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Everything posted by zawinul

  1. Cheers yes I'm looking at ACG, just seeing what kind of wood I need and pickup configaration!!
  2. Looking for that Wal sound on a budget, prolly impossible but what the heck! Advice please. I want twangy punchy sound, yes lots of mwah, but also with bite, teangy , huge harmonics, massive sustain... which wood is best for neck, Ebony, rosewood or an.other? Will use Roundwounds for brighter sound. Dont want yuccy muffled low-mid fudge I want it to SING! Pickups 1 or 2? single of duel coil? Headless or with headstock? I have a good ides what I want a sound like a Wal/ACG though like this too [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs8e_00BvsY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=Xs8e_00BvsY[/url] Help please!!!
  3. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1434747575' post='2802575'] the email is at the bottom of their website here: [url="http://www.public-peace.de/index.php/maruszczyk-instruments"]http://www.public-pe...zyk-instruments[/url] [/quote] Cheers, send mail, got reply the conversation is underway!!
  4. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1434793002' post='2802827'] If you're ever up Swindon way I have an ACG J-Type fretless that you could try out.......... [/quote] Cool, many thanks for that I may have to take you up on that kind offer!!
  5. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1434748906' post='2802597'] This. [/quote] don;t listen to people who tell you what to do. From Percy Jones himself: ' [color=#555555]If you feel that a fretless bass is the best instrument for you to express yourself on then get stuck in and work hard with it. Strive to get your own “voice” out via the instrument and learn to differentiate between positive and negative criticism" [/color] [font="palatino linotype, palatino, serif"][color="#555555"]There are a lot of fretless players around and a lot of them sound the same, a kind of dull sound, lots of vibrato... blah blah....[/color][/font] [color=#555555]Theres a hell of a lot you can do with a fretless, as i'm finding out, but I would would say try and avoid that cliche sound, explore what it can do [/color] [color=#555555]Percy Jones and Mick Karn used slides all the time, harmonics, etc .... no rules[/color]
  6. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1434435637' post='2799430'] Where are you based zawinul? [/quote] Bournemouth, only absolute music nearby, not many fretless's to try out!
  7. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1434714709' post='2802089'] In case I didn't make my position clear before, because words are cheap... I have an announcement to make: I just started the process with Adrian to have another bass made for me. It's another Jake, but not like you know them. A while ago I was experimenting and decided I'd really like a bass with certain characteristics, but nobody seems to make one like it. I spoke to a luthier I know about it but we didn't get far. He builds acoustic instruments, and he's very good at it, I'm sure he'd build a wonderful electric bass... but the whole thing fizzled out. Now, after my experience with the Jake P/JJ, I am certain that Adrian is the man. First few emails exchanged, pictures and diagrams attached... he's made a few cool suggestions expanding my options, I have a good idea of the final cost too... It's time to sit down and nail all those specifications right. I have a couple of basses that I'm unlikely to require any more that will be for sale very very soon! [/quote] can you send me Adrian's email please I 'd like to talk about a killer fretless I have been brooding on for ages!
