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Everything posted by deaver

  1. ...in the unlikely event that I can shift both the basses in my sig and raise a few extra quid elsewhere, then this could be sat in front of the mantelpiece on Christmas morning. You never know I suppose
  2. You have a PM for trade
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='306397' date='Oct 14 2008, 04:46 PM']Seems like a million years ago.[/quote] I know what you mean. I was a month later - I was the best part of £1000 wealthier then.
  4. Wonder if Mrs Deaver would like to spend our wedding anniversary in Brighton.....
  5. [quote name='Raggy' post='303994' date='Oct 10 2008, 04:24 PM']So is the body made of Alder then?????[/quote] As it happens I'll be in his neck of the woods in December. Do you think I should drop in and find out?
  6. [quote name='farmer61' post='290102' date='Sep 23 2008, 04:51 PM']First time out for us at this venue and we're on a percentage of takings. Anyone local come along and buy lots of beer...........please..........thanks[/quote] Damn, only just noticed this. We're playing the same venue on Nov 21st. How did you get on?
  7. Recently completed a very amicable trade with budget bassist. All went very smoothly and it was a genuine pleasure to deal with him. And he left me some very nice feedback. Top bloke.
  8. Go for the black pickguard, it's the way I was heading before the trade. Mrs Deaver and Deaver Jnr both agree for what it's worth.
  9. I saw this and didn't want it. Now you lot have started this I do want it. I've just opened a bottle of red so the price may soar.
  10. Ta. Another of life's minor mysteries solved.
  11. [quote name='Clarky' post='289701' date='Sep 23 2008, 09:53 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=120308944361"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=120308944361[/url][/quote] How do you know its £300? Or am I having a another slightly senior moment
  12. First proper gig in over 20 years for me on Nov 21. Guess what, and the drummer has gone and done one. He's decided that he is a 'session musician' who doesn't want to 'piddle around with pub gigs'. With this in mind he wants to charge us for his services rather than take a cut of the door money. Like the good people we are we've told him to shove it. Band comprises two guitarists, keyboards, sax, myself and a space at the back where the drums used to be. Average age 40+(ahem). Mixture of pop/rock/ska, half covers half originals. Three blokes and two women at the moment. Let me know if you can help Deaver
  13. To be honest I wouldn't buy from anywhere else now. The standard of the gear and the integrity of the deals I've been involved in have been outstanding. I wouldn't even bother buying something brand new because the broken in basses on here are better.
  14. PM'd for trade
  15. I used to use Graham Gouldmans backline (might be the third time I've mentioned this now). And my real name is John Taylor, which impresses ladies of a certain age.
  16. Tonight sees my first public performance for 22 years. Its cheating slightly because we're only doing 5 or 6 songs and the 'audience' will consist mainly of other bands plus friends and family. Open mic night at our rehearsal rooms, Route 36 (Wilton, nr Salisbury). Would be amused and somewhat suprised to see any Basschatters there - if you are give me a holler (I'm with The Mysterons). Will save photos, full report etc. for first 'real' gig when it materialises. Now then, how does the intro for Misirlou go again....
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='280866' date='Sep 10 2008, 08:48 AM']I was going to post another "here's a new price" link. Oh, I will. £170 + about £6-7 postage. [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/37230/product.htm?gdftrk=gdfV2356_a_7c416_a_7c1181_a_7c37230"]http://www.dv247.com/invt/37230/product.ht...c1181_a_7c37230[/url] But the hard case is worth a bit if it's a good 'un.[/quote] And once again not in stock. Please concentrate people. You can either buy this one for £160 OR Buy one off eBay for £220 Buy one off my magic unstocked website for 4p Buy mine for the deliberately aggressive price of £3526, then you get to tell everybody (but mainly women of a certain age) that you have a bass once owned by John Taylor
  18. Chief, buy it. It's an excellent deal - you'll have to shell out at least another £50 for a bag or a case. Mysteriously no-one selling them cheap seems to have them in stock. As my old boss used to say - you can have anything we haven't got half price.
  19. deaver


    Welcme Spyke. I did 15 years as a professional archaeologist before jacking it in. I'm also crap. But no longer pretty.
  20. Excellent price for an excellent bass. Have this bump on me.
  21. If I see one in Shoreline Gold, the wallet's going to be out again
  22. I've got to say that's awesome after sales service. Might have to nip down to the local musicroom see if they've still got a copy.
  23. deaver


    Hello hitchy. You'll get all the tips you need here. Don't ignore the elderly threads, they are a goldmine of good stuff. I wouldn't worry about age, I returned to the fold after a 22 year absence at the age of 45 (I still think I'm 23 though).
  24. I only ever changed mine when they all started to sound the same..........I'm not sure that makes sense but I know what I mean. Time wise about every 2 years or so.
  25. If you make a real hash of anything, give the guitarist a narrow eyed, menacing stare. Then roll your eyes at the punters as if to say 'why am I working with this amateur'. Used to work a treat for me, then again that was the eighties and my main achievement would have been arriving at the gig upright.
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