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Everything posted by MananaMan

  1. Sweet! Thanks for the advice Juju
  2. Hmmm... interesting idea. Not sure about getting one custom wound... I'd love to, but I'm assuming cost would become a major factor! I'd thought of ordering a new scratch plate to keep the original parts together (for resale purposes etc.). I'm heading off to the local bass shop this weekend to get it looked over - I think there may not be a pickup problem now but some sort of weird string choking. I'd still like to try a different pup tho, would I be able to fit a new one in the same angled fashion as the Standard? I like to look of the bass as it is, so really I'd like to keep as much of that as possible... Would a "normal" pup work OK at a 45 degree angle?
  3. Hey folks, I've got a Gibson Victory Standard bass, it's a beautiful instrument but I'm thinking of changing the pickup. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about the pickup and any suitable replacements...?
  4. Hmmm.... great stuff! I'm getting Thin Lizzy to Queen via Led Zep... Weird but cool mix of styles!
  5. Orrite. Though after posting a few times here I'd better stick a link up myself. First off, check out the tunage on our [url="http://www.myspace.com/mrmanana"]Myspace[/url] The guy that does our recording is now in the band ("untitled" is the only track up so far with him playing...) so I'm duty bound to plug the Myspace for the studio. Anyone interested in doing some recording stuff should get in touch through [url="http://profile.myspace.com/fisherststudios"]this[/url] site. Rates are pretty damn reasonable too. Comments / feedback / criticism welcomed. *edit* Anyone into dub / reggae and/or rock should check out Tauntra (link to from the studio site). Just listening to their new tracks. Probably one of my favourite local acts - great energy and loads of different ideas together in one track. Gotta love the dub bits from some serious drum and bass interplay too...
  6. MananaMan

    New EP

    Nice! Great tunes there mate. Filthy as you like.
  7. dude, any more LF than you get with a 8x10 and you'll be blowing away 99% of PAs in the country! of course, you could go out and buy one of [url="http://www.meyersound.com/products/mseries/m3d-sub/"]these[/url] they're not cheap, but they've got built-in amps so you could run it off your line out, then use the spare output for another 8x10 to do your mid/high. I've played with this cab before, great tone and the bass is just unbelievable...
  8. hey dude... nice ideas there! keep it noisy...
  9. In that case I wouldn't worry about the quality of the tracks in the application. No mp3 imports there - at least as far as I can tell...
  10. Garageband 08 allows you to record, import and export at 16-bit minimum (up to 24-bit). No mp3-quality tracking there. Which version were you using?
  11. ah, oh well! Gimme a shout when you get the new tracks up, be keen to hear em!
  12. One word : Aguilar If that's too pricey (likely!), you won't go far wrong with a Marshall VBA. I might have a VBA for sale too if you're interested...
  13. depends what you're using the POD for I'd say... If you're running the pod as a pre-amp, I'd be tempted to try the POD first in the chain, then you get all the tonal jiggery-pokery you like, without the POD affecting all the tone from your pedals... Alternatively, if you'd prefer to notch down the crazy effects, then POD at the end would make sense... Bang it in both ends (if you'll pardon the expression!) and see what sounds best to your ears, that's the best way.
  14. yeah, it is at that.... damn credit crunch halting my incredible credit card-fuelled gas attack!
  15. I'm agreeing with umph, umcoo you should really seriously check out Matamp's stuff. A guy I know is heavily into Matamp (to the point of factory tours, four custom cabs and a regular line to the factory cheif's home phone) and as far as I know Matamp actually built the original batch of AD200's, they were also asked to spec the new version prior to Orange taking over construction. They're also remarkably friendly folks. Just not cheap Best thing about them though - when you go to their site, there's a big Matamp logo and underneath it says "click for tone". Love it.
  16. I've got a Peavey Minx 110, and to be honest I doubt you'd find it lacking for tone or power. Great little thing! I was amazed...
  17. Hmm... £1400 for this, £450 for the Orange Bass Terror (Similar setup, less fancy add-ons) I know which I'd rather have, although money being no object I also know which I'd rather have, if you know what I mean...
  18. MananaMan


