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Steve Lawson

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Everything posted by Steve Lawson

  1. Two new dates for October - 13th and 14th - if you want a whole weekend of bass-focussed learning, they will work together as a two day course! 13th is 'Tier one' for anyone who hasn't done B*B*C before (it's not ability-streamed at all) and Tier 2 is for anyone who's been to a Tier one class, or has had 5 or more one-on-one lessons with me. more info on the blog here - http://www.beyondbasscamp.com/2012/09/october-classes-and-a-new-structure-for-beyond-bass-camp/ see you soon Steve www.stevelawson.net
  2. Clatter are well worth a listen - bass/drums duo, and Amy who plays bass also sings. http://clatter.bandcamp.com Also Theories Of Rocketry by Flat Earth Agenda http://stevengbass.bandcamp.com/releases cheers Steve www.stevelawson.net
  3. Quick update - the Looping class this month has moved from Saturday July 28th to Sunday July 29th - I know a few of you had trouble with Saturday scheduling, so please let me know if this fits better... it's for any instrument and bassists are obviously most welcome... details here - http://www.beyondbasscamp.com/upcoming-classes/ Steve
  4. Hi Henry, good to see you here, sir - hope to see you soon, Steve
  5. I've had flats on my fretless 6 for 12 years - LOVE them. Had then on my fretted 6 for about 4 years too, and only changed them because I the basses sounded very similar, and I wanted a more drastic alternative to the fretless! I use Elites flats, which I think are some of the brightest - I liked the Labellas too, but didn't get on with some of the others that seemed a little too dark... I like to be able to get some bite by playing with my fingernails and I can still get a really nice slap sound with the Elites too... plenty of sparkle when I need it... It also feels like the treble boost 'sparkle' switch on the John East U-Retro was made for flats - adds just the right kind of 'air' to the sound to give the tone an acoustic vibe. Lovely. Steve
  6. oops, sorry I missed the last post here - yes, the LP1 is the one (the LP2 pedal is coming out soon, but is a single mono output, as far as I know...) - the LP1 is on a production hiatus at the moment, while the OS is rewritten... should be relaunched later in the year. So for now, the Boss stuff is WAY easier to get hold off (though there was someone selling a *really* cheap LP1 on one of the Facebook looping groups the other day..) and will cost a lot less dough... Enjoy! Steve www.stevelawson.net
  7. ...here's the extra detail for the Looping class - http://www.beyondbasscamp.com/2012/06/looping-masterclass-28th-july-the-details/ cheers! Steve
  8. Have just announced two dates for July - the 14th is a normal B*B*C bass masterclass, and on the 28th I'm doing a class focused on looping, for any instrument (bassists most welcome!) details are on the blog - http://www.beyondbasscamp.com/2012/06/bbc-classes-for-july-2012-bass-and-looping-classes/ cheers Steve www.stevelawson.net
  9. there are a number of hardware and software options - software, you could do it all using a laptop running Ableton live and either Mobius or SooperLooper. Or any other looping plug-in, there are quite a few now... With syncing multiple machines, the new Boss floor unit, i think, has MIDI - as does this one http://www.strymon.net/2012/04/30/looping-with-strymon-timeline/ (no experience with the Strymon at all, so just going on what's on the site). Or there's the Looperlative, which is what I use - which has one stereo input, but three different outputs, to which each of the 8 stereo pairs are assignable. I manage to loop me and whoever else I happen to be playing with into the Looperlative, and post-process them separately. I use a MOTU Ultralite Mk III as the mixer at the heart of my set up (which means I can also record everything multitracked). The Looperlative does have external sync, but it's a little flakey at the moment - Bob who makes them is redesigning the OS at the moment, and it should fix the sync-drift problems... Steve www.stevelawson.net
  10. Thanks to a cancellation, there's one space left for the Beyond Bass Camp class on June 9th - if anyone is interested, let me know! Steve www.stevelawson.net
  11. The May class is now full, and there's one place left for June 9th... more classes to be announced soon Steve
  12. Hi all, you may remember a couple of years ago, I did a teaching series in London called Beyond Bass Camp. It went v. well, and I'd intended to run it again while still living down there, but parenting, gigs and other work got in the way. Anyway, I'm starting it up again in Birmingham. First two dates have been announced for May/June, with all the details on the Beyond Bass Camp blog - http://www.beyondbasscamp.com/?p=all any questions, let me know. Steve www.stevelawson.net
  13. if there's any way I can be of help with the dissertation, do let me know. Sounds pretty interesting to me Steve
  14. Was lovely to meet so many basschat people at the weekend! I can't remember anyone's usernames here, and am sorry to anyone who caught me as I was running from one place to another. Was a silly busy weekend, and I completely missed seeing some old friends all together. All in though, what an amazing event! I've been to a LOT of bass-day type events round the world, and it's one of the best organised with the most exciting vibe. The noise on the expo floor is ridiculous, but I'm not that sure how they'd get past that. I was really inspired by Yolanda Charles, Jon Thorne and Doug Wimbish's masterclass sessions... all three gave some serious food for thought and quotes I'll remember for a long time. Special thanks to all of you who were so encouraging about the masterclass - really glad you enjoyed it. Was a whole lot of fun to do, and I think Dave Marks will post some video of it v. soon Hope those of you who bought the 'everything stevie' USB stick are enjoying the mammoth amounts of music See y'all soon Steve
  15. ...have just updated the title of this thread to reflect where I now live and teach Get in touch if you want lessons in the Midlands. (I am planning to still teach on occasion in London, but it'll be infrequent...) cheers! Steve
