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Everything posted by neilp

  1. No-one on here - I hope - cares where you, I, or any of us "rate" as players. You deserve respect, just as the rest of us do.
  2. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1449779362' post='2926828'] Without reading all the posts have we reached a conclusion yet? Do the Aye's or the No's have it? [/quote] The Ayes certainly shouted louder, does that count?
  3. He was more successful than me too, but I'm more alive (arguably!) and I can still play.... By that measure we're all better players than some that have been mentioned recently!
  4. You should have heard him slap! And his fretless playing....
  5. Mr Blue, whoever you are, you're really getting a bit tiresome about all of this. I studied at the Royal College of Music. If I can write sensibly about Stockhausen and tone-rows, then I think my tiny brain can just about cope with Jaco's noodling and Macca's rather naive use of passing notes and modalities. Your opinion is no more valid than mine or anyone else's. How do you know how long I've spent listening to MCartney or Pastorius (or Jamerson, Berlin, East, Levin, John Paul Jones, Bruce, Squire.......)? John Deacon stopped for the greater good. We should praise him...
  6. True! I'm an old man, don't understand these things! :/
  7. Ah, but they're all "better" than you, so who cares? You're not allowed an opinion. So what you have to do to be allowed an opinion is either a) be a better player than anyone ever or know every detail of their career and output so you're not talking out of your arse - as if knowledge ever stopped people being stupid.
  8. This is fun, so I'm going to say it again. I don't like Jaco's music. And those of you who dismiss my opinion on the basis that I'm not good enough to be allowed an opinion - how do you know? Ever heard me play? You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. This discussion of how "great" Jaco must have been because his music isn't pretty reminds me of a famous put-down, and remember this was intended to be, and was, an insult: "Herr Wagner's music is better than it sounds" That was an opinion too... This really is fun, it's like being a greenhouse-effect sceptic.....
  9. That's the thing though, isn't it? I don't hate him, and the only thing I'll remember him for is a pretty stunning technique (we're back to the girlfriend again!). The rest just leaves me cold.
  10. Everyone should have a girlfriend like that at least once, if only to teach us what's really important. In the same way everyone should listen to Jaco at least once....
  11. Why thank you! If only that applied to my music too...
  12. I don't like Jaco. I won't deny his technical skill - what would be the point? Or his mastery of theory. IN MY OPINION, though, there's nothing else there. No sense of beauty, or human quality. Its a structurally perfect, exquisitely detailed empty vessel. I won't deny he's been hugely influential either. Whether that's a good thing is another matter....
  13. If your neck relief is right, you ought to be able to get it to zero, or almost zero. Bear in mind that the "amplitude" of the open string's vibration is zero at the nut, and very very small close to it, so if you've got the relief right, that should do it. That's what the relief is there for, after all!
  14. Do you know what frequency your A string vibrates at? 55Hz... You need to be able to reproduce those frequencies accurately. You do need a certain amount of power, but in general a lot less than most people think. Back in the 80's/90's all you needed for most smal/medium venues was 200 watts or so. Now everyone's dragging 500W rigs with multiple cabs around! Do we really need this sort of power? I can't remember ever thinking the Dynacord couldn't cope!
  15. I still love my Dynacord BS 412 combo. It was even better before some toerag nicked the matching extension cab!
  16. I use the same on mine, Elixir nickel
  17. Mmmmm nice, very nice!
  18. All Matsumoko SBs are the business, the SB1000 is just the top of the pile![attachment=206144:IMG_20150719_180658.jpg][attachment=206145:IMG_20150719_190738.jpg]
  19. Yep, the more expensive of the two. Unless you're transporting a Lott bass worth 80k, I'd say it's up to the job
  20. Roth & Junius bag from Thomann. Not loads of money, well made, good strong zip, six handles (just counted 'em), shoulder straps and four pockets of various sizes. Really nicely padded, all round a good bit of kit. Neil
  21. Looks nearly as nice as mine!
  22. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1448406099' post='2915262'] The string spacing is quite a bit tighter than a Fender, isn't it? [/quote] Yes,probably less so at the nut end, but at the bridge it's very noticeable. Needs a more precise approach to right hand technique, but it does make the bass easier to play fast passages on than a Fender. If you like it, it's great. If you don't, it's probably horrible. Part of what gives the SB1000 its character. I love it, but I know at least a couple of really good players who just can't get on with it, so try before you buy is good advice. Try the one you're going to buy is even better advice! I wouldn't buy a bass I haven't played. Well, unless I could afford a new Wal................
  23. Ah, ok, I misunderstood! Granted, the body is a wee bit smaller than most and the headstock's quite short. It's certainly daintier than the Wal, but feels chunkier than the Cort, so I view it in those terms - middling!
  24. Where did you get that idea? 34" scale just like the majority of instruments
  25. They're great instruments, and have a character of their own. They may sell for 700-900, but you wouldn't get me to part with mine for that. It's like the Wal, it's part of me. Just love everything about it.
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