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Everything posted by deaver

  1. [quote name='Clarky' post='603244' date='Sep 20 2009, 12:19 AM']I was playing my Oly White US P-bass, Dave - you might have had some Precision pangs if you saw it, especially with that Lakland interloper![/quote] Eh? I thought I was playing it tonight
  2. Time for this one to say hello again
  3. Took me a while to find this again. Pre off to study school bump. I'll be back next Saturday
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='595975' date='Sep 11 2009, 07:23 PM']...then lob the same pattern to that funny cymbal with the rivets for 'Variation'[/quote] I knew there was something I hadn't seen in my bass playing reincarnation. So they still have that thing (in Oxon at least)
  5. [quote name='beerdragon' post='596130' date='Sep 11 2009, 10:55 PM']They are oven cooked to a golden brown and there's a free can of stella, got be quick though.[/quote] Shoot. I'm going to miss out again and these are going to end up on eBay.
  6. Trade for black pudding?
  7. [quote name='budget bassist' post='594753' date='Sep 10 2009, 02:11 PM']that really reminds me of luke's taitycaster looking good![/quote] [quote name='Tait' post='595111' date='Sep 10 2009, 09:04 PM']funny you should say that cos i really really really want this bass already![/quote] Cheers chaps. The thing is by the time I've finished it your wives won't let you buy it.
  8. Gentlemen relax. Having patented the Deav-O-Meter[sup]TM[/sup] earlier in the thread and marketed it to a popular forum member I have received the following unsolicited testimonial: [i]"I'm totally satisfied! I've saved thousands, added two inches and met the woman of my dreams! Thanks Deaver!" - Mr K, Banbury[/i] Guaranteed results for non-priced listings. PM me for licence details.
  9. [quote name='timmchale2009' post='593299' date='Sep 8 2009, 09:16 PM']Bumpdiddlybumpbump[/quote] How old/new is this bass?
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='593436' date='Sep 8 2009, 11:22 PM']Personally, I don't bother reading offers ads because I assume the seller will probably want more than I'm willing to pay. There's logic for you... [/quote] Skank, I can offer you the Deav-O-Meter the ultimate guide to non-specified bass pricing. No more shall you fret over such matters. PM me and I'll let you into my little secret.
  11. I can never understand why this always ends in a dust up. It doesn't bother me which way people want to price or sell. The only reason against not putting a price on your sale is that you'll get a numbskull offer. And that offer will most likely come from me.
  12. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='593152' date='Sep 8 2009, 06:31 PM']I'm gonna bring a high-class escort like I did to my school reunion. That and the rented Porsche.[/quote] Is she driving?
  13. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='593144' date='Sep 8 2009, 06:18 PM']I personally never ever use tone so i took mine out of all my guitars and basses so i'd go with the 2 volumes were it me. I'm liking the musicman pickup in the bridge position, i did a similar thing with my jazz copy the other day. Love the tone from it.[/quote] May well do that. Can anyone point me in the direction of a correct wiring diagram for Volume/Volume. Also does leaving the tone and therefore the cap out have any bearing on posiible electrocution? can you tell I don't know what i'm doing
  14. Updated gear 37. Deaver: [s]El Maya or the Prosebass Humbucker Fretless[/s] MIJ 86 Precision Still after a lift from Salisbury if anyone's coming through that way
  15. [quote name='charic' post='592172' date='Sep 7 2009, 03:44 PM']Thats actually come up looking pretty nice. Almost 3D should be a great looking bass [/quote] Cheers, I've got a better photo here- I've manipulated it slightly to get as true a colour as possible. The big thing now is wiring the pickups, I think it's going to be two volume controls and no tone rather than a blend volume and tone but I need to look into it. [attachment=32458:BuildLat3.jpg]
  16. deaver


    [quote name='gafbass02' post='592510' date='Sep 7 2009, 10:24 PM']Tis true, I bloomin love this place!! Group hug!!?[/quote] Gerrorf me yer hairy bugger
  17. deaver


    Why thank you, though I'm rarely any help to anyone. I'll be in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks time, I'll be no use to you then either - unless the sight of middle aged drunks amuses you.
  18. And again, very impressive. Watched it all the way through, which may be a first for me.
  19. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='592377' date='Sep 7 2009, 07:32 PM']interested in a swap, i have a vintage bubinga fretted bass or a peavey max115[/quote] Not at the moment thanks. Looking at cash sales for the time being. I quite like the look of those Vintage bubinga basses mind you
  20. [quote name='Stu-khag' post='592372' date='Sep 7 2009, 07:25 PM']Hey, I really want this and have the money now! how would you take payment and I see its unlined- where exactly do you fret on the neck for the notes? (if that makes sense!!!)[/quote] We can sort out payment via PM, I've got a few options. You fret where the frets would be. There are dot markers on the side where you would normally find them on a fretted bass.
  21. It's taken a while but we're starting to get there now. The body has been finished with a couple of coats of Colron staining wax, a couple more coats of Lord Sheraton's Beeswax, and a polish with Gibson guitar polish. Haven't sorted the electrics yet, I may replace one of the pots with a blend pot (Volume/Volume) for the pickups. Hopefully finished before a popular seasonal winter holiday (I don't want to be the first to mention it) [attachment=32371:BuildLat1.jpg]
  22. Ultra lightweight cab for sale - sold now
  23. ***SOLD*** [b]Eden World Traveler 550[/b] All the spec from Eden Electronics here: [url="http://www.eden-electronics.com/products/amps/indiv/wt550.aspx"]http://www.eden-electronics.com/products/a...ndiv/wt550.aspx[/url]. Bit more wallop and quality than I need. Re-tubed with Groove Tubes 12ax7 approx 9 months ago. Rack ears but not bolts included. Also Eden's rather quirky instruction manual £520 delivered [attachment=32366:WT1.jpg] [attachment=32367:WT2.jpg]
  24. [b]MIJ Fender Precision 1986[/b], Sunburst body/Maple neck/Black pickguard Failure to part with this suggest that I want to keep it really. Now withdrawn from sale. [attachment=32364:MIJP1.jpg] [attachment=32365:MIJP2.jpg]
  25. Time for a change, first up [b]Prosebass Fretless Humbucker[/b] Currently strung with Fender black nylon flats, which look good but may not be to everyone's tastes. Much admired by those that have seen and played it and an opportunity to spread the word about the work of Prosebass. £165 delivered Build thread here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31129"]Fretless Humbucker build[/url] Couple of recent photos: [attachment=32362:PB1.jpg] [attachment=32363:PB2.jpg]
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