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Everything posted by zawinul

  1. Well not a bass, but can certainly DO bass, a Moog sub phatty, always wanted a decent analog synth finally bagged a mint one on ebay!! Had to share with your peeps, any other synth bass lovers out there!? Z
  2. Cheers for that its very interesting. ...im still purplexed he switched to ibanez rather than wal!! Great player one of a kind!
  3. Is Adrian there? I sent him a long and detailed email and got no reply
  4. Is Adrian there? I sent him a long and detailed email and got no reply
  5. so what do the JG series basses look like? any pics?
  6. Dear baggyman Im interested in your bass but want to find out from Alan how much it would cost to fit a fretless neck on it as im only looking for a fretless! Add another pickup too perhaps. can you tell me the neck width at zero fret and also the depth of neck is it shallow? Cheers z
  7. Status, Wal, ACG, and Mayones, not in any order... Fodera & Warwick at £6-7,000 or more! are way overpriced, in the end its just wood, and electronics...but if you have to have a status symbol bass then like everything you have a decent choice!! I Haven;t owned anything high end except a Wal (fretless) which I stupidly let go.......but you could go second hand on a Wal and I'm sure would still play beautifully. Expertly made.
  8. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1438433825' post='2834503'] Yeah just return it. Be polite and say this bass had issues which you have proof of. Its a shame its turned out this way. If I was spending over 500 I would always look at a bass in person, looking at a bass in person also allows more negotiations, as well as being sure its what you want. [/quote] next time for sure in person even if it means travelling a lot!! lesson learned I guess
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1438428075' post='2834438'] Just return it and get something else... Seem like the best plan to me, it sounds like more hassle than its worth. Basses are supposed to be fun... This one is clearly not fulfilling that purpose for you so just get a different one. [/quote] Correct, at last the voice of reason!! Exactly its just a load of problems and it sounds like utter s***...money back NOW!
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438409605' post='2834272'] I can't see your photos, presumably of the battery compartment. PM me an email address and I'll put them up for you when I'm back. [/quote] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:197593] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:197593]
  11. how do i upload photos to a thread?
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1438423785' post='2834367'] There is another thread somewhere which details issues that the owner has with the neck. The ebony is a bit porous, there is a small knot visible, and there are some small gaps due to shrinkage where the ebony meets the fretlines. Edit: found it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/266726-please-look-at-the-ebony-board-on-new-streamer-bass-damaged/"]http://basschat.co.u...r-bass-damaged/[/url] [/quote] yes my thread, I was looking for advice.......... maybe it could be repaired but I'm not dropping £1500 on something that really isn't playable. Pretty reasonable i think. Next time I PLAY IT FIRST!!!!!!!!
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1438420277' post='2834335'] I'm ignorant of the 'history' of this bass, the seller or the shop involved but what is the problem with the neck? Is this an early 80's bass with a headstock break that was repaired in the past or is it a truss rod issue... or something else? I have to say that I've owned a couple of NT Streamer fretless basses and none of them had the top end zing/mwah that you get from say a BO bass; a bit like the fact that you get a different slap tone from a NT/BO bass. I'm not saying 'W' fretless basses are naff or you can't get a good fretless sound from them but some folks have a particular 'tone' in their head when they play fretless and maybe you'll never achieve the zingy mwah you want from a Streamer! [/quote] could be m certainly no zing at all, its just a 'dead; sound, though harmonics sound really good, the sound off the fretboard is terrible... sure I could get it repaired etc but just not going to keep it... I can get a full refund and look elsewhere, stress over
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1438418638' post='2834328'] OK. I'll give you £5 for it. [/quote] no way i'd be ripping you off mate, you can have it for £2.75....
  15. For the money I'm spending I want something in better condition to begin with. its difficuktt to explain but there is something 'wrong' with the sound of this thing. While it has huge sustain even with been strings just kind of die, which I put down to the neck sure I could get it 'repaired' but what if itnstillt had this dead tone? Im afraid you are wrong it's up to the shop to check the condition of the instrument especially as I am not able to see it and check it over. Fleeced is a bit emotional I grant you. The shop have been excellent in their communication. It's not buyers remorse. Id be happy to keep it if it sounded to and played as it should.. why don't you buy it off me and you can do all the repairs you sound like a real pro.....
  16. no from a shop, online...unseen... just from photos Never again...
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1438376235' post='2834163'] Battery connector replacement is 99p and 10 min DIY job... neck is other issue! [/quote] i just don;t want it it sounds dead to me, its old and not been at all looked after and I was fleeced... It hasn't put me off Warwick's, just don't want to have to resurrect one, not for the money I've laid out on it. If neck can;t be restored i've bought a total dud.... no thanks
  18. [sharedmedia=core:attachments:197582] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:197582] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:197582]
  19. can anyone tell me how can I upload photos to a thread, it keeps failing cheers
  20. So apart from the neck being damaged I now find the battery connection is totally corroded, not sure how if effects the sound but not good, see pics below This bass is going back, I've had it...this has broken my pathetic weak little back...... Can anyone please recommend a new fretless, active, slim neck, lined , ebony.... Cheers
  21. zawinul


    wait for the new VT 500 with sans amp pre-amp built in.... I think that'll be a goodie....not too expensive...
  22. why not get a kempler?
  23. Pleased to say I got a £100 refund from shop I bought bass from to pay for repair of neck so I'm pretty please with this outcome.... ahhh, sigh,,, and the ashes is on.....
  24. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1438104407' post='2831701'] I live in Dorset. Try Robin Greenwood, he does good repair work and I have an instrument made by him which is great quality. He's based near Poole - Courtyard Craft Centre, Lychett Minster. Otherwise the guys at Absolute Music are good too but more expensive. [/quote] Yeah absolute have already quoted me 150-200!!! thanks for the heads up i"ll give him an a email cheers
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