the battery on my old corvette plus it seemed ever so slightly out of tune when the battery was dying lol
  6. I've replied to your PM I got the round cores 40's they feel pretty flexible but give a fantastic tone (to my ears anyway)
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='409455' date='Feb 14 2009, 03:05 PM']Thanks for getting a ticket, see you on Sunday.... [/quote] a ticket A ticket... two of em you fleecing so and so... looks like I will have to get more on the day to qualify for t'other raffle too I would have stuck some overtime in if I'd known LOL Ahhh well at least it's for a decent cause See you all Sunday I'm loading the gear up for a 3 spotter tonight at the new barrack tavern in Sheffield
  8. Snap LOL just messaged WoT Can we have a WAG meet to run concurrently
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='409272' date='Feb 14 2009, 10:15 AM']Mewsie's got my Status Groove 5 on loan and one of the first things she said was that it was so bright sounding and punchy compared to her Sterling. Once you're used to the feel, response & sound of graphite, wood just doesn't seem to cut it anymore. The only wooden basses I've found recently that I really like the sound of have been my two Corvette $$'s, my current and long standing Yamaha TRB-6 II & a couple of Sadowskys. I will say though, that every MusicMan bass bar one that I've played has underwhelmed me as well. Rich. *Waits for MusicMan bearing lynch mob to storm the place*, LOL![/quote] I know where you are you know GRRRRRRRRR LOL
  10. +1 for Roqsolid covers just picked mine up today for the MB Jeff Berlin combo £42.00 great guys to deal with and seems a very well made piece of kit
  11. Painless deal, good to deal with and money up front no quibbles
  12. Right... that's it you swines lol Yer gettin nowt more out of my pocket or bass gear collection And I want a free cup of tea AND a custard cream
  13. [quote name='Buzz' post='402983' date='Feb 7 2009, 06:28 PM']Hmm, the scratchplate and pup and bridge covers are missing I see, does the chap still have them?[/quote] OK there are no covers or scratchplate... it is "as is"
  14. Oh sh*t.... Just as I thought I was gonna stick with Markbass Wonder if anyone wants decent markbass setup lol
  15. Here is my lightweight stack [attachment=20162:rig.jpg] Jeff Berlin Combo and traveller 151p match made in heaven especially now I stack the other way with the horn at ear level
  16. Distant Sun - Crowded House And more disco You sexy thing, Lady marmalade, good times
  17. [quote name='Stingray5' post='404995' date='Feb 10 2009, 03:44 AM']Machinehead are cheaper though: [url="http://machinehead.co.uk/index.php/cPath/26_111"]http://machinehead.co.uk/index.php/cPath/26_111[/url] Hope this helps.[/quote] Thanks for that... ordered black ones from machineheads
  18. Did I read on here that you can get EB straplocks to fit the stingray so you don't have to fart about with different size screws If anyone knows where I can get some and preferably pay using paypal I would be grateful
  19. OMG pass me a tissue If only it had an extra string on the low side I will have one eventually
  20. I will ask the question
  21. Thanks for your help so far guys... have pasted all the replies into an email and forwarded them onto Steve. If anyone is interested in talking to the owner shoot me a PM and I will put you in touch, as I said I'm just the messenger on this one
  22. Here is my new baby... Woohoo I made it onto a porn thread, I feel like I've arrived lol [attachment=19918:sr5_b.jpg]
  23. [quote name='OldGit' post='402717' date='Feb 7 2009, 11:40 AM']I'll give him £50 .. be round in about 20 minutes .. OK? [/quote] I'm sure he would be overjoyed at that... now if only I could remember where he lived lol
  24. A pal of mine from Bolton or should that be "bulton" has an old 73 Fender Jazz and as he is not that savy with t'internet forums has asked me if I will put some piccys up of said bass and ask the Font of All Knowledge if they have any idea of it's value. Just to add to this, although it only has 4 strings and it is a Fender I still think this bass is gorgeous to play... That's it I'm out of the closet now! [attachment=19912:jazz_1.jpg] [attachment=19913:jazz_2.jpg] [attachment=19914:jazz_3.jpg] [attachment=19915:jazz_4.jpg] [attachment=19916:jazz_5.jpg] Thanks for taking the time to look
  25. I've got a spare Warwick Rockcase (flightcase) going for 50 quid... I might take that if anyones bothered about it
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