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  1. Thanks again to all. Yeah I had considered going down the DI line, but the only amp I have that has the facility is the Marshal and it's bog standard, but I'm sure we'll try out different oprions long before the gig. Where as using one of the lead amps through my bass cab should give more flexibility.
  2. Thanks for the reassurance and good wishes, it's actually the drummer who's my mate and it's his 50th and yes he does play somewhat like the well know muppets character, but as I said we hope to mic the guitar amps and run them through a PA anyway, of 2k-4kw depending on what we feel like on the night, as he's loads of PA amps and speakers to choose from (the drums will probably not be amplified. or at least not all of them, as it's only a friends bar we'll be playing and not terribly large). heard Regards Zak [i]A man goes to a pacific island for vacation. As the boat nears, he notices the constant sound of drumming. As he gets off the boat, he asks a native how long the drumming will go on. The native casts about nervously and says "very bad when drumming stops." Later that day, the drumming is still going and it is really starting to get to him. So, he asks another native when the drumming will stop. The native looks as if he's just been spooked. "Very bad when drumming stops," he says, and hurries off.[/i] [i][font="Times New Roman, Times, serif"][size="3"]After a couple of days with little sleep, the man has had enough. He grabbed the first native he saw, slammed him up against a tree, and shouted, "What happens when the drumming stops?!" [/size][/font][/i] [i][font="Times New Roman, Times, serif"][size="3"]The native replied, "Bass solo." [/size][/font][/i]
  3. Apols in advance for the wordiness of this, but just wanted to be as transparent and clear as possible in stating my case. Here's the thing, I've got a couple of Peavey 130 Special (SS), lead amps and a Peavey Deuce VT, lead amp (hybrid - SS preamp, valve power side), 130w and 120w respectively, and I was wondering if it would be worthwhile/possible to run them through my bass cab (fitted with a Carlsboro Powertone 4ohm driver which is actually , with the opinion of a helpful chap on BassChat, thanks stevie, again, a 150w Fane driver, possibly 200w, awaiting Stevie's final response) for a bit more ummph. The story being, I've lots of bits and pieces - only had an accoustic guitar previously and a sh1t poor one from the fifties or earlier ,Valencia is the make, which I hadn't lifted in years, until last year, then my mate decided that, as I could "play" guitar, I would help him reform his and his brother's band for a gig on his 50th (big Johhny Kidd and the Pirates, Dr Feelgood, Stranglers - gotta love Keith Floyd - fans amongst others, I've educated them as to the virtues of Thinn lizzy, Horslips amongst others), as the bass player (drunken night of "yeah, lets put the band back together") upshot was he arrived round six months later with a couple of bass practice amps off Gumtree and an Encore bass ditto - yeah I know, not entirely brilliant, but it's ok for a duffer like me learning to play the bass for the first time, will probably hire something decent a week or two before the gig just to give me time to get used to it. The reason why I'd like to run the one of the lead amps through the bass cab is; having only the couple of small practice bass amps (10-15w) and a Marshall 30w combo, impulse buy 2nd hand (anyone one wanna buy it?), which is neither one or 'tother, is the desire to have the aforementiond "bit more ummph". I've checked out the amps and driver and the impedance is OK, as the amps can run at 4ohms and that's what the driver is rated at (15" Carlsboro powertone 4ohm in a Peavey cab, bought the cab for £25 with a duff Peavey driver installed, needs reconed, again wanna buy it, message me...). Currently I'm only playing in the house, so the wee amps are fine for mucking around with and occasionally I put the bass through one of the Peaveys, vol turned down, not wanting to wreck amp or driver, but as they are lead amps with appropriate drivers it's not ideal, but as I said, my buddy wants me to play with him and his brother at his 50th, hence the need for a bit more of the again aforementioned ummph. Now we will be micing/miking??? the gear up through a PA, but it's more the tone ability I'm concerned with and as it's only a one off gig I don't want to be going out and buying something at hundreds of pounds, and yes there's always the hire option, but I just thought that as I have these (quite frankly rather good amps - for what they are - beautiful tone and punch and cleans on the lead guitar at least) would they work for the bass? Bear in mind, shoestring budget and champagne tastes, anybody done this before?, comments, polite ones of course, I don't want to hear " why don't you just go buy a Trace, AMPEG or Mesa etc" I know what I'm suggesting is a work around and not ideal, but one can only work with what one has, bearing in mind money being a restricting factor, and again it's a one off gig never to be repeated, well not until one of us hits 60 or 70 if we're all still here gawd willing.... not likely - lol Regards Zak
  4. Measured the cone as near as possible to the base where it goes into the magnet, with one of those sliding caliper things, and it's coming out somewhere around 2 6/16", so just slightly less than 2 1/2", so probably is a 150w as per your original suggestion. The magnet's diameter is 6" and depth is 14/16", no way of telling what the interior diameter is, but i presume it has to go all the way in to nearly touch the voice coil? Always thought Carlsboro were an amp/cab/driver maker i.e. I assumed they did the whole lot, it never occured to me that they might be buying in kit and rebranding it - like the driver, thought that was a modern aberration. Anyway, thanks for all your help and if you'd care to comment further in regard to the measurements (could it be a 200w or is that just wishfull thinking?), quality, age (i.e. if it's an 1989 driver and now 26+ years old has it come to the end of it's life???) etc I would be most grateful. Regards Zak Opening a new post now, which will no doubt not go down well amongst diehard bass officianados, "Lead amp used through a bass cab - sheer folly?"
  5. Fair enough, I was guestimating (and hoping) it would be that as well. Not sure what you mean by a pic of the voice coil as I'm assuming I'd have to destroy the dustcap to get that, but here's some more pics. Excuse my ignorance, but is Fane a bass cab/amp manufacturer? The speaker actually came out of a Marshall cab, but I assumed it had been a replacement for the original driver as it's twin was fitted with an 8ohm 125w driver, my mate who bought the pair was none to pleased when he realised one was 8 and the other 4 as his setup needs two 8s, hence me getting the 4ohm for free!!
  6. I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what the power handling capacity of a Carlsboro Powertone 15" driver would be. It is measuring around about 4ohms impedance, but I don't know how to work out the wattage (or even if you can) and there is nothing obvious on it to say what the wattage actually is. The only markings are: 933/89 (I'm presuming the 89 refers to the year of manufacture, haven't a clue what the 933 would denote) and 152?27, the question mark may well be a 4 giving 152427, pics attached. Thanks in advance for a favourable reponse. Zak
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