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Everything posted by Monz

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='850574' date='May 28 2010, 07:29 PM']More cowbell! So what's with the black shirt / white shirt thing? If that was planned, it works. Good vocals, and your guitarist has the Kossoff solo nailed.[/quote] The black and white thing came from me refusing to wear white lol. Yeah "Tom" is a bit of a good guitarist... hes done it all and wore the T shirts out I think
  2. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='850491' date='May 28 2010, 06:03 PM']Both sound perfectly respectable to me. Here they are embedded if anyone prefers them this way 8< Clever IT stuff >8[/quote] Thanks for that... couldn't work out how to do it
  3. We finally got someone along to video us at a gig... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=SwOegmwxmfc&feature=channel"]Our version of bring it on home[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=SznsLh7Q8LA&feature=channel"]And a little something by Free[/url] Please ignore the 3 wrong notes it was that dark behind the PA I couldn't see the fret markers
  4. [quote name='Kev' post='846933' date='May 24 2010, 09:56 PM']Any recommendations for fretboard/neck waxing? I know the obvious is the warwick beeswax [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_beewax.htm?sid=9cf272ed86d93039bd825bbe2a238874"]here[/url] I remember seeing a stunning wenge board on here that someone had polished up but cannot remember what they said they used.[/quote] Beeswax from wilco's (yellow stuff) for the body and neck... Dunlop lemon oil for the fretboard QED
  5. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='843103' date='May 20 2010, 01:21 PM']In a few weeks you should come down and try it through a Matamp GT200 with 8x10[/quote] Still not got yours yet then <snigger>
  6. This cab is one of the best 4 x 10s I have ever played through... in fact it was this very beast hat made me go out and buy 2 of them For anyone who has heard my cabs rest assured with the porting this one sounds loads louder especially if you place it strategically on the stage I played through this cab using a Simms Watt 100W PA valve amp and it gave the sweetest mowtown sound ever and when Tayste uses it with his mesa (the uncooth tearaway) you have to stand well back or risk deafness
  7. Sansamp pedal is my backup... it's a little strange having your bass sound come out of the PA and not behind you but it's do-able and will get you through the gig and on the plus side it just sits in your gig bag, don't forget an XLR cable though
  8. [quote name='Mizzle' post='817119' date='Apr 24 2010, 11:58 AM']Thanks for the replies everyone i'm going to have a mess around with it but as it's still earlyish and i'm at home not too loud lol, thanks for clearing up those bits (suppose i should have asked Jeff at the time but forgot) If I can I may make a few clips[/quote] Complete waste of time asking Jeff lol Howard is the man to ask
  9. Hello Mizzle You took the plunge eh? Ok the presence... I find it adds a lot more edge to the sound but it depends on where you have all the other settings as to how effective it is also when we were bench testing mine (after a few mods) the presence can make about 40W difference to the output power and will also grit the sound up an aweful lot if you are running the amp at high power Hi and Low... the high input simply reduces the input gain (use the low) Ahhhh distortion ... Plug bass into low input, EQ top dead centre, Depth full to left, Drive full to right or one back from there, presence anywhere up from 3/4, Volume set to however loud you can stand it (the harder you push the power tubes the better the tube gain sounds) Have fun
  10. If you ever get up the north of the mainland you are welcome to come and try mine (MATAMP GT200 and two 4x10s) oodles of fat bottom end and tube gain to die for I play in a pub covers band (playing a stingray 5) and we do mainly pop stuff so has to run clean but when we do anything with a bit of grit to it it's just up one click on the drive and hey presto... a lot of basschatters have played through my gear and I have never had any comments to make me suspect they dont like the sound. PS The matamp GT200 will run clean to 200W and up into the 300's driven hard, HIWATTs although sound gorgeous don't get anywhere near that.
  11. I've got what I consider to amongst the best amp/cab combinations available but a couple of weeks ago I played through a Peavey "V" head and 4x10 cab (also Peavey) and was really impressed by the tone and power even though it was only rated at 250W If I was in the market for another amp/backup amp I would be looking for one of these Hope this helps
  12. Here you go this might be of help [attachment=45988:brown_sugar_bass.pdf] If it's not in the right key, has any wrong notes or is complete garbage remember it's always gonna be worth what you paid for it
  13. And the inevitable question... What is the string spacing please
  14. [quote name='Higgie' post='761998' date='Mar 2 2010, 05:16 PM']Did you get my PM? I never got a reply.[/quote] Replied...
  15. [quote name='slazman' post='759578' date='Feb 28 2010, 07:48 AM']Taking the feedback on board then, it looks like 2x12 is the way to go. However browsing around, 2x12 isn't anywhere near as common as 2x10 ..... SO ... the next question is any recommendations what I should be looking at. I want around 300w. If it is going to be a challenge I would be OK with a separate amp into a 2x12 cab. Doesn't look likely I can get anything 2nd hand for this within my collection area so may need to look at new. Thanks again[/quote] Matamp 2x12 built like a tank 800w 4 ohms under £400 and sound the mutts nutts I have one in my arsenal and it really does the biz You are welcome to try mine if you are ever in the neighbourhood
  16. Roland bass cube... job done
  17. Bump for price reduction and open to trades... come on guys what have you got
  18. I'll be there with loads of Matamp valvey goodness and cabs 1. Born 2B Mild 2. yorks5stringer 3. Al Heeley 4. Wonderhorse 5. simon1964 6. Tait 7. Mikey R 8. budget bassist 9. Jake_tenfloors 10. Soopercrip 11. timloudon 12. Kirky 13. Huwberry 14. Conan ? 15. gnasher1993 16. J3ster? 17. bigevilman? 18. Keefman? 19. Josh3184? 20. Prosebass 21. richardd 22. Anthony Joseph W? 23. sifi 2112 24. Guybrushthreepw? 25. retroman 26 thisnameistaken ? 27. Mr Bassman 28. Funkypenguin 29. Monz
  19. PM'd Re: Megabass head
  20. For the 4x10 have a quick look at MATAMP they are about the same price region but VERY good quality and will take 1200W. I have 2 of them and they really are good
  21. Monz


    [quote name='barry44' post='745764' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:37 PM']Due to no longer being in a band i no longer have any use for my pedals and would like to offer them up for sale. I have been looking over recent sales and have priced them accordingly. First up for sale is my Sansamp Bass Driver DI pedal.[/quote] PM'd
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' post='741671' date='Feb 11 2010, 02:37 AM']Hey chaps I've finally narrowed down the two 5 string basses i want. I can only get one! First, Warwick $$ Streamer 5 in honey oil w/gold hardware. Second, Stingray 5 in White w/tort guard n rosewood board. Single H.[/quote] Had a warwick corvette 5 and sold it and bought a stingray 5... best move I ever made Warwick neck is like a baseball bat and will give you CTS in a jiff, also it only does the warwick tone and NOTHING else Stingray 5 has a slightly wider string spacing, a really thin neck (Thumb to finger) and does all the tones with a much higher output IMHO a no brainer
  23. [quote name='brick' post='734189' date='Feb 3 2010, 04:19 PM']hey is this bass still for sale if so i would like to take it off your hands[/quote] It's yours
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