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Everything posted by jimmy23cricket

  1. Dad 3353 is exactly right. Any "professional" muso is expected to have learnt some as part of their training/career as they give you the "building blocks" to play pretty much anything. Hence band leaders referring to them so casually (although I suspect they are probably bluffing about knoowing them too) No one is actually going to have heard of most of the songs unless you were born circa 1925.....or have studied music theory. But, ultimately the question does stand....does the idea of "standards" need to be looked at again to include the likes of My Sharona and Mustang Sally or be more genre specific.
  2. its the Jazz standards they are referring too. You need to know and perform a specified number as part of most music qualifications... Autumn Leaves and the rest of that ilk...........
  3. I suppose the other option is to go for the LTD stream (rather than the full hadmade ESP one pictured). They released these a coule of years back. Think they were around the £1000 mark. Maybe not quite as exotic, but still quite tasty in my opinion!
  4. Look on the Japanese ESP site. Its under the ESP products (after some google translation required). I enquired about these a while ago and they will send one over, however the cost comes in close to £4000, which is a bit rich for me. I'll stick with my LTD Pancho Tomaselli custom jazz!
  5. I agree with all said above, but the flip side was that I was after a modern bright sounding p/j bass, so it completely worked for me. It might be worth adding that the both pick ups on these are placed quite far back and close togeather. I believe that is why you may struggle to get a more vintage type sound from it without flats or semis. It is an agressive bright sounding thing thats built like a tank too. Not finished exceptionally, but it has a look which is cool.
  6. I have one of these. Opted for one over a Sandberg and US Fender due to the fact it runs P/J EMG's (which work for me) I can say that they are very good basses. Good size neck, lots of sound options and quite well put togeather with good components. Really dig the retro/modern take on it and gets lots of comments from folk. It is quite heavy for a modern bass, but I kind of like that.
  7. Its with a heavy heart that I must do this, but I am selling this great rig to free up some funds for another project. Head The amp is the legendary all tube Laney Nexus. Rated at 400w at either 2, 4 or 8 ohm. It has a whopping 8 KT88's bottles booting out the power and a further 4 knocking about in the pre-amp stage. This amp is very versatile with multiple switchable options up front. You can run the FET channel or the tube channel in isolation or combine both for some real grind. There are foot switchable options for upper and lower mid boost as well as para eq and compressor. There is a also switchable controls presence and deep (sub) frequencies on the power stage. There are some great reviews on the amp knocking around, so have a look for yourself. All I can say is that its possibly the best sounding and most versatile amp I have ever heard. Condition is as expected for a used amp. There are some rips and bashes on the tolex and the previous owner marked his settings with a few dots on the control panel (you can hardly see them). After I purchased it I sent it back to Laney HQ for a service in May 2017 (I have the emails and receipts if you need to see them) . They replaced a few parts and re-biased, but all tubes are ok with plenty of life left. It is also worth noting that if the compressor is run at higher volume for any length of time, occasionally some soft popping noises come through the cab. I mentioned this at the service, but Laney could not find any issues (gloriously). It not a major issue for me anyway as I run an external comp (and you can switch it out with the foot controller) Of course, being tube, this is no lightweight. However the way the handles are designed make it seem easier to transport (for me anyway). Also has a roqsolid cover that was for a SVT head, but works quite well with the Laney. Footswitch also included. Cab Is the flagship of the Hydrive range, the mighty 810. This is rated 2000w at 4ohms RMS. This is really a lovely cab. Very punchy due to the design (its four 8x10 sealed cabs on top of one another) and has a high frequency tweeter if that's your thing. Does clean hi-fi and grit with ease. Has neo magnets, casters and pull bar so isn't a complete back killer. Its still a one man move for me at least (for now). Condition is used. Some rips and tears on the tolex, but not absolutely thrashed. Sound wise, its perfect. I'm happy to split, so looking for £550 for the head and £300 for the cab. Also, the rig is near Hemel Hempstead. Thanks
  8. Satin to start for me. I find that after playing for a few months the oils and friction from your hands kind of give it a polished matt finish which is just about perfect.
  9. Hello, Looking for more intermediate to advanced lessons. Particularly around theory/harmony/scales/arpeggios Thanks
  10. @Max Normal. As I bought it from Bugera direct, it came with a 3 year warranty. Taking it to a tech would have voided that. As mentioned, I really wanted it to work as I overall feel the sound was good and I rate their stuff (I feel the bad rap that thes amps get is not warranted) Had I bought it second hand, I would have had it to a tech to sort as I feel there were minor issues that could be fixed. The general impression I get with Bugera stuff is that if it goes wrong, it goes wrong quickly (and your warranty kicks in). If it works, it works well for years. My gut feel is that buying recondtioned amps was not a good idea as they were the ones that had gone wrong early and been returned! Anyway, I hope the OP has all the luck and it works for years as I feel on the whole they are awsome amps (and upgradeable!)
  11. Have had 3 since Christmas! Bought one from Bugera Kidderminster (reconditioned) and had a microphonic valve. Instead of just sending me a new set of valves, they sent me a whole new amp. That one blew up the second I switched it on. They then sent me another one, that valve replacement lights went on within 3 days of receiving it. Opted to get a refund. It's a shame as I rate Bugera stuff (I have 2 guitar amps) and really wanted them to work. They sounded great when they worked. Also, customer service was amazing. Hope it works out for you, I've gone with a Laney Nexus tube in the end.
  12. Just bought a Pre Sonus valve preamp from Tony. Really good comms and safe delivery (excellent packaging!). Highly recommended. Cheers
  13. Cheers Huge Hands, I quite like the challenge of having to neaten (as that a word??) up your technique a bit to stop random string hits and ringing open notes! I'm just finding what I found many years ago (with my first foray into 5'ers) that I hardly touch the low B and end up playing it like a 4 string. It was an impule purchase to be honest (good value these are) and figured maybe someone who wants to give fivers a go would be better off with it.
  14. I was aware of the blemish, it didn't bother me to be honest as it felt quite in all other respects.
  15. Hello, [b]WITHDRAWN[/b] More gear clear out. Cabs are in Hertfordshire near Hemel Hempstead I have two Hydrive 112 cabinets to go. These have the switchable impedence and are rated at 300 watts @ 8 ohms with adjustable horns. Good punchy cabs, I just prefer 15's. One is in very good condition and the other has a few dings and some minor lifting tolex (see pictures). I also have one Roqsolid cover. I seem to have lost the other one somewhere. Pick up preferred due to weight. Also happy to split. Thanks
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