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Hellzero last won the day on February 20

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About Hellzero

  • Birthday 20/08/1965

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  • Location
    Belgium's deep South

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Community Answers

  1. Ernie Ball's carbon footprint must be frightening! 🤦🏻
  2. Mine came directly from San Louis Obispo, the Ernie Ball factory, so I guess it's true, and a bit stupid as the instruments have to go there from Indonesia and then are sent individually through FedEx to their buyer... Apparently, they put the flatwound strings at the Ernie Ball facility and make the setup too. I think I've reached my personal pollution quota in late December for a complete year because of this purchase...
  3. Thanks @agedhorse, this is the way I always proceed for recording as the plug-in reverbs you can get nowadays are really excellent, but for the bass duet project I'm playing in, a tiny bit of reverb helps both basses (a fretted and a fretless) for live and rehearsals too, hence the question. That said, I own an FKT Audio The Fretless pedal that includes a reverb, a chorus and a mid booster, so perfect for me, but my pal on the fretted would rather prefer a combo or a head with integrated reverb for "ease" of use.
  4. I you want to bin that crap Vigier on the right, I'll take it... 😂🤪😉🤔
  5. Wow! 😍
  6. Excellent one @bass_dinger !
  7. By the way, the TrickFish Bullhead 1K is fanless and it's quite small, light and bloody powerful. I had one, but preferred the GR Bass One 800 I had at the same time.
  8. Really nice work and nice bass too. I always love to see a Ric, but their ergonomics is absolutely not for me: hey, that's life. 😉
  9. If you need loads of power @papabassus, the GR Bass One 800 head has a fan that can be turned off in the Studio mode to only run when needed, but after 3 hours of use at low to mid power, it didn't start, so no worries to have about its noise... In the Live mode, it starts quite quickly and can become very noisy if you don't play loud.
  10. Better use @Quatschmacher option. 😉
  11. C'est, en effet, le mieux à faire dans ce cas, car tout risque de finir à la déchetterie... 😉
  12. Nash the Slash fan?
  13. If you think about it, that's what all the so called big stars are doing, a complete playback/mime show as they don't want to disappoint their audience, ... according to themselves or more surely the producer. It's been discussed here before and some agree, some don't. To me, a live show means taking risks and including mistakes in it and that's, again, to me, what people really want to hear during a live performance and not exactly the same thing perfectly in place without any of these tiny errors that make the show so alive. And as The Human League used to sing: I'm only human Of flesh and blood, I'm made Human Born to make mistakes
  14. You would be amazed if you recall these unplayable cheapo instruments we started playing on in the early 80's...
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