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Everything posted by Hellzero

  1. The guy originally behind Esh a certain Z. N. was a real crook. The first ones were quite good, but the quality rapidly fell when ZN took decided to run all by himself : a real disaster ! So beware, the very first years were terrific, then it was simply pieces put together while waiting the bankrupt... I had a few of the original ones and these were good to very good basses. Christof Kost is the owner of the original design and still making very good basses just like they use to do when starting up : http://www.christof-kost.de
  2. Glad you found the right strings. Concerning your left hand playing, in fact, your thumb is only a guide and must not press the back of the neck. The power for pushing the strings should come from your fingers muscles only, otherwise when pressing the back of the neck wih your thumb you'll involve your tendons too much and finally damage them...
  3. Rick Nielsen can't be spinning in his grave for two reasons : 1. He is not dead. 2. Impossible to do with such an instrument without lifting the stone.
  4. Here is the link to his website : http://www.deanpeerbass.com
  5. Try Dean Peer, another great fretless player, you'll hear another side of the fretless too.
  6. Has it been converted to our voltage, I mean 220~240 Volts ?
  7. Nickel roundwounds for me and except if your fretboard is made out of soft wood like non treated maple (and you bend like a guitarist) there will be only slight marks that won't affect the sound. I own 6 fretlesses including 1 double bass and 1 EUB. They have quite always been fitted with roundwounds (I fit from time to time the Thomastik Infeld JF that are the best ones as they do sound right with enough harmonics, which is precesely what is missing to the others) except the 2 uprights that are fitted with real flatwounds of course. I hate the dull and poor sound of flatwounds (except TI's) that are better suited for fretted basses to me when you want that lovely Motown sound. For the brand, I always get back to D'Addario's even if Iove the Thomastik Infeld JR, but they are very light tension strings, too light, when you are used for over 30 years to the standard 45~105. Now it's up to you to decide which one you like, but please guys stop saying that flatwounds are mandatory on fretless because of the fretboard. Ask any real luthier and he will laugh at you about this legend...
  8. Waiting for post 1999 to see if party is over, oops out of time.
  9. Guys, it reminds me of the endless meetings I attended when I was part of the board. Words, ideas (sometimes) and absolutely no decision taken. Stop, it's going nowhere as usual and what a waste of time as nobody seems to remind what was the subject, but needs to leave a word or thousands.
  10. Beware, someone used the word "fake", it's going to end up with 300 pages of useless comments and a war between the ultras and the moderates.
  11. I'll wait until tomorrow for the 1000th, if you let me have it. I've tried to read the entire thread but it's going to fast. Looks like we are making the new Terry Gilliam movie. Yessssssss ! He could use everything for the dialogues.
  12. I have the answer to all this jazz : Fake off !
  13. Almost 22,000 posts without being glued to your computer is just an amazing score, no ? Anyhow this thread is already into the wall and we are just trying to push harder. I know I won't make friends, but 80% of the Fender vintage market are fakes, so why bother. Let's do it as it's done as there are 99,99% of honest people in this community which is worth being mentioned. Go elsewhere and you'll see the amount of honest forumers... You'll have more than enough fingers, sadly. The only solution is to ban obvious fakes, but, again, it's quite turbo automatic over here.
  14. "8 - Please note that with immediate effect, Basschat will not accept any adverts selling or otherwise trading or exposing for sale ANY Rickenbacker products. This is the only way we can ensure that no copies of Rickenbacker instruments appear in the marketplace, however unwittingly that may be. Ask John Hall (Rickenbacker CEO) if you have any questions about this." Am I reading wrong, but it's clearly stated that it's to avoid selling fakes even if John Hall is quite aggressive about that point... So why not avoiding selling any fakes at all !?!
  15. That's sure, they had my ads deleted a long time ago when I was selling through eBay some real parts of my Rick...
  16. Isn't it a no Rickenbacker sale place for that reason ? I mean fakes and as there are even more fake Fender's than fake Rick's, why not be logical all the way up to the end of your idea !?!
  17. Wise choice, whatever people say the TI (JF365) are the best flats with lots of vibe, growl and soul...
  18. It's just like announcing a fake price to simply attract people, it's simply stupid, boring and legally the item must be sold at the lowest mentioned price...
  19. Nice bottle-opener. Mick Karn first fretless and he had the same song with the Travis Bean than with its later Wal(s). When one says that the sound is in the fingers...
  20. In this case, the Thomastik Infeld (TI) JF365 set will do the job perfectly. They are expensive, that's true but you won't find anything better than these flats even the LaBella Nylons being black, white, gold, standard or with copper...
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