  16. I'll be there both days - just hanging out and maybe playing a couple of times on the MarkBass stand on Saturday, then doing a masterclass on Sunday morning. Look forward to saying hi to a a few old and new friends Steve www.stevelawson.net
  17. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1324081223' post='1470793'] I'm not sure if I entirely understand why Steve has taken his music off Spotify - the precise difference between the low payout per stream (which he doesn't object to) and the role of the majors in dictating the payout policy (which he does object to) is maybe a bit too subtle for me. [/quote] Like I said, it's about fair trade. It's the difference between 'fair to me' and 'fair'. If by listening to my music, people are generating revenue for the very organisations who are lobbying so hard to censor the internet in ways that will ruin an awful lot of good and legal things about it, and for the right to do so with impunity and across international boundaries, I don't want to be a part of that. I don't want my music to be used to make money for them, even if it was also making money for me or allowing me to be 'discovered'. As it is (in reference to a later comment in this thread), I have no evidence (as I mentioned in the post) that Spotify was working as a unique discovery point for my music. I also said that at this point, for me, the fair trade argument is more important to me than the vague possibility that some people will discover me on Spotify. If I had evidence that over the last two years of me being on spotify, they'd caused x number of people to come to my shows/start reading my blog/buy or download my music from my site, then it would possibly have been a slightly harder decision to make, but my guess is that I'd have arrived at the same point. I don't think a Spotify-type service run largely to the benefit of the major labels and their lobbyists is good for music, good for culture or good for the internet. At that point, whether or not it's 'good' for me on any speculative level is moot. Steve
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1324068556' post='1470629'] Sorry for Steve but major labels don't hope that he will cease to exist as they are probably unaware of his existence in the first place. edit for tin hat [/quote] As someone else pointed out, you read it wrong - I hope they cease to exist. I have little to no concern what anyone within that particular world thinks of me. As you say, the vast likelihood is that very few people there have any idea who I am, or any inclination to find out. Steve
  19. Hi Marvin, thanks very much! So glad you enjoyed that. that was all kinds of fun to do - what a great show! Was a real treat to get to play with Joe on trumpet too - I met him about 5 minutes before we did that tune, he was playing banjo with the Wagon Tales, but is a trumpeter that plays with Andy Williamson who was on sax. We had two great gigs down in Cornwall and Devon, so hopefully we'll be back soon! cheers Steve www.stevelawson.net
  20. that's an excellent video, thanks - I've used bass-ified versions of all three exercises, both in my own practice, and for teaching. Still do - really useful stuff. That snare solo at the end is awesome! I wanted him to keep playing for another 5 minutes like that Steve
  21. That's great Steve - drop me a line as soon as you want to start 'tother Steve. www.stevelawson.net
  22. [b]Quick update:[/b] Am now firmly installed in Stirchley, Birmingham - taught my first lesson here last night, so all is well. Drop me a line if you want to book something in. We're very close to Bournville Rail, so easy to get to if you're coming from out of town (Bournville is 12 mins from Birmingham New Street, so if you come via train to New Street, you just change there). We haven't got a proper internet connection yet (Virgin Cable take a long time to get their s*** together), but as soon as we do, I'll be doing Skype lessons here too. And on occasion I'll be teaching in London... more on that ASAP. Steve
  23. A lot depends on what features you need, if you've already got music in mind... If you're going to be doing long loops, then that knocks out the Akai Headrush and Line6 DL4, even though they are both very 'musical' pedals to use. I love using the DL4, especially with an expression pedal hooked up as well (can then do fades, and/or bring in and out delay over the loop). For the longer loop time pedals, Boss and Digitech have both recently revamped their lines, so I've not had a chance to try them out yet - the RC20xl was a pretty well designed pedal (though about 1 in 5 times I see someone use it they've accidentally turned on the metronome, and you get an effing loud snare drum instead of the first loop...). The RC50 was 'nearly' great. Too many glitches in the software to be truly magic, and now they've discontinued it. Great things can be done with it though - I guested with beatboxer Shlomo on his show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and he gets some serious mileage from it. Digitech have a new larger looper with delays in in as well - looks to be half way between the earlier jamman pedal and the DL4. Def. worth a look. The Looperlative is unbelievable, but a serious investment. Nothing in the hardware world comes close (though there are a few cool software loopers around, if you trust your laptop/OS enough. I don't ) There's also the Gibson Echoplex, Electrix Repeater and Lexicon JamMan if you're buying used, but check out the feature set on each of them first... cheers Steve www.stevelawson.net
  24. OK, looks like we've found a place and are moving first week(ish) in Sept. So teaching from about the 12th Sept in Stirchley. Until the end of the month, I'm still available in London, and will hopefully still be doing a day a month down here after I move (TBC). Drop me a line if you want to book something in in Brum or London Steve www.stevelawson.net
  25. ...for those who can't get to London or Brum and still want a lesson or 10, I'm now teaching via Skype too... see here for info: [url="http://www.stevelawson.net/2011/07/teaching-bass-via-skype/"]http://www.stevelawson.net/2011/07/teaching-bass-via-skype/[/url] Steve
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