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1433353760' post='2790423'] Hey gang! For years I've had a hankering for a P with block markers. Maybe with a J pickup. And definitely something just over 8lbs. I've been looking at [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=15041013412316"]this Lakland[/url] but I couldn't guarantee the weight, and [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/namm-2011-fender-custom-shop-guitars-and-basses-in-pictures-357852/7"]this CS Precision[/url].... but I'd need to win the lottery. I was about to give up when I hear about [url="http://www.public-peace.de/"]Maruszczyk / Public Peace[/url] in Germany. They're basses are to order by Messinger Guitars in Poland. After a lengthy email conversation with Adrian (his comms are excellent), I placed my order for:[list] [*]Passive P/J with Noiseless vintagey pickups, J pickup more 60s position than 70s [*]Alder, with suble flame maple top [*]Rosewood, block'n'bound neck [*]Light weight (around 8.5lbs) [*]US Hipshot Ultralite tuners [*]An early 70's P neck profile (I sent Adrian the measurements of my '71P) [*]Dark tort guard [/list] ...and ten weeks later, here we are! What a stunner, eh? First of all... the weight was a bit of a shock. I asked for no more than 8.5lbs-ish, so Adrian recommended chambering the body. As a result, it weighs [b]7.2lbs[/b] I kid you not. It weighs nothing.. and there is ZERO neck dive. Even if you try and make it dive, it doesn't. Going with the Ultralites was a good move. The bridge isnt a standard Maruszczyk - it's a Hipshot B-style. I'll stick my neck out and suggest that they've used it to help it balance. If that's the case, the bridge is a welcome upgrade that must have cost nearly $100 alone. The pickups are by [url="http://www.haeussel.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=6&Itemid=6&lang=en"]Haussel[/url]. I'd never heard of them, but Adrian recommended them for their vintage noiseless properties. And they're not cheap. The bass arrived well-packed, with a nice branded gig bag, posh branded leather strap and a bag of tools. A nice touch. Playing it... I can't tell anything useful until I've gigged it, but I'm plunking away through my practice amp and it sounds lovely. The pickups don't hum, they're high output the P sounds like a P and the J is pokey and well balanced. The neck doesn't feel a million miles away from my P, no discernable dead spot and it plays cleanly right up the neck. There's no string tree, as the headstock is swept back to increase the angle over the nut. There's a zero fret, too. Here's the truly amazing thing about this bass: The bridge, pickups and tuners alone alone cost hundreds. It's chambered, with a maple cap. Fit and finish are perfect. It's made to my spec. ...and it cost pretty much what I would pay for a Fender MIM or a Lakland Skyline. That's just mind-boggling. Stuff to mention:[list] [*]I specified cream binding on the neck, but it's a bit vibrant. If I could choose again, I'd go with white. [*]The weight is significantly less than my target, but it doesn't seem to affect the tone, so this could be a win. [*]The Hipshots are the 3/8" version. It's cosmetic, but I prefer the look of the fatter 1/2". Not a biggie. [/list] I'll do soundclips when I can, and report back after this weekend's gigs. I'm off to play it again... [/quote] How do you actually contact Adrian, I'm looking for someone to build me a killer fretless!?
  9. i'll probably avoid lightwave then, no one tried an Alutronic!? not buying blind, will have to..... so few fretless basses available in the UK!
  10. Still looking for my optimal fretless machine Does anyone here have any expereince of either Alusonic basses or Willcox Lightsaber basses? If so are they punchy? sustain? good for fretless? cheers Z
  11. [quote name='Descendent' timestamp='1434298476' post='2798430'] Try Alpher Instruments from Yorkshire. I have a custom fretless which they built for me last year. Lovely slim neck and 16mm string spacing. Really good price too. Alpher.co.uk [/quote] I see you also have am ACG krell whats that like, Im very tempted to order a fretless from Alan!!
  12. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1434345955' post='2798724'] The ESP LTD B-205 SM-FL Fretless 5string Fretless has a really close spacing, nice smooth fast neck and good action. They sell for £400 too. [/quote] I tried this in a shop but really didn;t like the feel of the bass or its sound, its all personal in the end!!
  13. looked all around for what I want nearest thins is sterling stingray and they are about £1700 so may as well take the plunge and go for an Alan special, just pooping my pants a bit at laying down so much money on a bass!!
  14. zawinul

    ACG NBD x 2

    that 5 string is wonderful I'm in communication with Alan to build be something a bit like this, can you tell me how much this cost you please?
  15. Still don't know what to do, constantly looking at ebay.... looking to spend no more than £1500 really, or less as also want to get a boss sy 300 synth, new amp, and maybe fractal fx 8, too many options!!
  16. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1432901609' post='2786049'] Second hand from Ebay, all I can remember is they were based in Milwaukee. Maybe take a holiday to Florida with an empty bass case? [url="http://www.basscentral.com/musicman/fretless1.shtml"]http://www.basscentr...fretless1.shtml[/url] [/quote] woud i get it through customs on the way back!?
  17. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1432886213' post='2785814'] I bought my Road Worn Jazz from the US a couple of years ago, VAT, import duty and the £10 Parcelforce handling fee added about 25% to the total cost. [/quote] cheers thats good to know, who did you order it from?
