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Everything posted by zawinul

  1. I guess raising action is not worst thing in the world, but raising pitch not really... shouldn't have to ... what about truss rod adjustment would that make any difference!? i'm not very techy when it comes to stuff...what about bridge adjustments? aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh !!!
  2. Hi Bass Peeps I only have 2 basses, WHAT I hear you say!! well I may get more in future, but anyways.... 1 fretted Warwick, Boosty signature, huge jumbo frets, set up nicely good string tension... bouncy... strings feel great under the fingers... you knowwhatimean! The other is a ACG fretless, beautiful handmade bass by the master from Scotland, Alan... BUT i find tension on this bass has more give, a bit more 'baggy' which is good for some things but would like it a bit 'tighter' bit for bounce to the ounce!! Apart from getting different strings or raising the action which I don;t really want to do, IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO INCREASE TENSION IN THE STRINGS? cheers bassheads
  3. [quote name='DawnPatrol1990' timestamp='1468353233' post='3090399'] A friend of mine had his Fly Rig Bass arrive today and brought it round to mine to try out. Ran it through my Hartke HA3500 and Ampeg SVT410HE, ran through a variety of different tones on it and it sounded great! couldn't have been more impressed by it. To be honest, i'm seriously considering getting rid of my rack unit and getting one of these to make things easy when travelling to far off gigs. [/quote] what are the chorus and octave and fuzz like, on demos it sounded sweet, Ive never used a sansamp either i would only get it for recording, but it seems like a decent all in one, just would add a phaser and already have a souce audio Envelope filter which is juicy as hell!! Yes its a lot of money but you seem to be getting a lot of sound shaping options!!! is it good for phat funky sounds!! ???
  4. Anyone got one yet on sale in UK now!!
  5. Cheers does it have a line out for recording? How many inputs does it have could ypu play along with a drum machine for instance? Is it decent and clean sound?
  6. looks good for practising and recording and £220... 10 inch speaker
  7. Get the new fender pj bass it's surf green and active about £700
  8. all basses are just bits of wood with some strings on... if you like it you like it... My favourite ever bass is my Warwick from Indonesia, huge brass frets, buzzy e string but I just LOVE it!! unless i won the lottery i wouldn;t buy one of these expensive pieces of furniture basses...even then i still probably wouldn;t, i'd buy a monstrous Moog modular
  9. please delete this, wrong spelling!!
  10. A tad expensive for a non gigging bass player BUT what a sound... so clean and punchy, toppy, sparkly its I think what i'm looking for !! £600 is a lot but what do people think just on sound and specs? And what cabinet would I put with it? Z
  11. A tad expensive for a non gigging bass player BUT what a sound... so clean and punchy, toppy, sparkly its I think what i'm looking for !! £600 is a lot but what do people think just on sound and specs? And what cabinet would I put with it? Z
  12. Dear bassheads i'm noticed my E string start to buzz, I think i need to raise the action slightly, where can I get decent allen keys from and also why don;t manufactures supply these with the bass when you buy it? If a strings starts to buzz for no reason do I need to change strings, all of a sudden my E string sounds flabby , before it was tight and bouncy, why does this happen? cheers z
  13. is it active?
  14. Cool that would be great thanks! I think I'm suffering from post Brexit exhaustion!
  15. What so NO ONE ON HERE HAS ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THESE AMPS AND CABS!!!???? Come on people!!
  16. Few posts on here, looking for ultra clean hi-fi sound which I can colour later with pedals Anyone use one>? I've head a few demos, sounds very crisp and clean, which is what I want K series cabs are they good, sweet sound? Not after big boomy sound at all, mid range punch, sparkle, clarity etc Cheers Z
  17. I don't want a PA I want a bass amp and cab, but thanks for all the input, it would seem that Phil Jones is a name for clean , I may wait for the Studio 77 soon to be released , could be the answer!! Cheers peeps, sorry i got narked, love and peace, and bass
  18. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1466428382' post='3075703'] OK I hope everyone is calm now. If by uncoloured you mean that you want to get as close as possible to the sound your bass is putting out at the jack socket, with nothing added or taking away then taking the signal from that point is really the only way. Wanting to hear that in your room is perfectly sensible too. The best way of doing that would be to split your signal at that point using a DI sending one signal to the recording and the other half to a PA speaker of floor monitor, the only system really designed to give you a flat response. even the highest quality PA will add distortion and subtract information as will any mic and so will room acoustics. Any bass amp with tone controls is going to colour the sound and any bass speaker will almost certainly have had some optimisation for bass. Even a PA speaker (true of any speaker) is an engineered compromise so 'uncoloured' is a relative term. If you go this route you are guaranteed as uncoloured as you can get for your recording and the demands you are placing on your bass amp/monitor become practical considerations. You can probably try an active PA speaker easily enough as any muso mates will probably have one. If this advice isn't what you wanted to hear then don't get angry, it is well meant, I think it is accurate and you are free to ignore advice you don't like. [/quote] Perfectly good advice cheers!!
  19. neither because we are ****ing bored of the same old bass sound. Get a ACG BASS NOW!
  20. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1466345509' post='3075102'] Calm down princess. People are offering you pretty good advice here, there's no need to act like a stroppy teenager. [/quote] sorry dad
  21. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1466335193' post='3074986'] Sorry if it sounds complicated. The thing is though is that if you really want a "pristine uncoloured" sound then you really [b]do not need a bass cab [/b]becaue the vast majority are simply not designed to do what you want. IMO a good quality powered PA cab will do what you want for a lot less money e.g. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/JBL-EON612-12-Active-PA-Speaker-with-Bluetooth/13N6?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=51378d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=175837492639&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhZm7BRCUyfS6ho2VjOEBEiQAumpGMs6KKlEqV-eCHTgKglKadL5GC3FYVayluJcptYR4DsMaAnWf8P8HAQ"]this[/url]. EDIT, if money really is no object then by all means get a barefaced BB2 and say a eich amp (youl need a fair bit more than your £1000 budget though, ditto for the BB2+PJB amp suggested earlier), but you are paying essentially an extra £1000 over the price of a PA speaker for lots of extra power handling that you wont need if its just for home use. So as I see it your options are (in order of least expense):[list] [*]A good powered PA speaker. [*]One of the smaller PJB combos [*]A BB2 + decent amp [/list] [/quote] thats great thanks , hadn't thought of PA route, could use for other stuff to
  22. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1466332417' post='3074954'] Sorry but he's right, you're making this complicated not him. Why bother with a cab at all? Either DI and use plugins, or DI once you've gone through your pedals. People mic cabs because they like the colour they add to an otherwise potentially sterile recording, but if that's not your intention, the TV / camcorder analogy is correct. [/quote] Because i want to practise because i want to hear my bass, because I want an AMP AND CAB , did you even READ MY POST!!!
  23. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1466332443' post='3074956'] Phil Jones d400 with a Barefaced Big Baby 2... Sorted (mods you can now close the thread) [/quote] finally a decent suggestion !! i'll look into this!! thanks
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