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Everything posted by deaver

  1. Super smooth bridge transaction and he said some nice things about me
  2. Just completed a splendid deal for neck and tuners. Very well packaged and a very pleasant transaction
  3. Blimey, that's the one I bought back in August, King Tut has it now.
  4. Bear in mind that 'listing' has different grades that works roughly like this: Grade 1 - you can't muck about with any of it Grade 2* - you can't muck about with any of it, unless you really, really have to Grade 2 - you can't muck about with the outside (you can do what you want with the inside as a long as you ask nicely) Nearly all listed buildings are Grade 2. You can have your thread back and enjoy yourselves now.
  5. To be fair £1500 would constitute an offer over £1250. I'll go away now.
  6. OK the cheapo is rig is starting to come toghether. An ART Tube MP Studio V3 microphone preamp arrived today (£42). Very pleasant hooked up to the Ashdown with the eq off. Just need a power amp for £57 or under. More news and perhaps even noises to come. There will be more questions from me when I start plugging things together.
  7. Just found myself lingering over this again. Still for sale?
  8. A Kay Rickenbacker copy which I think I bought from Sounds Great (Heald Green, Sth Manchester) in 1979. I bought it to make girls immune to my spots, glasses and complete lack of wit or charm.
  9. [quote name='Clarky' post='397145' date='Feb 1 2009, 07:39 PM']Do you think if I got a picture of Mrs Clarky cradling my Stagg (oo err missus) it would sell quicker? [/quote] You'll never know unless you try
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='395113' date='Jan 30 2009, 01:40 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hondo-Delux-880-Explorer-Bass_W0QQitemZ200304275235QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item200304275235&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2|65%3A10|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]Pink and pointy[/url][/quote] With nobs on
  11. PM'd regarding availibility
  12. First final bump before the drift towards the inevitable
  13. [quote name='neilb' post='390898' date='Jan 25 2009, 01:04 PM']£499 brand new with warranty here:[/quote] ...but back up to £579 + bag cost in a weeks time
  14. Exactly and utterly what I want...but no cash at the moment. Ho hum.
  15. Has there been any more advance with this?
  16. Puts down violin and pipe. Dons deerstalker. "Excellent Watson, the game's afoot". Not sure it really works with a bald Mancunian in the lead role but here we go anyway. I'll let you know how I get on.
  17. PM'd for long shot trade
  18. Some interest but still available
  19. Many thanks for the replies, an interesting mix of opinions as always. I like the flexibility suggested by The Funk and his backup rig looks like the sort of thing I might look into. BeLow, I'd be interested to see how your finished setup works out. I don't really know which route I'll take in the long run, I started the thread partly to provoke a bit of debate - the pre/power amp setup seems to be poorly served for aged amateurs like myself (there may well be a good reason for this). Still more than happy to receive any more wisdom or opinion.
  20. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='384391' date='Jan 18 2009, 09:37 PM']Its my opinion and I am sticking with it.[/quote] Fair enough, I don't believe you are known for your prevarication. [quote]Cant see the point at that price and if thats not the budget then why say it is?[/quote] The price was a loose bottom end estimate based on a trawl of the sale threads here and on ebay and wasn't meant to be an absolute nailed down budget (though that abviously wasn't clear in the original post) I'm still interested in garnering opinion on this as I'm a bit puzzled by the whole thing. I'll try and post something more coherent tomorrow.
  21. Velvetkevorkian; thanks for the advice. I've had time to do a little more research on here and am starting to get a clearer picture. I'd had a look around before but must have been looking in the wrong forum as I coudn't turn anything up. [quote]Sorry but IMO opinion for that budget you are wasting your time. If you were spending £2-3K though?[/quote] Whatever [quote]I'm with bass_ferret, you need to think of spending a lot more than that IMHO. If you're on a budget, why go the pre/power route anyway?[/quote] I'm not on a budget as such. That was just a figure knocking around in my head. I'm just interested in what can be done - I'm only a hobbyist with no pretensions to anything grander. I should also have added that the £300 figure excluded the cab.
  22. Numpty advice time again Im afraid. I'd like to put together a preamp/poweramp/cab rig but I'm struggling to find coherent advice regarding the power amp/preamp combination. I think I've got the cab concept sorted in my head, however... 1. Bass-specific power amps seem to be well pricey - is this a necessity for a decent tone? 2. How well matched (if at all) do the amps have to be? 3. Can anyone point me towards a good web resource? 4. Can anyone show me any working examples - something that would be feasible at a second hand price of £200-300 All advice/recommendations welcome
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