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Everything posted by Treb

  1. Three Trickfish cabs: 2x TF112 1x TF410V Why Trickfish? Well together with the Trickfish amps (Bullhead Mini & .5K) the sound out of my rigs is exactly what I want it to sound like. I have a gentle EQ curve on my Source Audio EQ2. I rarely use the EQ on the amps. MarkBass cabs 2x New York 804 Cool little cabs (like mini 410's), but not nearly as nice sounding as the Trickfish ones. When you crank the amp you can feel them pushing the air in your back, feels nice.
  2. Not a Stingray expert but I think the brass nut was an aftermarket upgrade. Having the plastic nut replaced with a brass one was once a popular upgrade in the 1980's.
  3. The Darryl Jones has 60's spacing (my DJ4 has that), not much of a 70's vibe going on there. If you fancy 70's J-bass tone take a look at Xotic XJ-1T's. New they're over your budget but a decent used one may fall in your price bracket. Very nice J-bass tone with 70's vibe, a very good preamp (I prefer it over the Sadowsky one), active/passive switch, series/parallel switch, wood pickup covers, excellent fit & finish. I have two 4 string XJ-1T's (alder+rosewood and ash+maple). Just thought of a more budget friendly option: the Xotic XJ-Pro Vintage basses. Available only in 5 string versions. Made in Indonesia. Has been discontinued but perhaps a used one can be found.
  4. Cool preamp! I had a GP12 preamp once, I wish I still had it. BTW, nice Peterson amp you got there.
  5. I have seen quite a few limited edition Tone Hammer amps. The recurring theme is the faceplate gets a new colour and the amp a price hike. While some of them do look nice, at the end of the day they're just bog standard Tone Hammer amps behind the pretty facade. Not that there's anything wrong with Tone Hammer amps, I have a 350 as a backup amp for my Trickfish. The new 30th Annyversary? Meh.
  6. Don't forget the Sire V5, they are '70s too. nice basses, really value for money IMO.
  7. Really nice bass, congrats. However I do feel Fender is taking the piss by not making it a true reissue by it having '60s spacing. I hope you didn't buy it for '70s pickup spacing alone...
  8. Or even a '77 Jazz bass in the right hands...
  9. That's basic supply and demand at work. Currently supply is nil and likely to stay that way. I do know why that is, but let's not get into the sordid details. There's a snot green (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, eh) Celinder J over at the Bass Gallery in Camden with a similar asking price. I do know that Marcus tribute bass is probably not gonna sell at that price but I'm only prepared to fork out half of that. Besides my Marcus-tone quest has come to an end (for now) with the arrival of my Xotic XJ-1T in ash & maple...
  10. Link to the ad? Oh never mind. Asking price of โ‚ฌ6200... Nice looking bass, but I find that a bit too steep.
  11. Gallien-Krueger perhaps?
  12. and that's where the HPF comes in handy...
  13. Haha, you're right about that! I can't imagine needing so much power ever. Then again I don't do gigs but for those who don't believe in in-ears and need/want to run three 8 Ohm cabinets it might be a solution. For the time being my Bullhead Mini 500 (plus TF112) serves me well.
  14. Treb

    Sire V5

    I have a V5 in vintage white. It's a really nice bass for the money. Plays pretty decent right out of the box. Hardware is OK but could be improved upon. Soundwise it has a very nice 70's J-bass tone. I installed a John East J-tone01 preamp in mine to elevate its sound even further.
  15. I beg to differ. Have you ever tried a 30/50/70/90 set? Such a set has a lot of twang but lacks in grunt IMO. The difference between 45-100 and 45-105 is negligable, tried both gauges. I usually buy 45-105's.
  16. Fusion 550's rock the house. Great amp, it powers my twin 4x8" setup. I've got it on a short leash though, it being my home rig... The neighbours must hate my guts. ๐Ÿ˜€
  17. I recently bought a NOS 2016 Japanese Will Lee 4 string. Fit and finish-wise my Sire V5 and Skyline DJ4 can't touch it. The Sadowsky almost plays itself. Coupled with the preamp and VTC it's possible to dial in a range of useable sounds. Mine is the only Sadowsky I have played so I can't compare, but the Japanese basses appear to have a good reputation. Japanese basses can still be found new BTW, though depending on model they aren't exactly a bargain...
  18. Really nice bass by the looks of it. Love the white perloid PG with that red, much better than the bog standard black PG.
  19. Never use series or single mode, only parallel because to my ears it sounds the best.
  20. I just installed a Nordstrand MM4.3 in mine... It's too late to test it full bore though (but considering the curfew going on at the moment it would be a nice opportunity to see which of the neighbours (not strictly next-door!) has the balls to come and complain ๐Ÿ˜€). But what I'm hearing is a lot more StingRay in sound signature.
  21. Nice bass! Looks like a one piece body. Which Nordstrand MM pickup is in there?
  22. Sterlings are underrated basses IMO. They are of equal quality and constuction when compared to StingRay basses. The Sterling by MusicMan brand doesn't help, people can mistake these basses for an affordable Asian product. I bought mine for its slimmer neck profile and smaller and thus lighter body. Does it really sound all that different from a StingRay? Dunno, never played a StingRay... Sterlings do have that unmistakeable MusicMan tone, no doubt about it. Alone in your bedroom one might hear differences. Playing live I think you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. Pics or it didn't happen, here's mine.
  23. I wonder how long it's gonna take for the "new" MarkBass Mark King 8x10" signature combo to be released. ๐Ÿคจ
  24. Must be an older item, check the URL: www.ebs.bass.se Their current URL is: ebssweden.com Prototype perhaps? Why not ask EBS support?
  25. The Sterling has a narrow, Jazz-like neck. The StingRay can also have a neck like that, these are called "StingRay SloSpecial" (these are rare, as they were made by special order only). Normal StingRays have a wider P-bass like neck. The Sterling has a small-ish body, much smaller than a Jazz bass. Hence these tend to be lighter than the average StingRay which can be on the heavy side. If you want "that MM sound" go StingRay. For "that MM sound on steroids" go Sterling. Do not confuse the Sterling with the more affordable Asian made Sterling by MusicMan range of basses and guitars.
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