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Everything posted by Monz

  1. I'll take a wild guess at Shanklin old Village, Isle of Wight
  2. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='324927' date='Nov 8 2008, 06:56 PM']If you fancy a trip across the M62 I'm just on the south side of the Humber Bridge. I've got an S2-Classic through neck, S2-Classic 5-string bolt-on, KingBass Artist & an older Series II. They're all headless, but the neck feel on the headed ones isn't really any different. The weight difference is negligable as well. Rich.[/quote] That is very kind of you good sir PM'd
  3. [quote name='durandassi' post='324900' date='Nov 8 2008, 06:05 PM']Whats the lead time on GB's at the mo then? James.[/quote] Bernie told me at the S E Bassbash the absolute minimum was 3 months but even that was pushing it, I'm sure it's worth waiting for but waiting is not something I do well.
  4. Hows about we all meet at Mr Goodfellows stand at 13:00 or something just to say hello
  5. Very shortly... before the end of the month anyway I will have the means to purchase a new bass (and all the other bits I have been dreaming of for the last 12 months lol). I have narrowed this down to three but one of them "GB Spitfire" is out of the running due to the lead time so the two remaining are: 1) Musicman Bongo 5 HH (have played a couple and really impressed) 2) Status S2 Classic Headed 5 (Not yet played one but would love to) Would any on you kind Status owning BCers mind letting me just have 1/2 hour on one just to see if it is as good as I have been told it is. I'm not a slap player just a really basic fingerstyle player so I wont abuse your pride and joy. I am based in Barnsley "up in't frozen north" so anywhere within a tank of petrol of me and at your convenience obviously. Anyone else who wants to mess with my mind and tell me a better bass please feel free but the pre requisites are... 5 strings, narrow string spacing and low action Thanks for reading my inane ramblings
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='324324' date='Nov 7 2008, 04:50 PM']I don't mean to detract from Jamerson who is definitely the man but 60s Motown even when it's not Jamerson can still be great in the bassline - e.g. Tears of a Clown (Bob Babbit) or I Want You Back (Wilton Fielder).[/quote] Mr Babbit was also the man on "Signed Sealed and Delivered" if my memory serves me right
  7. I will be driving over there from Barnsley/Sheffield area... If anyone wanted to go but struggling with transport let me know, only me in the car so plenty of room you can get me on zero seven seven six seven eight eight six nine four six
  8. Smooth - Santana I must say I rather enjoy playing this one... nice Latin swing to it
  9. Thanks guys.. Marquee??? more like a bloody wendy house at a beer festival lol
  10. [attachment=15169:12710.jpg] I have the planet waves pedal tuner... got to be the easiest to use that I have tried. Sweep or Strobe mode. True bypass and big easy to read digits... not the cheapest out there at £60 ish... got mine from PMT/Sound Control
  11. [quote name='Kirky' post='311132' date='Oct 21 2008, 11:01 AM']Jam Studios is ok. [url="http://www.jamstudios.co.uk/"]http://www.jamstudios.co.uk/[/url][/quote] +1 for jamstudios.. a bit rough and ready but on ground level
  12. Hello all, forgive my tardiness but I thought I ought to introduce myself I have played music for most of my life on one instrument or another, the majority of it being in brass bands… well I am a Yorkshireman. Started at 9 on the cornet and over the next 10 years or so gravitated to where I felt I belonged (Bb Bass). I have played for quite a few of the lesser known bands and some of the good ones in my years. It has enabled me to meet and play alongside some incredible people, some of them famous and some of them who ought to be or should have been. About 2 years ago I finally decided that I needed to learn to play the Corvette I had bought a couple of years earlier and got my head down. In June the opportunity to join a gigging covers band arose and I thought “what the hell” and joined. What a learning curve that turned out to be. I have played in quite a few large audience situations before (read: Albert Hall) but always with 30 or so other band members in front of me, now there is just 5 and boy did I feel exposed. Anyway 10 gigs in now and loving it… 48 basslines committed to memory and learning new ones every day (whenever I hear a glorious bassline on the radio it goes on the list). I have met some of you and so far all sincere and helpful people. Anyway, got to go Masterblaster has just come on the radio “So many basslines… So little time”
  13. [quote name='ezbass' post='310234' date='Oct 20 2008, 09:30 AM']Whoa! The guy's a beginner, give him a break. Doesn't anyone remember how sore your fingers could get when you were starting out, let alone with an injury. Macatack, protecting the area as previously suggested is good advice. Also just keeping playing as much as you can will help too. But ultimately if you're still getting pain after 6 months you may want to seek advice from a medical professional and not us as we're not qualified.[/quote] That was said tongue in cheek... that's why I put a on the end of it If you notice I gave him sound advice from my experience before that... bloody touchy round here <<<you see those?