  18. [quote name='juliusmonk' timestamp='1432855157' post='2785730'] Get this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/261797-fsft-zon-sonus-custom-4-fretless-plus-roland-gk-3b-pickup-price-drop-now-l1000/"]http://basschat.co.u...drop-now-l1000/[/url] It's a fantastic fretless, and you'll save yourself half the money. I have small hands and playability was great. [/quote] seems like theres a few 'issues' with it! hate the dirty brown colour (call me superficial)!! Thanks for heads up, the search goes; on I will get there in the end, portably need to visit bass centre in warwick and play on as many basses as possible that will give me a decent idea of feel, sound and weight etc so far its down to music man sterling (can't find in uk) maybe sandberg (can;t try out locally) or a custom build which is up to £2000 (ouch!!)
  19. Still not really getting anywhere, theres so few shops in Uk selling so few fretless;s that its impossible to find what I'm looking for and will either have to buy blind or spend a ton of cash on something custom, which also I can;t play, its risky!!! There is Mayans, anyone played one? Marleaux, expensive but look amazing It seems that whatever way I look at it, there is no production bass that fits my needs except maybe Musicman but about from the passive rays can;t find a us music man fretless in the UK!!! anyone had experience of ordering ftom that states? What are the taxes involved?
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1431708720' post='2774226'] You might want to post where you live. That way you might find somebody locally who may be prepared to let you try theirs. I recently parted with a Shuker 4 string fretless - gorgeous tone and you could probably pick one up for less than £1K. As for ACG, another vote here...love my SC Harlot. Alan is really friendly and willingly gives advice about the variables. The filter based pre-amps do take a bit of getting used to but once you've got your head around them they really are the mutt's nuts. I'd also consider a Jaydee...John is another of life's nice guys. There's one for sale here: [url="http://www.statii.com/forum/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=5885"]http://www.statii.co...?thread_id=5885[/url] You might want to think about Dodgnofski's fretless Status Kingbass though the ebanol fretboard might not give the tones that you're after. [/quote] Who is Dodnofski?
  21. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1431815956' post='2775339'] I've just got a Rob Allen Mouse 30 5 with a high C & I'm loving it! Strings are La Bella Deep Talkin 760N Early days yet but I can't put it down. Picked it up Wednesday from ThePapabull and done 2 gigs on it already and played it a few hours today, prob another hour or so tonight with Phil Jones headphones. I was concerned about the narrow string spacing but I'm getting used to it. And the C string sounds sweet and musical, prob due to the shorter scale. Anyway time for another noodle on it. [/quote] i think thats the sort of thing I'm after , its would be great to play chords on top three strings. Narrower neck the better as far as I'm concerned, and shorter scale. Could n't bear a 35in ch scale and low b string, and wide string spacing!!! Why do all makers assume bass players have huge hands and long fingers!!! [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]The search go's on but i'm narrowing it down, probably go for custom build then I can get exactly what i want!![/color][/font]
  22. Thanks for your input people, I'm just about to go on holiday , when I get back Alan will be getting an email!!
  23. Cheers . I still think I would rather have thin weedy c string than thick muffle b string!! Or just keep to 4 string and move up neck!!
  24. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1431610244' post='2773177'] The regular ACG spec is an asymmetric neck with a flat fingerboard and they play beautifully, but remember even the Standard Series basses are still custom hand made instruments. You can spec neck profile, there's options on fingerboard radius and nut width on Custom basses, possibly some of those options on Standards too, but you'd best ask Alan at ACG about that. Eude [/quote] Cheers many thanks for that feedback I'd better get emailing Alan then!!
  25. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1431609185' post='2773148'] A Standard Series 4 or 5 string starts at £1100 >> [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/standard-basses/standard-specification/"]http://www.acguitars...-specification/[/url] A Custom goes from £1800 up >> [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/basses/custom-specification/"]http://www.acguitars...-specification/[/url] Standards include some limited options, and a non angled headstock, a Custom would come with more choice of woods etc. Both specs are available in 31.5" scale. Eude [/quote] Sounds pretty reasonable for what you get! How easy/fast are they to play say compared to a fender Jazz which is what I'm used to? Certainly sound wise they are perfect, nice punchy sound !
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