    Mint! Handy advice HTH. Ta! F-head, yeah that could be it... Cheers!
  19. Hey dude, Was this a home recording, or at a studio? Criticisms - in terms of the music, not really my cup o't but songs sounded pretty cool, niice balance between all-out blast and melody without drifting into emo cliche too mcuh (sadly, so often lacking in really heavy bands). In terms of the sound of the recording - I'd say your git-arseists need a lesson in less gain = more tone, as its really pretty difficult to pick out a lot of the notes they're playing. Drums sound a little thin too, with not a lot of top end on the kick, so all the blast beats turn into low-end sludge. I am, however, a notorious pedant so I wouldn't worry about my criticisms!
  20. Yeah, I'd be happy to give this a once (or twice) over. As for pointers on where to go yourself, I'd say go out and find some similar tracks that have been done professionally, listen to each instumenton that recording and compare it how yours sound, see if you can spot where things sound different and tinker along from there. If you can't get the original tracks up and want some detailed pointers on a instrument-by-instrument style of breakdown, just give me a shout too, I can have a detailed listen on the good hi-fi and see if I can give you some starters for 10. I'd start off by asking politely that you trim out a little 200Hz from the kick drum, maybe dial in a little 1k. I'd give yourself a good long break before doing any of this though - if you've been working on these a lot you'll probably be deaf to what's going on - after more than a couple of weeks on one set of recordings you tend to go a bit mental and start changing things for the sake of it cos you can't hear what's going on any more!
  21. Nice playijn there dude. Couple of the tunes sound a little metronomic, but Im sure that'll loosen up live after a pint to two! See what you mean about the over-comp'ed bass (well, everything...) Still, good punchy sound. Hey, if I was lookin for a function band, I'd probably book ya. Bring on da fink!
  22. Hmmm... if it's anything like as good as the Git-arse Terror it'll sound great but break a lot... Our guitarist has a TT and it sounds the mutt's nuts, but he's on his third head in about 8 months... Apparently Orange had a lot of trouble with transformers on the first batch out of Korea - I'd say if you're interested in one of these, give 'em a year to get the components sorted before you buy! Having said that, everywhere we play the TT (through a Mesa 2x12) gets rave reviews from other 6-stringers and sound dudes alike, the thing is stoopid loud and sounds great. If they manage to pull off a similar trick with the bass version I'll definitely be looking into getting one. And having read the TB thread on these, I'm reminded of just why I had given up on finding a decent bass-related forum... Those guys are all hyper-judgemental in a way that I can never understand. IME, it must be an american / 16-year-old thing...
  23. MananaMan


    yeah, I used a Bass Juice for a few years. Good pedal, nice variety of sounds from it. Didn't know they got a beating from BC, can't really eplain why either, seems a perfectly good pedal, if a little pricey. I seem to remember it was another pedal before being licenced (how do you spell that? I've never had to before, and its really puzzling me...) to T-Rex?
  24. OK, bit of a problem with my TE head. I originally bought this last year before heading out on tour as it was the only decent SS head in the local shop, and I needed a back-up for my Marshall VBA which had been playing up a bit. On tour, the VBA duly killed itself in a flash of blown fuses (internal, so I didn't want to risk opening it up) and I fired up the Trace... Lo and behold, it sounded great. Brilliant thought I, SS reliability and great tone. A few months ago though the Trace started to develop a problem where the output will drop to unusable levels - it just turns itself down, in a way. There's nothing wrong with the kettle lead, or the speaker lead, or the cab. The pre-amp works fine (plenty of level there), and the DI works - its only the power section that goes funny. After about half an hour of being quiet, the amp starts to turn itself up again. Weird! The last time this happened (this week) the green backlight started to fluctuate in output too - this leads me to believe that its a power supply problem, but as I say I've tried four or five different power sources and leads so I can't fault the actual supply. Anyone got any ideas as to what is wrong with my "drop it from a crane" reliable amp??? *edit* for spelling
  25. ah, didn't know that! seems a bit daft really. The liquidmix box is full of it, makes full mixes sooo much easier when you run all your dynamics and rv from a seperate DSP - you can get [i]really[/i] silly with a mix with one of those.
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