  14. I had to have my ring and middle finger ends sewn back on last October and I found that if I put a pad of dressing over the scars and then wrapped quite tight with the waterproof fabric tape you get from the chemist it stopped them hurting when applying the pressure to push the strings down... also I went to 40's so less pressure needed. I didnt bother changing to flats as I found the fabric tape held it's own even with rotosounds on. Oh yeah... and stop being a bloody girl about it
  15. The DI is post EQ by default... And thank goodness, you need to retain a little control of your sound
  16. God I love 5 strings 5th 7th and 8th frets and utilise the barge rope string... we play it nearly every gig, I love that toon
  17. [quote name='beeg' post='288618' date='Sep 21 2008, 05:06 PM']Overwater Progress III 36inch scale through neck 5 string bass. NOW [color="#FF0000"]£950[/color] It is with great sorrow that I have to let this go as I have finally had to admit my hands just arn't big enough. This bass is fantastic both in sound and play but I have tiny hands and the scale has defeted me. The bass is is excellent nick with a few very minor dinks. It has a pearwood top and the usual mahogany body. I bought it about 10 months ago and have found myself looking at it more than playing it. Pick to follow[/quote] <twitch>
  18. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='304888' date='Oct 12 2008, 04:48 PM']That's cool! I am currently studying to become a teacher of English, but I do want to get my qualification for [b][i]teachign[/i][/b] music too![/quote] I would probably stick with your current study plan lol I have spent about 28 years on and off in brass bands, the last 20 of which playing Bb Bass (Tuba) but finally got fed up of the regimented constraints of brass band music and I now live for playing bass. I wish I had done this 20 years ago
  19. Thanks a lot for yesterday mate... great day and a play on some serious bass gear/fx Great to meet the band... was great to be made to feel welcome. PS. dont let Jaykay go... It's like having a thought controlled drummer at the side of you ) Great to meet Guy too
  20. Drive my car - Beatles THAT BLOODY INTRO!! Only three notes but it feels in the wrong place. Now Ive got it nailed it sounds fine but I can tell you it took some practice to get it right (thank heavens for phrase looping software)
  21. Eyup mate Have you tried partysounds.com it worked for me and as you well know I am an ugly fat git too My advert read something like "Rotund, balding mid 40's bass player with some of my own teeth looking to join a covers band, not that good but live for playing bass - good gear and car" I think I got about 6 replies and from that 4 auditions in about a week and I joined the first band I auditioned for
  22. [quote name='chardbass' post='201313' date='May 18 2008, 12:03 AM']Jeff Berlin and his Dean bass.[/quote] I'm sorry but I can't decide which is the pile of sh*t out of those two
  23. What a bass hero.... Still can't get over how lifeless the strings sound or it that done in post editing? I can hear lots of compression
  24. We have Pretzel Logic in our set... I really like that number
  25. [quote name='Merton' post='295289' date='Sep 30 2008, 11:54 AM']Of the Warwicks I've played (only very few) the onyl one I liked was Monz's 5 string Corvette which I got my grubby mits on atthe bash. Genuinely liked that a lot, never been a fan of any others, mainly don't like their necks.[/quote] Why thank you for those kind words... I love my Corvette to bits, it's a fantastic workhorse with a typical growl and after a years worth of tinkering I've got it as good as I can for me. I'm definately having another bass but rest assured the warwick will be on the bass stand at every gig in case my new one gives up the ghost.. It may still get to be the prefered bass for anything we do that is funky anyway
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